Women & Tattoos: The Painful Scientific Truth

An epidemic of women getting inked up? We examine what academic studies say on tattooed women and what this growing trend may reveal.

The prevailing media message is that you look cool with tattoos. The trend for young women to get inked has grown considerably in the last 20 years. So much so, you are now more likely to see a female with a tattoo than a male. Currently, “close to 80% of the people walking into a tattoo shop to be inked are women!” [1]

But did anyone seriously consider what men think about these permanent gaudy badges of female narcissism (“it’s all about me, baby!“). It is said that girls get tattoos for the same reasons they cut their hair short.

Girls’ logic, when it comes to tattoos, may best be described by paraphrasing Lena Dunham’s character in Girls: “I have a tattoo, and that just makes me naturally interesting.” 

When most girls are inked does that still make them unique? Very soon, those who spurn the ink will be truly more unique and thus interesting, unlike the unthinking sheep following a fashion.

The shift occurred notably in western nations around when the new millennium arrived. We saw how a once novel identifier of someone who is quirky, characterful and different turned into almost an essential fashion statement for every hip young woman.

But in countries like Japan and the Philippines tattoos and piercings are still widely seen as the mark of the whore, because in more traditional countries, only whores have them.

I’m always looking for a woman with a tattoo,” said the American comedian, Richard Jeni. “I see a woman with a tattoo and I’m thinking, ‘OK, here’s a gal who’s capable of making a decision she’ll regret in the future.'”

Whether in the street or in the gym it has become harder not to notice that the popularity of tattoos in America and other western nations is at an all time high. Over 40 percent of adults have at least one ink job, and 75 percent of those with tattoos have multiple ones. [id.]

The most heavily inked nations

Comparing the survey results by country, we found that Italy has the highest percentage of tattooed people at 48 percent. Following Italy are Sweden and the US with 47 percent and 46 percent, respectively. A Dalia survey (2018) showed that contrary to popular belief, more women (40 percent) than men (36 percent) have tattoos.

Dalia distributes millions of surveys in over 90 countries to provide research agencies, academia, public institutions, brands and other organizations access to high-quality market & opinion data.

And what about those have been inked and are left with regrets?

As the Daily Mail reports:

“A salutary tale for young women in the papers the other day: Melanie Chisholm, better known as Sporty Spice, is reportedly ready to spend £10,000 and endure two and a half years of intermittent physical torment to erase her numerous tattoos.

Mel C, 34, is said to have grown increasingly unhappy with her ten separate examples of ‘body art’, which include a Celtic cross on her left arm, a phoenix across her shoulders and the word ‘Angel’ above her navel.

“They look nice when you’re toned and tanned,” she is said to have said, “but when I put on weight they looked awful.”” [2]

For insight into what ‘normal’ readers think on the website www.returnofkings.com article about tattooed women read the 528 responses to this no-holds-barred polemic that helps prove that the silent majority of men are not fans of chicks with tatts. [3]

In this politically correct age of empowerment of women and where men are told to stifle their ‘toxic masculinity’ the boys are largely keeping quiet about how they feel when asked in a social context. But in the privacy of giving scientific surveys the truth becomes more apparent – men by and large prefer women to forego the permanent body art.

We see this evident in Hawkes et al. (2004) which showed the clearly negative attitudes towards women with visible tattoos:

“This negative evaluation was held even by study participants who had tattoos themselves. Yet there were other significant personality predictions that appeared to depend on the body art (or lack thereof) of the evaluator: Tattooed men rated tattooed women as more powerful and active than tattoo-less counterparts. Women viewed tattooed women as more powerful and less passive than their clear-skinned counterparts, whether or not they had a tattoo themselves. In other words, women viewed other women with tattoos less positively, yet rated them as more powerful.” [4]

Research by Nicolas Guéguen (2013) found that a man will approach a woman with a tattoo over one without — and faster.  For more insight on this check out Nicolas Guéguen, “Effects of a tattoo on men’s behavior and attitudes towards women: An experimental field study.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 42, no. 8 (2013): 1517-1524, which tells us:

Men were more likely to approach the women with tattoos — not because they found the tattooed women to be more attractive, but because they believed the tattooed women would be more likely to have sex on the first date.”

