Young Girls Creeped Out By Older Scientists Trying To Lure Them Into STEM

SEATTLE, WA—With responses ranging from “squirming in discomfort” to “completely discouraged from studying science and engineering,” a nationwide poll group of high school-age girls revealed Tuesday that the nation’s young women are being utterly creeped out by scientists twice their age constantly attempting to lure them into the study of science, technology, engineering, and math.
“They’re always hanging around our classrooms and sending us targeted messages online—they sometimes even offer us money if we’re into their sort of thing. It’s so desperate,” said 13-year-old Tessa Levin, recounting the several times she and her friends had been approached by the type of much older chemical engineers or web developers who frequent science fairs with the hopes of involving girls in non-profit mentorship programs or computer programming sleepaway camps.
“They always try to treat us like we’re special, but the truth is, they’ll go after pretty much any girl under 18 who can draw a simple parallel circuit diagram. They’re clearly trying to groom girls for their weird lifestyle from a young age. At first it was kind of funny, but the more we learn, the more it just seems gross.”
The poll also revealed that some scientists also seem to have a thing for young black and latino boys.
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I thought it sounded like parody-kudos to me for sussing it out before I got to the bottom!
John O'Sullivan
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all good parodies have a vein of truth! : )
Ken Hughes
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But why suggest there is some stalking, sexual aspect to this? That’s paranoid, sexist even. Why feel it is creepy? That reaction says more about the females in question than the behaviour of the males.
John O'Sullivan
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Put it down to ironic humor – the gist of it is that millenials avoid STEM subjects – characterizing the issue as inappropriate stalking by ‘old white men’ serves as their warped justification for a mas retreat from the culture of the Enlightenment