Yes, You’re Being Spied On: Amazon Is Giving Police Your Private Data

ring doorbell camera

Amazon has admitted to providing the police with user footage from its Ring camera doorbell product, showing the increased collaboration between Big Tech and police agencies. This, as we learn, the FBI has secured thousands of deals with Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Dell, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard.

Amazon is handing over your home surveillance video to law enforcement without giving you a head’s up.

In new documents, Amazon admitted it gave footage from Ring doorbell cameras to law enforcement nearly a dozen times this year without the consent of users.

Not only do you have to worry about your doorbell snooping on you, but now we learn that the Department of Homeland Security is also tracking your whereabouts.

We break down exactly how they are doing that with software purchased with your tax dollars.

You can’t avoid it as long as you have and carry a smartphone. Are you willing to leave your phone behind for some privacy? Should you have to?

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. —Benjamin Franklin (source)

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Comments (2)

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    Joseph Olson


    “Aladdin” artificial intelligence bolshevik algorithm has been install by all the big tech monopolies and is actively censoring and credit scoring all humanity, while their chemical, biological and radiological weapons scour all life on Earth.


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    If you must use this stuff, or google nest, etc. Just install a firewall to block all communication from the devices to the internet. Job done.


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