Very pro-tattoo website, thoughtfultattoos.com  admits the scientific studies prove men see tattooed women as easy and sexually available, they admit that the scientific research confirms men don’t like sleeve tattoos. Almost half of the study’s male respondents (42 percent) believe tattoos simply make people appear more sexually adventurous, not more attractive. (survey of 1,000)

Now back to the vast number of scientific studies where it is shown repeatedly that being tattooed is associated with greater numbers of lifetime sexual partners (Heywood 2012), earlier sexual initiation, higher frequency of sexual intercourse and increased preference for oral sex (Nowosielski 2012). In adolescents, tattoos also correlate with the likelihood of having unprotected sex (Yen, 2012), but not in adults (Nowosielski 2012).  [5]

Tattoos indicate lack of foresight

Tattoos indicate impulsiveness (Kim, 1991). In students, tattooing is associated with risk-taking behaviors, including smoking and cannabis use (Heywood, 2012). Participants with tattoos or body piercings were more not only likely to have engaged in risk-taking behaviors, but at greater degrees of involvement than those without either. These included gateway drug use, hard drug use, sexual activity, and suicide.

Young women tend to be more impulsive, but is that matched by much older women in a mid life crisis? The Dalia research (below) shows that the peak age for both genders getting a tattoo is in the mid-30’s. So not necessarily the preserve of reckless youth!

A considerable number of studies show a clear correlation with gateway drug and younger age of both tattooing and body piercing. Hard drug use was associated with number of body piercings (Carroll 2002). In Croatian prisoners, tattoos correlated with lower IQs and those possessing them demonstrated significantly higher levels of impulsiveness than the non-tattooed group (Pozgain 2004). An overview of autopsy reports also revealed that persons with tattoos appear to die earlier than those without. A negative tattoo may suggest a predisposition to violent death, but is eclipsed by the presence of any tattoo (Carson 2014).  [6]

A trend is revealed whereby it is shown that tattooed women are more like to have characteristics of impulsiveness, increased risk taking behavior, increased change of death which may be summarised as; Lack of foresight

Body modifications are also proven to be linked with mental illness

There are links between tattoos and psychiatric disorders such as depression (Heywood, 2012), eating disorders (Carroll, 2002), borderline personality disorder (Raspa, 1990), neuroticism (Pozgain, 2004) and increased risk of suicide (Carroll, 2002). Seven or more piercings, or intimate piercings, described higher risk behaviors and emotional distress (Owen 2013). In high school students, tattoos correlate with suicidal idealization, suicidal attempts, and depression (Yen 2012).

As Matt Forney summed it up in his article:

“No girl has ever improved her looks with a gaudy mural injected under her skin or a piece of metal dangling from her nostrils. There’s no man on Earth who has ever thought about his girlfriend or wife, “Man, you know what would make her even sexier? A butterfly emblazoned just over her ass.” Yet despite this objective reality, thousands of girls continue to mutilate themselves at an astounding rate.”

I will conclude with this frightening fact from the UK’s NHS, which found that women are now at a higher risk of developing mental health disorders than men.  Is the tattooing epidemic a signifier here?

We would love to know the opinions of our readers on this subject. Please post your comments below!


[1] https://fupping.com/tattooguy/2018/07/13/who-has-more-tattoos-women-or-men/

[2] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-510827/What-men-REALLY-think-women-tattoos.html

[3] https://www.returnofkings.com/81129/5-reasons-why-girls-with-tattoos-and-piercings-are-broken

[4] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-bad-looks-good/201804/what-people-assume-about-women-tattoos

[5] Nowosielski: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22616886 also, Heywood: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22153289 and Yen: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22726901

[6] Kim: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1781185 Heywood: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22153289 Carroll: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12042538 Pozgain: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15119003 Carson: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24926092

[8] Raspa: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2333825 Owen: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23938068

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.


