I was recently on the Stew Peters Show discussing how Canada is moving towards euthanizing Canadian children without parental consent, and how this is being led by Trudeau Liberal Senators and Liberal members of parliament. (click here)
A key Covid vaccine case is moving to the discovery phase after a U.S. judge rejected a bid by Moderna to dismiss some of the patent infringement claims against it
United Airlines Flight 2007 from Guatemala to Chicago had to be diverted on March 11th due to the pilot becoming ‘incapacitated’ due to suffering chest pains
I first really encountered economist Peter Navarro (pictured) very early in the COVIDcrisis outbreak during 2020, when he contacted one of my clients seeking sources for ramping up domestic manufacturing of hydroxychloroquine.
Yesterday I briefly participated in a St. Patrick’s Day Parade as I made my way to the Bethel Christian Fellowship Church in Rochester, New York, where Dr. Peter McCullough, Steve Kirsch, VAERS whistleblower Deborah Conrad, Brownstone Institute President Jeffrey Tucker, and lawyer Bobby Ann Cox gave presentations.
A Stanford quango that styles itself the “Virality Project” has appointed itself to stamp out COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy by issuing policy prescriptions to social media platforms.
On Saturday, Jack Posobiec posted a screenshot of a now-deleted 2018 tweet from Greta Thunberg, which linked to an article predicting humans would go extinct by 2023 due to climate change.
Approximately 92 percent of Americans who took a COVID-19 vaccine have mRNA injected into their bodies with absolutely no idea on where it would go, how long would it last, and what price would be paid for having foreign genetic code loaded on lipid nanoparticles in human circulation.