An Aether Perspective on Stellar Aberration

Cosmic Adventure 4.5 Proving the Lights

Abstract.  It has been known for nearly three centuries that, to view a clear image of a star through a telescope, it is necessary to tilt the telescope slightly forward in the direction of the earth’s motion, a phenomenon known as “stellar aberration.” 

Normally explained by mainstream physics without the presence of an aether medium for light transport and with relativistic corrections due to time dilation/length contraction via Lorentz transforms, this article examines stellar aberration from the perspective of an aether presence, including both a stationary and fully entrained aether, as well as the intermediate case of a partially entrained (“dragged”) aether. Comparison is made with the parallel cases without an aether, with the option to allow light to acquire its source velocity.

Key Words:  Stellar aberration, (James) Bradley, telescope, aether, light


“In 1725 James Bradley … began observations … [u]sing a telescope attached to a chimney so that it pointed nearly vertically[.  H]e changed the position of the telescope very slightly, and very accurately measured its change in position using a screw and plumb-line; and over the course of a year or so found that the star did indeed vary in position … [T]he apparent positions … shifted in the direction of the Earth’s motion, … the same for every star in a given region, regardless of its distance.” [1]  While this “stellar aberration” is explained by mainstream physics relativistically via time dilation/length contraction using Lorentz transforms, alternate theories have been proposed (e.g., [2 and 3]).  This article examines stellar aberration in the presence of an aether – stationary, fully entrained and partially entrained (“dragged”) – to show that the tilting of the telescope in the direction of earth’s motion is consistent with either a stationary or partially entrained (“dragged” aether).  For comparison, it then examines the parallel cases without an aether, with the option to allow light to acquire its source velocity.


Consider Figure 1, where a stationary star pulses once, sending out a spherical (displayed as circular in two dimensions) light wave at speed c through a stationary aether.  Relative to the star (and stationary aether), a telescope is moving at constant speed v as shown such that the light pulse through the aether reaches the top of the telescope when it is in the second position, as shown on the left portion of the figure.  During the time it takes for that pulse to travel the length of the telescope to reach the bottom (eyesight), the telescope continues to move with speed v to the third position on the left.  As shown, the telescope when vertical no longer aligns with the star.  Now consider the right portion of the figure, where the telescope has been tilted forward in the direction of motion.  Again, the light pulse reaches the top of the telescope when it is in the second position, now slightly to the right of previous (i.e., in the left portion of the figure).  During the time it takes for that pulse to reach the bottom (eyesight), the telescope continues to move left with speed v to the third position.  However, now it is aligned with the star.  That is, by tilting the telescope forward to compensate for its motion relative to the star and stationary aether, the star’s image can be clearly seen.

The record holder is …  the New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper belt.  Launched by NASA in 2006, it shot directly to a solar system escape velocity.  This consisted of an Earth-relative launch of 16.26 kilometers a second (that’s about 36,000 miles per hour), plus a velocity component from Earth’s orbital motion (which is 30 km/s tangential to the orbital path).  Altogether this set New Horizons barreling off into the solar system with an impressive heliocentric speed of almost 45 km/s or 100,000 miles per hour.” [9]

Unlike Case 1, the telescope now moves with a fully entrained aether shown as a green sphere (circle).  When the pulse from the star reaches the top of the telescope (second position), it pulses the telescope’s aether (shown as a smaller, hollow star), initiating another spherical (circular) light wave at speed c (dashed sphere [circle]) that travels down the telescope to reach the eyesight at the bottom (a smaller, hollow star again), such that the star’s image is seen without tilting the telescope (third position on the left).


Intermediate between Cases 1 and 2, the telescope now moves with a partially entrained (“dragged”) aether moving at speed u < v, shown as green arrows in Figure 4.  When the pulse from the star reaches the top of the “dragged” aether (first position), it pulses that aether (shown as a smaller, solid hollow star), initiating another spherical (circular) light wave at speed c.  This (dotted sphere [circle]) propagates until reaching the top of the telescope (smaller, dotted hollow star) as the telescope has proceeded to the left at speed v, partially “catching up” to the aether pulse also proceeding to the left, but at speed u < v (second position).  Finally, the pulse reaches the eyesight at the bottom (smaller, dashed hollow star), such that the star’s image is seen after tilting the telescope forward, but to a lesser degree than for the stationary aether (third position on the left), as follows.  For example,

two at the extremes.  If the aether is stationary (u = 0) as in the Case 1, the telescope must be tilted forward at 0.00300 rad (0.172 deg); for the fully entrained aether (u = v) as in Case 2, no tilt of the telescope is needed.


This case, shown in Figure 5, parallels Case 1, except that now the star is moving to the right with velocity u and there is no aether.  Comparison with Figure 1 from Case 1 indicates parallel results, i.e., to observe the star clearly, the telescope must be tilted forward in its direction of motion by 0.00300 rad, or 0.172 deg, as in Figure 2.  Based solely on observation, the parallel results for Cases 1 and 4 would not permit one to distinguish between them as to an aether’s presence.