Comments (53)

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    very old white guy


    It is ugly.

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    Body graffiti for those who absolutely must look like a wall in a run down housing estate.

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    Zoe Phin


    Right. If you’re not an interesting girl, get a tattoo to get noticed.

    I liked this unusual post.

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      John O'Sullivan


      Thanks, Zoe. Where you are, have you noticed a lot more young women getting inked up in recent years?

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        Zoe Phin


        Hi John 🙂
        Oh yeah it’s a pandemic.

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          Pandemic? Now, that’s a word that we don’t see very often in the modern age.

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            Tom O


            Speaking of pandemic, did you notice that the wHO says in over 2 years, CV-19 has infected less than 5% of the population? So at what level of participation in something IS it truly a pandemic? I would argue that yes, tattoos do seem to be a pandemic. CV-19? Not so much.

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    How does a culture change – in the space of 30 years – from one in which body modification is almost universally felt to be abhorrent and only tolerated among the most marginalized (not necessarily detested) members of society (e.g. merchant marine sailors) — to one that displays the % tattooed numbers shown above? Is such a change ever organic (same question could be asked about transgenderism)? If “organic” is unlikely then I suppose cultural engineering could be an alternative source of that change.
    Roughly 2000 years of “Western Civilization”; have the women of any culture or nation or society belonging to that tradition ever applied tattoos to their bodies in the proportions shown above? Yet within about 30 years, say,1965-95 + another 30, (if I read the data correctly) nearly 50% of American women have applied at least one tattoo to their body.
    Think about it: universal abhorrence to near universal acceptance and 50/50 adoption – a process – if we start at 1965 – which took under 60 years – 2 or 3 generations.
    It is utterly amazing … if you think about it … which, notice, you are very definitely discouraged from doing.

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      Tom O


      You get there by subliminal training on the “boob tube.” You can’t scare people to death with “a novel coronavirus” without subliminal training on the “boob tube.” You can’t get to accepting a 6ft+ man who competed as a college athlete in men’s swimming events for 3 years to accepting him as a woman’s champion swimmer because he says “I identify as a woman now” without subliminal training on the “boob tube.” Digital TV opened the “boob tube” up to thought training. It continues to be the best way to get people to do the things that a normal, sensible person, would never consider.

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        Hit the nail on the head.

        Emission of consciousness entraining frequencies reducing the mind to suggestibility… Training in culture change and following orders…

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    When I see a girl with a tattoo, I think: Now there’s a woman capable of making a bad decision.

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    Allan Shelton


    Why do people want to look like a convict or an MS-13 gang member???

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      D M


      You forgot to mention Yakuza & vory v zakone.

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    D M


    I am not attracted to men with tattoos and think that women who have tattoos are foolish.

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    Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.

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      “Spare the rod and spoil the child” is not an injunction.
      It is a warning.

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    When asked why I haven’t gotten a tattoo, my reply “would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?”

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      John O'Sullivan


      Hi Squidly, I use that very same analogy when women ask me why I don’t like their tattoos!

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    Tramp tats…

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    Maybe this is another example of “mass formation psychosis”?

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    I would suspect that most of that body ink, or at least some if it gets absorbed into the body. Anything bigger than a few square inches look revolting to me. But people gotta do anything to fit in and be noticed.

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    I always thought Tatts and/or multiple piercings made a person look unclean and unhealthy. It’s always been a turn off for me.

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    While I tend to agree with most of the claims in the article (tattoos are hideous and low rent) I disagree with the assertion about short hair somewhat. A flattering short hairstyle on a woman can be quite attractive. I’ll never forget Joyce Dewitt in the early 80’s with her short, spiky do. It made her look fabulous! Not everyone can pull off short hair. Face shape and features play a role, just as not every body type can wear certain styles of clothes.

