We live in a false paradigm reality, bounded by faux science, fake history, filtered news, financed by a fiat currency and directed by demonic warlords. This is a phrase I have repeated for decades, and as more pieces of the dystopia mosaic, the message is becoming undeniable for the unwashed masses.
Humanity is a pupae, wrapped in a chrysalis of lies. Will we chew our way out of a planned genocide, to soar as a butterfly of Truth….only YOU can make that happen.
Raised in the illusion that all education is honest, and all government is benevolent, we have been easy prey for a system by the psychopaths, of the psychopaths and for the psychopaths. Their full spectrum dominance requires reducing the world population to 500 million, with biological, chemical and nuclear death vectors. Once accomplished, many of the enabling psychopaths will be redundant. Useful idiots are useless, once full spectrum dominance is achieved.
Texas has a population over 29 million, a GDP of $1.8 trillion, and measured alone is the tenth largest economy in the world. As a perceived bastion of Freedom, it is a perfect microcosm of the LIES in the WuFlu pandemic hysteria. Since 194 nations agreed to this UN sponsored deception, your political situation is identical. Let us begin with illegal Executive Orders, which the spineless legislature refuses to confront and the corrupt judiciary actively supports.
“Why Texas Governor Abbott ‘Face Mask’ Order is Not What it Seems” by Dr Ron Paul. MD, US Army Captain (surgeon) and twelve term US representative at RonPaulInstitute.org – an emergency executive order is only effective for 30 days, unless renewed by the legislature. Since the legislature is out of session, the Lieutenant Governor must call a special session. Since March 19, 2020 there has been no attempt to restrain the governor’s increasing tyranny.
At the Dealey Plaza rally on May 09, Dallas physician Dr Ivette Lozano, MD spoke of the Texas Medical Board, the Texas Medical Association and the Texas Pharmaceutical Board efforts of prevent any use of Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative, or as a treatment. This is my fourth article on this, Crime of the Century and a more detailed discussion on the safety, efficacy and practicality of HCQ is in those articles, linked in the footnotes.
Tyrant Abbott supports fascist lockdowns, medieval social distancing, Gestapo contact tracing, unisex burkas, mandatory voodoo vaccinations and controlled economic/social demolition. Sweden had no lockdown, six states in America had no lockdowns. At the Mt Rushmore, July 3rd celebration, thousands gathered with no social distancing, no face masks and weeks later, no resulting pandemic spike.
As “death counts” from the WuFlu dropped off, the CDC forced a change in the pandemic metric to “number of new cases”. The 1993 Nobel Prize winner for the Polymerase Chain Reaction test said it cannot be used to identify the monoclonal antibodies to verify the novel SARS-COV virus. In a Collin County hearing on May 18, County Judge Chris Hill questioned this new metric, where any symptom, or any PCR test with a provable 90% false positive, is used to promote Covid hysteria
LtGov Rick “Goodhair” Perry ascended to governor when Baby Bush ascended to president by divine hanging chad election. LtGov Abbott ascended to governor when CFR puppet Perry ascended to Dept of Energy stooge. Perry was very unpopular for his Trans Texas Corridor, 1200 foot wide annexation of toll road right of way for a Spanish king lead crime syndicate. Perry’s attempted EO forcing the dangerous HPV Gardacil vaccine on every teenage girl in Texas. Perry “won” reelection in 2010 with 39% of the primary vote due to sandbagging by NYC based, self confessed, rodeo clown Glenn Beck, see “The Medina Massacres” at Canada Free Press.
The Trans Texas scam morphed into the Texas Central, high speed rail, using illegal eminent domain for right of way and illegal public funding for development. With the state in charge of the PPP and CARES Act billion dollar slush fund, the Central grafters are lining up for hundreds of millions in CoVid damages, “due to the delay in selling our bonds” and because nothing says stopping a pandemic like giving cho-cho millions to billionaires.
