Zee Germans did not follow Zee Science
While we work on updating you further with our Federal Court GMO proceedings that now involve an errant Justice gone off her judicial reserve.
I noticed this tweet by @_aussie17 earlier this morning and dug deeper .. got into the reeds

So let me take you all for an excursion to Deutschland – Germany – where the cats are getting out of the bag .. like they will be doing here, too
the following story broke in Germany about 3 weeks agoi n a nutshell .. during Covid the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) operated like our Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) in Australia, advising the German government and public about the risk of Covid and measures required
.. RKI is Germany’s National Health Institute also responsible for monitoring adverse events from drugs, like Covid-19 drugs .. I just threw the bit on adverse events in for note, as in due course that will be another bag of cats to be running amok as information finally freed
returning to the story — the RKI Covid recommendations were referred to as ‘protocols’ in Germany the measures RKI recommended were just like what we experienced here – harsh lockdowns, masks, school closures, cops breaking peoples’ faces to save us from Covid
enter Multipolar magazine
by court order they got their hands on internal 2020/21 RKI files to look at the scientific deliberation/risk assessments RKI undertook for making those recommendations that kept kids from school and being with their dying Granny
.. turns out they did no such thing – no scientific consultations were undertaken – but instead RKI repeatedly bowed to external political pressure (the German Ministry of Interior, the German Health Minister, and some mysterious redacted individual) to create high risk assessments without any underlying evidence.
.. oh, and RKI received pressure from the WHO before bowing to that pressure RKI did state on 28 February 2020:
“My assessment would be that this moves roughly in severity like a strong to very strong flu wave.” then Bill Gates was seen bringing pressure to bear on RKI ..
By 2 March 2020 RKI started to buckle and upgraded the risk from ‘low to moderate’ to ‘moderate’, despite its own labs having tested 140 samples for Corona virus and all tests coming back negative.
On 2 March then German Health Minister Jens Sphan appeared before cameras flanked by Professors, including Christian Drosten, to talk-up the Corona threat.
Meanwhile, on 3 March RKI tested another 80 samples: all negative
.. then on 6 March tested another 213 samples: all negative but the German politicians kept speaking up a non-existent threat
.. then, based on a few positive cases (what test kits were they using? .. bet it was Drosten’s) the WHO declared a global pandemic on 11 March
but RKI still did not upgrade the risk from ‘moderate’
.. then something happened
.. around 14/15/16 March 2020 the RKI protocol was altered on the basis of an outside force .. and the carrot of international funds being made available to Germany if a pandemic was declared (or State of Emergency)
[Update: Australian researcher Elizabeth Hart has provided the missing part for the days above:
“Neil Ferguson et al’s Imperial College Report 9, dated 16 March 2020, set the agenda, recommending suppression of ‘the virus’ “until a vaccine becomes available…”
And so it came to pass, we were all suppressed to facilitate the vaccine.
If only it had been clearly disclosed at the time that Neil Ferguson was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, arguably the world’s biggest promoter of the vaccine industry.”
.. so .. armed with Drosten’s infamous and fraudulent PCR test and the equally infamous and utterly flawed modelling from Ferguson, the WHO was able to begin its international tour: You Are All Doomed, Listen to the WHO .. which the critics and press couldn’t get enough of, or applaud long and loud enough about .. doom and death baby, it sells .. the media was the final piece needed .. armed with the reliable science of Drosten and Ferguson the WHO’s global entourage of presstitutes went to work on everyone’s mind and overwhelmed, it seems, RKI too]
.. shortly afterwards the RKI risk assessment was scaled up to pandemic status
.. but, as the lawyers representing RKI confirmed for the Court, without any scientific consultation
Multipolar also obtained separate internal RKI memos which acknowledged – in clear terms – lockdown measures would be negative overall and would likely lead to increased childhood mortality
.. yet by that time they had buckled to the the German political and external pressures, and German kids became regarded as collateral political damage, indeed, casualties
Multipolar released the story late March 2024
.. German media ZDF and Spiegel reported on the RKI files honestly, at first, then later altered their own reporting to make it look more favourable to the then government of 2020 .. so lots of subterfuge is going on
German Professor Stefan Homburg provides a brief English overview on the above, translating some of the RKI documents (9mins):
the original Multipolar article is here (you need a browser that translates into English: Safari works well): “It should be scaled up”the follow-up by Multipolar showing ZDF and Spiegel changing facts around RKI internal docs is here: RKI protocols: ZDF and SPIEGEL subsequently falsify their reports
In recent days German media has started to push for answers more publicly .. see HERE
another German commentator in this video refers to those separate RKI memos containing statements by RKI personnel that lockdowns would be net negative and would likely increase childhood mortality
.. it must be mentioned Australian Professor Gigi Foster and her colleagues here and abroad were the first in 2020 striking alarm bells about what appeared to be the absolute absence of any bona fide risk assessments undertaken for lockdowns .. you know, involving science
now Gigi and her crew are being wholesale vindicated .. another conspiracy theory become FACT
I feel confident we will find the same occurred here with the AHPPC, with then 2020 Chair Brendan Murphy making recommendations to lockdown Australia based on outside influences and no scientific evidence
.. indeed as we know, Australia’s own Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza of late 2019 advised against all the lockdown measures we suffered, and that Plan was based on scientific studies
so, who poured the poison into Murphy’s ear and mind .. or was he just ready to follow orders coming from overseas?
.. I confirmed late last year that statements by former prime minister Scotty Morrison from Marketing that the National Cabinet, and in turn the AHPPC, are protected by Federal Cabinet privilege are baseless in law ..
therefore .. access to all meeting minutes of the AHPPC is possible for understanding the scientific basis/evidence they came up with/used for advising National Cabinet to implement lockdowns that had the inmates at Long Bay jail feeling pretty fortunate for a change
rather .. we can gain access to those meeting minutes to confirm Murphy and the AHPPC, just like RKI, had no proper scientific basis for those ‘recommendations’ but were rather part of a global Conga dance forced on by politicians and those who financed them behind the scenes .. with a little help from You Know WHO and its corporate affiliates who finance that outfit
.. anyone who wants to go after those AHPPC and National Cabinet meeting minutes drop me a line as it does require some resourcing and prep and formal channels for best operating in, to expedite results
.. how goddamn revealing for everyone would that be, right
i wonder whether if we discovered the AHPPC under Murphy was just another who joined the same Conga dance RKI found itself pulled into, whether Mr Murphy would feel compelled to hand back that Queen’s honour he received .. awarded for being, apparently, the scientific shining light that guided Australia through our public health emergency in 2020 and beyond .. i wonder
anyWHO .. an unfolding story in Germany soon to visit our fatal shores
.. and wouldn’t you know it .. before I could finish writing this little journey through Deutschland, Aussie17 went and threw-up a substack article expanding on the same .. props to him:
Germany’s Developing Scandal!
i shall be returning very soon with an Update on that errant Justice and the poisoning of Australia’s DNA Well
See more here Daily Sceptic
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Yes, the truth will out and thanks must go to PHON and Clive Palmer et al. Can you imagine a future where WHO BECOMES THE SOLE ARBITER AND CONTROLLER OF OUR HEALTH DETERMINATIONS?