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    Really? All anybody on here can come with on this opinion piece is ‘more opinions’….Sounds like fb or any other social media bs. No one noticed this is just another female bashing hit piece? Including the females? So, some in southeast
    Asia consider women with tattoos ‘whores’….which is just derogotory language aimed at females, ‘descriptive’ words all can associate with those ‘less than’ beings, the female. In 2022.
    It’s interesting that in all the past millenia, the worst we’ve ever come up with, in derogatory terms for the male, is ‘bastard’. And though fighting words in the past, nowadays laughable offense. But for the female of the species – well, there are SO many that it’s hard to choose. Anything goes when marginalizing females, from ‘bitch’ to ‘whore’ ( maybe one step up from slut? – at least they got paid!) to ‘dingbat’, the males have worked diligently to make, remind, and keep females subjugated to the lower rungs of of the hierarchies, much like the infamous eugenics practicing morons postulate the inferiority of other races and/or cultures or castes, based, of course, on their self convinced superior logic. It does not matter which continent, country, or region – it’s universal in every culture…the eugenisists in power to subjugate people of differing ANYTHING and always, always, females. To the ‘less than’ state. The original slaves. And females are guilty of perpetrating this marginalization of their own sex as well. If I had a buck for each time I have heard a female call another ‘bitch’, I could buy myself the presidency. And that’s just for bitch- if I added all the others, I could buy Soros & Gates. Everytime I hear it, I want to put a cap in them. Who the f#÷! …cares if someone wants to ink? Such hypocrisy! John, your confirmation bias is showing….what a shame….and to ALL the females out there: WAKE UP! You won’t coutinance the infamous N word but you’re OK with anyone calling a female ‘bitch’ or any of the other derogatory terms in their thousands or deciding how many sexual partners you can have before you’re labeled a ‘slut’. Wake the fuck up!

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      Wow….calm down. I think the whole theme of this article is that of mindless conformity of mindless people. It clearly applies to both sexes. What was once something relegated to Sailors and Military types is now so common it’s not much more of a stretch than getting the nails done. Which is strange because they are permanent.
      It just shows in comparison for me why so many mindless zombies have lined up for the deadly jabs. How many of these un-critical thinking drones actually researched what could be in the jabs? How many knew that all the animals in the trials died? Yet what does the world present? Billions of sheep who willingly lined up for slaughter at the hands of an International system that is happy to depopulate them. Perhaps someone should run stats of those that have at least one tat and took the jabs versus those with no tats and did not take any jab. Me thinks the Tatted are also more jabbed than the non-tatted. Just my opinion.

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        D M


        I think you are correct. Additionally if one is a Christian or Jew there are prohibitions against Tattooing or marking one’s body. It is one of the reasons the Nazis tattooed specifically Jews.
        Leviticus 19:28 says, “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the LORD.” This refers to any kind of permanent marking or engraving on the skin.

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        John O'Sullivan


        Gordon, Yes, implicit in the message of the article is that there is an unthinking herd mentality that precipitates the tendency to follow trends to ‘fit in’ regardless of the negative personal consequences. The tendency to conform merely to identify with the group is equally valid for covid jabbing as for tattooing.

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      You tell them, chick.

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      John O'Sullivan


      Hi Seriously, My article cited many scientific studies. It is less an opinion piece because of that. The scientific evidence is clear and unequivocal. However, if you can provide peer-reviewed scientific literature that proves women with tattoos do NOT have the mental issues that researchers have shown we would be happy to post them as a rebuttal.

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      Hi Seriously.
      Most truthful comment on here,

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    Not sure the tattoos are causing the mental illness rise. It could be the other way around.

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      Definitely mental conformity disease…induced via hypnotic frequencies from electronic devices…possibly enhanced via dosing in our food.

      Hit the nail on the head.

      Emission of consciousness entraining frequencies reducing the mind to suggestibility… Training in culture change and following orders…

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    This site has just lost all credibility. And as expected the author of the piece is an ugly overweight very unattractive (and seemingly unpleasant) old man

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      I agree whole heartedly Sammy. I too find the author unattractive but of course I am unashamedly homophobic. I do not mind gay people, just do not stand behind me in the communal shower after playing team sports. Carry spare cakes of soap incase you drop one.

