As Serious COVID Vaccine Side Effects Grow Dr Fauci Disappears

Dr. Anthony Fauci – the medical tyrant who never missed an opportunity to show his face on camera – has all of a sudden disappeared from the limelight, but why?

In this video, the question is raised as to whether or not Fauci’s disappearance may have something to do with the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research recent release of the 55,000 pages of documents that expose the clinical trials data which Pfizer provided to the FDA in order to receive its vaccine license.

The FDA attempted to suppress the release of this data for 75 years under the claim of “limited resources,” but U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman dealt a major blow to the New World Order’s plans by forcing the FDA to release the documents.

Included in those documents is a 38-page report which lists 1,291 deadly side effects that can stem from taking the vaccine.

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines, said that the concealment of these risks from the general public constitutes fraud.

He adds that massive amounts of propaganda have been used to keep all this information from you.

Dr. Peter McCullough, meanwhile, points to the massive spike in vaccine deaths and says it is beyond “any shadow of a doubt that the [COVID] vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths.”

What is Fauci’s role in all of this and why has he gone underground?

Is the once omnipresent Doctor now fearful of having to answer any questions related to what he knew about these documents, and why he has allowed the American people to take these deadly vaccines?

To see the video, click here:

Bold emphasis added

Header image: Greg Nash

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    “What is Fauci’s role in all of this and why has he gone underground?”

    Isn’t it obvious? The pandemic portion of the NWOs “Great Reset” is over (for now), its played out. Its only purpose was to get lemmings to inject themselves with gene therapy at a global level- who knows how that’ll play out long term. The damage was done. The damage continues to be done to the economy from this and now liberals love complete fascist government control. Now…

    …On to the next war and possible WWIII. Already the writing is on the wall that the dollar will go bust soon. They’ll blame “muh Russians” of course. But you can’t keep printing money backed by nothing but a promise of future generations work ethic. And future generations who will not look like the average white working class nor will they want to work like them. Why work when you can get a hand out?? Morals and ethics etc… take generations to instill. Your average fence jumper has none and will likely never have any. I know 4th generation Mexicans that never learned English ffs, why would they? They hold allegiance to Mexico!

    No. The real question is what’s next? What will be the next global farce?? What will ensure we give up all our rights and submit for life to some ruling class that thinks they know best???


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      Kone Wone


      Maybe, as Ron DeSantis has suggested (only half in jest), he’s gone into ‘witness protection’.
      He can seriously damage a lot of people of power.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Kone Wone:
        Not a chance. Fauci has been the leading figure in the fake germ theory Rockefeller big Pharma medical scams since Richard Nixon’s (Nelson Rockefeller’s shill) great “War On Cancer.” After beating that dead horse for years, Fauci led the criminal CDC team with the invention of the fake AIDS “epidemic” that brought hundreds of billions of tax money into the insiders pockets, and laid the ground work for the new fake viruses coming down the pipeline. When all of this medical corruption was exposed by PCR inventor Mullis, the CDC figured they could buy him off with the Nobel Prize to shut the hell up. Mullis had stated that he was going to do more interviews regarding the AIDS scam, shortly before the fake covid was sprang. Three months before the covid narrative was switched on, Mullis died “unexpectedly.” Although Luk Montanier of fake HIV fame had gone along with the scam since the beginning, when he balked at injecting the graphene oxide death shot in children, he expired suddenly as well.

        Five Presidents, four in Africa and one in the Caribbean (forget which one) also died of heart complications after refusing to go along with the covid plan. No problem. None of them were essential like a Trump, Boris, or Turdo.


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    Mark Tapley


    Fauci, the highest paid federal employee may end up being the fall guy, like Rumsfeld was when the 2.3 trillion went missing from the “defense” department (Israeli Foreign Legion) the day before the switch was pulled for 911. One aspect of the fake virus that lots of people don’t realize, is that just as the 911 psy op covered the massive theft of tax money, the fake virus covered up trillions of “stimulus” monetized debt by the banking cartel to their associates at Black Rock – Vanguard (Rothschilds). They (just like in 08-09) are buying up commercial real estate, businesses and dozens of prime home subdivisions (real assets) with all the fiat money our shabbas butt goy congress authorized handing them. The same thing can be said for big Pharma (all controlled by the same investment interlock). They have had hundreds of billions of tax money dumped on them along with insiders such as Gates who brags about his “vaccine” profits that has doubled his wealth to 100 billion in ten years. Where is it headed? Once all the useless eaters have been plundered on the global plantation, its time to move the livestock on into the Agenda 2030-21 holding pen – permanently.


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