American Otolaryngologist Says Covid is Flu Re-branded

Occasionally, I find pithy articles that wonderfully capture the essence of the COVID plandemic. This one from Dr Howard David Stupak, an American otolaryngologist, is just such and worth sharing in my opinion.

Why “plandemic”? Or perhaps “fakedemic” is more appropriate in this context? It’s not a term we use frivolously. Here, Dr Stupak presents a cogent argument that COVID is/was simply a severe influenza-like-illness (ILI), the likes of which anonymously make up 70 percent of seasonal viral activity every year in the northern hemisphere.

This supports the emerging hypothesis, that I have referred to a few times recently, that much of the excess mortality associated with COVID is actually due to the over-reaction rather than to the disease itself which was most likely circulating well before deaths spiked in a globally co-ordinated fashion in March 2020.

To coin a term from Mathew Crawford, it all adds to my “knowledge-scaffolding”, making me ever more comfortable with the insights and conclusions I draw from my own analyses of mortality data.

Abridged Conclusion

The medical and public health establishment have not deviated from the trajectory triggered by an early Lancet article on isolating individuals, absurdly attempting to link masking and “distancing” and the most profitable treatments of choice to disease cessation and falsely attempting to disconnect the regional parabolic incidence curves from seasonality via censoring and media manipulation.

There are obviously those who would like this period to never end. This includes clinicians, who through their over-sized role do not wish to have a reversal in the specialness in the “heroism” of their service, with reduction of the virus to simply a severe season of ILI.

There are those in leadership positions that have obviously seen that by continuing the theatre, they can continue their illusion of disease causality of human behavior and not environmental factors, not only saving face in light of their error, but frequently endless garnering attention from the masses.

Finally, the profiteers from the “pandemic” as a special entity are the most subversive, masquerading as humanitarians, but mostly obsessed with selling mitigation products — forever.

These strong lobbies have demanded nothing short of deference and obedience from the public, censuring disagreement and threatening workers and students with loss of career and opportunity with non-compliance. They have avoided discussion, standing only on the laurels of position and past education, quickly silencing dissenters as “fringe”.

This is nothing short of a battle to restore the prior world of scientific discussion and freedom from closed parks and schools, or forced masking for the public, as the truth is sought.

Incidentally, like me, Dr Stupak came to this conclusion as early as June 20201. Imagine what societal damage could have been avoided if the public health authorities had been honest.



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Comments (5)

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    jamie cronin


    Same here! I told my chemist it was simply seasonal flu…needless to say she did not agree.


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    America’s Frontline Doctors spoke to numerous funeral home directors over the last two years and the consensus is that they all have witnessed grossly exaggerated COVID mortality figures and suppression of information within the industry, and that the only time deaths actually skyrocketed coincided with the start of the vaccine campaign:

    There has been very very few deaths before the vaccinations started , deaths have been like every other year. We have seen no increase at all in deaths just the causes have completely changed . Over the last two years nearly every death whether it’s regular flu , accidents , suicide etc.. is listed as covid even when the deaths clearly have nothing to do with covid .


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    The Health establishment claims over 1 million deaths due to Covid. How is that?


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    This is your wakeup call


    From the article above- QUOTE:
    “Here, Dr Stupak presents a cogent argument that COVID is/was simply a severe influenza-like-illness (ILI), the likes of which anonymously make up 70 percent of seasonal viral activity every year in the northern hemisphere.”
    Viruses? Come on controlled opposition, viruses do not exist.
    As long as Big Pharma and their ghouls in the medical system monopoly can convince the sheeple that viruses exist, then vaccines will be a thing. Masks will be a thing. Lock downs will be a thing. So will “social distancing”.
    All these quack “doctors”, nurses, clinicians and virologists must have been indoctrinated with a lobotomy along with their certifications and licenses. They seem to believe that viruses exist. Influenza being one of these mystical viruses that simply do not exist.
    Terrain theory explains what is happening when one feels sick. It is simply the bodies way of detoxing from pollution, toxins, bad food, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, too much sugar, etc.
    When you are sick what happens?
    Fever to kill off bad bacteria.
    Runny nose and mucus discharge to purge your lymphatic system.
    Diarrhea to cleanse your digestive system.
    Big Pharma loves to sell you garbage that makes your detox short circuit.
    They sell you fever reducers to stop your body from killing off bad bacteria.
    They sell you meds to dry up your lymphatic system discharges / cleanses.
    They sell you anti-diarrhea to stop your digestive system purge / cleanse.
    This could be described as having a relapse and getting sicker when you use their poisons designed to make you sicker and short circuit your bodies natural cleanse and detox.
    It’s madness! Yet so many run to the Pharmacy for all that junk when ever they believe they “caught” a cold or Flu (which do not exist at all).
    As far as people thinking that they spread their “bug” or “virus” to others it’s not happening. What does happen is that the body senses another going through a detox and sends a signal triggering the start of a natural cleanse if and when that body is toxic enough to require one.
    That is why some folks seem to get sick often. They are frequently over toxic due to stress, diet, vices, big pharma drugs, vaccines, lack of sleep, lack of sunshine, lack of exercise, dehydration, etc.
    And others seem to never get sick due to a healthy diet, daily exercise, sun exposure, adequate sleep, controlled stress levels, vitamins, supplements, coffee enemas, colon cleanses, juicing, fasts, etc.
    Stop calling the scamdemic a re-branded Flu. That is incorrect.
    Viruses have never been isolated, purified and identified. EVER. And they never will. They do not exist.
    It’s all a scam to sell drugs, vaccines and sicken and kill off as much of humanity as possible.
    If you are not an anti-vaxxer or an anti-big Pharma drug type, now is the time to proudly proclaim that you are.
    It’s a label of not being a sheep.


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