Texas is adapt as funding wealthy grifters, as the Texas Enterprise has awarded billions to the nation’s top grifters, including $50 million to Lexicon, and Texas Instruments, $40 million to Toyota and Apple. Other firms that have never made a profit, but were gifted our tax dollars include Tesla, Space X, WeWork and Uber. The Texas Monitor has details on this graft up until 2015, when the Texas supreme court ordered that “information on public-private grants was PRIVATE”
If humanity survives this contrived, bio-weapon attack, it will only come from an awakening on the faux science of the tyrants, and overcoming the complacency of the medical orthodoxy. Modern medicine is a misnomer, it is currently medieval medicine, based on the flawed Pasteur 1895 germ “theory” which is a false hypothesis and the absurd, herd immunity hypothesis.
There are an estimated billion species of constantly evolving viruses on Earth, which can only reproduce with a host organism. Every living organism has natural defense systems against virus, bacteria, fungus, mold, chemical and radiological attacks. The hypothesis that you can grow a pathogenic virus in widely varying genetic tissue cultures to attack a constantly varying pathogen is bad science fiction. There are a limited number of medical scientists who are challenging this false paradigm.
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD Virology and former CDC researcher has two great books on this viral boogey man and vaccine hoax, “The Plague” and “Plague of Corruption”. Her dozens of interviews have been scrubbed by the Silicon Valley, soy boy front men. Other national voices include Dr Andrew Kaufmann, MD and Dr Zach Bush, MD, both have advanced degrees in Microbiology. According to a June 23rd town hall by Senator Bob Hall, the brave Texas doctor, Dr Ivette Lozano is having her license reviewed by the TMB.
Dr Scott Jensen, MD and state senator in Minnesota questioned why the state health department was forcing death certificate changes to reflect higher CV death counts, and is having his medical license reviewed. In Texas, Senator Hall held a town hall with six brave doctors on their 99% success rate with alternate therapies.
Watch the video: “Town Hall with Senator Bob Hall”
Alternate cures include CQ, HCQ, Budesonide, Ivermectin and Azithromycin. You don’t need a “preventative” vaccine if you have a safe, effective cure, but this is not a revenue stream for the corrupt big pharma crime syndicate.
The American Medical Association was founded in 1847 and has approximately 250,000 members. The Texas Medical Association is the largest chapter in the nation and is an active promoted of FDA and CDC draconian voodoo. This lobby group offers discounts on exorbitant malpractice insurance, making membership nearly mandatory. They have lavish, medical mafia supported conventions and a newsletter, which occasionally reports truth. “Private Practice Clinics Suffer 50% Reduction in Patients and Revenue”
If you like your doctor, you can keep an artificial intelligence, virtual reality version of your doctor….
A professional organization, claiming to represent doctors, actively supports policies that are destroying private health care in Texas. The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, founded in 1943 has only 5,000 doctors, but they do have integrity. “The AAPS Sues the FDA over HCQ” at AAPSonline.org
Texas Health Department statistics prove that “Texas Coronavirus Numbers Show CV19 is Less Lethal than the Last Two Flu Seasons: SEE: theGatewayPundit.com
In an interview with Chad Prather on July 13, 2020, the brave Salon A La Mode owner Shelly Luther said she is being ordered to complete her seven day jail sentence for cutting hair two days before the illegal EO allowed. See my previous research on this injustice.
Our president appointed Alex Azar to be head of the Health & Human Services Department. Azar was former lobbyist, then a president of the Eli Lilly crime syndicate. As Lilly leader he tripled the cost of Medicare medicines, because “we can” and his board members needed a raise. Check on Wiki/Alex_Azar
Every leadership position in the CDC, FDA, NIH and HHS has a conflict of interest with ownership of patents, paid for by taxpayers and patent royalties assigned to them as bonuses. Objecting to any restriction of pharma voodoo is not just a pay cut, but is a career ending event. These conflicted clowns form the CV Task Force and have rubber stamped this insane new form of snake oil, funded by Warp Speed insanity.
