TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying Bows Out w/Hugh McCarthy
On TNT Radio’s final episode of Sky Dragon Slaying featured retired Northern Ireland school principal (headteacher), Hugh McCarthy, who adroitly eviscerates the insane government pandemic policies that closed schools and harmed children. Never again!
With his informed insight as a professional educator and qualified scientist, Hugh McCarthy has worked tirelessy since early 2020 to counter the bias of mainsteam media propaganda and government ‘experts’.
Many of his mask articles concentrate on whether they prevent illness or transmission or indeed whether they are necessary – this article, available HERE, concentrates on an under-reported issue, namely that they are harmful, as a recent Cochrane review emphasized “more attention should be paid to describing and quantifying the harms” that may come from wearing masks.
The full one-hour interview of Hugh McCarthy on March 10, 2024 can be heard at
The general theme of the discussion was the clear absence/unwillingness among the ruling classes – the powers that be – to perform any cost-benefit analyses on their draconian pandemic policies. Hugh summarizes what was discussed with presenters, Joe Postma and John O’Sullivan:
“On what was originally styled as an opportunity for lawyer Lois Bayliss to publicise her fight with her professional body wrt her stand against the school mandates, and in which I was/am a witness.
Joe is an astrophysicist whilst John is CEO and founder of Principia Scientific International-which has enlighteningly (!) published 3 of my articles, the first and an early one about the political coercion of the young to use masks and get vaccinated, available here, and the second two about the harms caused by masks, available here and here.”
The use of masks is not , and has never been, a benign or recommended public health intervention.”
(Co-Chairs of the All Party Group at Westminster on Pandemic Response and Recovery)
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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John Thomas Bakkila
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John O'Sullivan
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John, Sad but true. TNT Radio has laid off many staff as a cost cutting measure as it looks for new financial backers. More info here:
John Thomas Bakkila
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There are a few others who should have gone first…hate to sound harsh, but…YOU AND JOE??!!
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Tough to keep trying to tell the truth to a brain dead populace.