Author Archive

Wireless Radiation Sickness Gets a New Name: ‘EMR Syndrome’

Written by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.


The OneName Project brought together people living with wireless radiation sickness, leading wireless radiation experts, safe technology advocates and medical professionals to choose a single, unifying, non-stigmatizing term for illness caused by exposure to wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields

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AI: A Black Box Tool for Propaganda

Written by Dr Wilson Sy

Like other computer models, such as the IPCC climate models and the more recent Oxford COVID-19 epidemiological models, current artificial intelligence models operate as black-box systems, generating outputs based on given data inputs and modeling assumptions. They can be used as tools of propaganda

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WSJ Editorial Says RFK, Jr is ‘dangerous to public health’

Written by John Leake

In the course of 2024, the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board expressed signs that it is not entirely composed of venal nitwits who are owned by military-industrial, financial, and pharmaceutical interests. Especially encouraging were Opinion pieces enumerating the evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was, in fact, produced in a lab

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