Still, it is necessary to tilt the telescope at essentially the same angle (0.00300 rad = 0.172 deg) as in Cases 1, 4 and 5 to observe the star clearly.


Bradley showed that it was necessary to tilt the telescope forward in its direction of motion relative to the essentially stationary star to obtain a clear image.  As an alternative to the mainstream explanation of this “stellar aberration” using relativistic time dilation/length contraction via Lorentz transforms, this article examines the phenomenon as if an aether medium for light transport were present – including the extreme cases of a stationary vs. fully entrained aether, and the intermediate case for a partially entrained (“dragged”) aether.  Results indicate consistency with either a stationary or partially entrained (“dragged”) aether, depending upon the degree of tilting that would be necessary.  However, note the following.  So long as the telescope must be tilted forward to cleanly observe the star, it will be difficult to distinguish between light carried by a stationary or partially entrained (“dragged”) aether vs. light that travels without an aether, regardless of whether it acquires its source velocity (so long as that velocity is << c).

  1. “Bradley’s Discovery of Stellar Aberration,” http://com/text/history/bradley.htm).
  2. Marmet, “Stellar Aberration and Einstein’s Relativity,”
  3. “Stellar Aberration,”
  4. “Earth Orbit Velocity,”
  5. “How Fast is the Earth Moving?”
  6. “At What Speed does the Earth Move about the Sun?”
  7. “Considering the Motion of the Earth, the Solar System, and the Galaxy, how Fast am I Moving while Lying in Bed Asleep?”
  8. “The Milky Way is Moving through the Universe at 2.1 Million Kilometers per Hour,”
  9. “The Fastest Spacecraft Ever?”
  10. “Milky Way,”

Author contact details:  [email protected], [email protected]

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Comments (6)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Raymond,

    First I must admit that I have not read beyond the abstract. I have not done so because I have read that the sun rises before it should because of the known phenomenon of refraction by which the atmosphere’s index of refraction bends the path of light as the light passes through the atmosphere . Hence, given this plausible explanation about the probable influence of our atmosphere which I know does exist, I question any productive consideration of the possible influence of something, between our atmosphere and a star which I do not know if it (the something) exists.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Raymond H Gallucci


      In a similar vein, mainstream physics has long held that it is gravity, and not the sun’s “atmosphere” (corona) that confirmed the predicted amount bending of starlight during an eclipse that was used to “prove” Einstein’s relativity, even after the corona was discovered. The work of physicists such as the following have shown that conclusion to have been premature:


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    James DeMeo


    Thanks very much for your article. In writing my own book on The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space, I came to appreciate Bradley’s argument, and never could accept the metaphysical explanations from the Einstein camp. Have you considered that the ether may be increasing its density as it is entrained close to the Earth’s surface? I argue for a partially entrained ether, more like Foucault, who debated with Stokes on that issue, but the idea of increased density close to planetary or stellar objects seems rational. Lorentz at one time held that view, before mystifying things with a “contraction” theory that was totally unnecessary, given that Michelson-Morley actually got a positive result, and Miller years later confirmed it with an even higher velocity, using an improved interferometer design. A condensed layer of cosmic ether close to the Earth’s surface would force some changes into the calculations. I believe this is the case with stellar bending of starlight, through a condensed ether-layer around the Sun, and it applies in a few other cases which is troublesome to the Einstein theory. Again, thanks!


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      Herb Rose


      Hi James”
      The “aether” that light propagates in is the magnetic and electric fields given off by every objection in the universe composed of matter and energy. (matter gives an object substance while energy gives it structure. A Neutron is a a molecule made from a proton and an electron without energy. When energy is added it becomes a hydrogen atom.) These fields (electric/matter and energy/magnetic) extend from an object (decreasing with distance) until they encounter the fields from another object of equal strength. Any disturbance in one object’s field will transmit to the fields of an adjacent object. The speed of light is determined by the strength of the fields in which it travels. A red shift is produced when a disturbance travels further in weakening fields while a blue shift results from the wave traveling further in fields of increasing strength.


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      Raymond H Gallucci


      James, while I myself have not looked into varying density aether, I know that this has been postulated thanks to the experiments you cite. There are also theorists who contend that aether flows into and out of a body such as the Earth, which might also involve changing aether density. In fact, I looked at one such theory on PSI in the following:

      Gallucci, R. 2017. “Plausibility of Shaw’s ‘Aether Concept of Gravity,’”; (April 17, 2018); Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Chappell Natural Philosophy Society Conference, June 26-29, 2019, Seattle, WA, pp. 82-86.


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    James DeMeo


    PS. Error in my comment above, I meant to say Fresnel, not Foucault.


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