      The issue with the tattoo epidemic, of course, stems from the gifted musicians and assorted misfits who gain media, youtube and MTV (olden days) exposure and fame.

      The tortured artists consistently die from suicide (sudden death) and drug overdoses. Quite the role model to aspire to.

      I was considerably satiated to read tattoos are a form of self mutilation. When one considers the tattoos of special forces and gang affiliations it is a self mutilation of swearing allegiance and brotherhood as is cutting off the tip of the little finger or slicing the thumbs to unite and mix the blood of two thumbs to become blood brothers.

      Of course the tattooed do not need to fear implanted identification chips because they have already done it to themselves.

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      John O'Sullivan


      Hi Sammy, Would you care to offer any scientific evidence to back your opinions? ; )

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    see ya in the funny papers sammy

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    I can confirm. I refused to ever even date a girl with a tattoo and finally married a woman with only pierced ears and a naval piercing that she gave up on. The only thing that says “low value” more than a tattoo is a mixed race child from a guy that ran off or ended up in prison. Debt is number 3 on that list of red flags.

    You can just tell so much about a person by these things it’s actually sort of funny. We’re all raised to “never judge a book by it’s cover”, but that’s liberal non-sense. You absolutely can and should! Don’t agree? Okay, you’re in the hospital and need emergency surgery. Two surgeons show up with equal qualifications; one is covered in tattoos and piercings the other isn’t, that person is clean-cut. This is all you are allowed to know about them, which do you allow to open up your body? Be honest with yourself. You’d never pick the low value garbage looking person.

    Facts don’t care about feelings!

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    John Alexander


    Well stated John.
    I agree with you.
    I have never liked it either. You will get attacked and named and labelled by the Woke on this issue.
    It is no different from the dopeheads and crackheads that want to legalise drugs like marijuana who want everyone to believe its good for you. So are poppies good for you too, they are also natural.

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    I don’t particularly like to see tattoos on people, and especially not on women. Some of the comments on here are frankly ridiculous and insulting.

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    I have two highly inked nieces, gawd I hate those tatoos. I know that in twenty years time as the skin sags and the ink fades they just accentuate the aging process. It’s like made up elderly women, the make up seems to sink into the lines on the face making them appear grotesque- I can be so cruel as I am no oil painting myself and happy to admit it so women – enough of the make up!

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    vested in babylon

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    Pure B.S. article and derisive comments in the main. I wasn’t aware throwing people under the bus was science.

    Deride tattoos, and stick the boot in with hair style attack on top? I guess there’s a lack of discernment going on and respect for others choices. Still, that’s been demonstrated countless times on PSI in regard to those who took the vax for whatever reason.
    Look at most of the comments. There will allways be people in some area of society that are fit for a kicking, no matter what, eh? I guess they are just not as up there as you lot. A distinct lack of empathy.

    So, who cares about your negative opinions, so-called science, and lack of understanding?
    MY BODY, MY CHOICE, RIGHT!! If you don’t like it. F**k yourself!!!

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      Hi Howdy and readers.

      It is always valuable to be able to differentiate between belief systems and science.

      Your good buddy. Matt

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        Doesn’t apply here, Matt.

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      You have some valid points. But my body, my choice does not equal what is in ones best interest. For example jabs, cigs, junk food, high fructose corn syrup, alcohol, etc. So sure have at it. But don’t be surprised when obesity, diabetes, fatty liver and death are the result. As far as tats go. Ink up if it floats your boat. Nobody cares.

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        “my body, my choice does not equal what is in ones best interest.”
        What is in best interest is dependent on the individual. I know smoking can be harmfull, but if I make a conscious choice to do it, so what? Nobody has a right to abuse me for the choice I made. One does it and takes the consequences. Still doesn’t make what anybody else thinks, relevant.