“Novavax, Maker of a Covid-19 Vaccine is Backed by Operation Warp Speed” at StatNews(.)com > reports, Novavax received $1.6 billion to produce 100 million doses of their voodoo vaccine by 2021. Prior to this, they also received $388 million from a shadowy Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Institute, to puff up their resume to be a viable candidate. Since every America will need multiple doses, the Warp Speed crime syndicate also includes Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and AstraZenec.
What is their magic elixir? Shockingly, it is “recombinant nanoparticles grown in insect cell tissue cultures”. When a virus invades a host cell, every virus mitosis incorporates some host DNA. Are Insect extraterrestrial aliens trying to make humans into insects, or, are Reptilian extraterrestrial aliens trying to make humans taste more like their favorite insect dish?
The opioid crisis is killing over 70,000 Americans per year. Over 250,000 Americans die from “properly” prescribed pharmaceuticals. Hundreds of thousands die from Hospital Acquired Infections, HAI and all of these deaths are ignored so we can find a giant revenue stream for toxic injections and profits for a monopolist medical mafia.
Herd immunity does NOT come from recovered patients having magic antibodies. Herd immunity comes from the more viral strains of virus, killing their hosts, and their stem lines, along with gradually weakened virus, with each new generation iteration.
Ft Worth based American Airlines received millions in CARE and PPP “forgivable” loans, if they kept their employees. Airline passenger traffic is down 75% and American is furloughing over 25,000 workers. Massive losses are affecting the travel, entertainment, hospitality and recreation industries.
Maybe you are one of those smug, six figure members of the medical establishment who feels no need to challenge 120 years of allopathic lies. Your SILENCE IS VIOLENCE against all humanity.
Footnotes, research published at principia-scientific.org:
“Pandemics Are PERSONAL”
“Remember the A La Mode Review”
“Last Waltz Across Texas”
About the author: Joseph A Olson PE. Joe co-authored ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory’ the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory and is co-founder of Principia Scientific International. Retired Texan engineer and impassioned science writer, Joe is a respected innovative thinker with over 100 major civil engineering and climate-related articles to his name.
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Joseph Olson
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An acquired immunity lasts a lifetime for measles, chickenpox and mumps. Impressed immunity is sporadic and requires boosters. Mumps is mild, two day illness, and vaccine peddlers acknowledged it was a “convenience drug” for busy moms. All US servicemen are fully vaccinated, yet in May 2019, the USS Ft McHenry was quarantined at sea for 112 days for a mumps outbreak, details at BusinessInsider(.)com
There are frequent outbreaks of mumps, measles and whooping cough among fully vaccinated populations. Given that vaccine cultures can transmit additional diseases, an objective risk/benefit analysis is overdue.
Carl Carter
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I am a degreed Physics/Systems engineer, and Today’s information system is so Biased, Misleading, and confusing. After 50 years of data analysis forAerospace Weapons Systems, I find the news media corrupt, agenda focused, and under educated that my analysis is WTF. This site just added to my confusion with credible presentation of the problems. The inmates are loose. Thanks. I will support as much as possible.
Joseph Olson
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Bless you, my previous articles “Remember the A La Mode Review” and “Last Waltz Across Texas” offer first hand reporting on rallies, actions in Texas and objectively vetted alternative perspectives. We have been lied to about everything, but Truth is Self Evident, and self amplifing.
Alan Stewart
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From Red State new outlet:
Infectious diseases are not new. Coronaviruses are not new. The idea that we could have known so little about such a common virus given the billions of dollars (Fauci’s 2019 budget was $4.754 billion that is with a ‘b’), means we have to ask some serious questions. Like wtf was done with our money?
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This sentence stands out “Since 194 nations agreed to this UN sponsored deception, your political situation is identical.” and it supports the very first sentence.
When in world history have 194 nations agreed simultaneously on the same action? We have the world government the Marxists want.
Carbon Bigfoot
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Joe I prefer the WuWHOFlu vs. WuFlu as the World Health Organization is complicit to the max.
Joseph Olson
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Texas Department of Health statistics for 29,677,668 citizens
2018 flu deaths > 11,917
2019 flu deaths > 10,020
2020 CV deaths > 3,112
For this we will destroy our state