        “Ink up if it floats your boat. Nobody cares.”
        Sorry you misunderstood, but I didn’t address this for myself.

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    I used to be a cosmetic tattooist (eyebrows/eyeliner/lipliner) as well as tattoo removal. I loathe body art, and I’ve met many people who hated and regretted their body art bitterly. Unfortunately there is NO way to totally remove any tattoo without some scarring. There’s never been a fashion ever before which is irreversible, and I wish people would think of that before they have a tattoo. It’s forever and almost all will eventually be regretted.

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      Just as irreversible as the jab! Seems like a trend.

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    Thanks for the lol John?…since when is psychology a ‘science’? ‘Peer reviewed’ ( and they are controlled, are they not, by subjective entities as of late – per your own observations?) or not, psychology is in all cases, junk science at best, embedded in ‘belief’ or, as I say, ‘I think’, which are the exact same thing when expressing an opinion. Humans believe that distinctions can be made in language but if you really break it down, a thousand ways to say the same thing. But I digress… ‘I believe the patient is suffering from hysteria so I will stimulate her clitoi to cure her’….this is the ‘science’ you want to quote? ‘I believe the patient is suffering a mental disorder and this explains her need for a TATTOO’? REALLY? HA HA HA ! We are all ‘monkey see monkey do’ whether anyone likes that analogy or not – its the mechanism that keeps us from killing each other randomly and taking each others stuff after all, and the last 2 generations have been medicated from the beginning of their lives, consider it ‘normal’ to be diagnosed with a mental disorder, given medication, share it with strangers and friend alike to be included in that fraternity…FOMO, monkey see monkey do. Just put your mind to that little scenario – they DO NOT SEE THE WORLD we grew up in, anyone under 50. A generation where we disappeared for hours from a parent’s view, interacted with nature everyday and built immune systems, were given free reign with imagination, free of ‘medication’. How many children in THIS generation are going to ‘suffer’ body dismorphia because of the current cultural trends? I bet this rare condition will go up up up and the explanation will be, from the pseudo science psychology, ‘it was under-reported because of fear’ – the catch all diagnosis. I read an article somewhere a few years ago where ‘crying’ was considered to be evidence of a mental issue -WTF!
    Everything, everything, everything, is about control. Who controls the narrative? Msm…all ‘medias’ of past – church, the kings, et all….are merely the mouthpiece of Power. And my point was that females have been the original bearers of marginalization – (good word Howdy – thanks!) have outclassed all other groups for constant.
    And ggoodguy, just could not resist condescension in opening comment? You could not have done more to prove my point! Marginalization of all ‘mindless zombies’, ‘un-critical thinking drones’ – the list is endless isn’t it? You consider yourself of superior intelligence and need to boost that belief denigrating others, yes? Continues and embeds and confirms to the self that you are better, stronger, faster – my god!!…I just realized, YOU are thesixmilliondollarman!
    Let’s do better, eh? The future does not belong to me or anyone else over 40 at this point – the younger generations are building the world as they always have, and in the image they want to see…Do I agree with all of it? No, but yes to some. My particular mind sees a lot of inevitable things from the course now being taken that would be anti-thema to my view of what is best in life. For instance, it is obvious that in the future everyone will be micro chipped. It’s not necessary- a lot of technology has never been that, but it does not stop, due to Power & Control…
    Until the covid madness is revealed in the msm, the crimes therein are mainstream, it will continue, forever. I will perish before I allow anyone to interfere with my body with their poisons. I’m glad I am closer to the end of life than the beginning. I have read this site back to Dec 2020 now and a covid piece set the stress off to the point I actully needed a gummy to get said stress under control. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. Look for yourself…The humans that you all refer to in all the derogatory names you can invent, are just that, fellow humans. So, about you geniuses, you pillar of intellectual capabilites, masters of the universe, please help them. Find A WAY, you biologists, microbiologists, electrobiologists, medical practioniers of any sort, free thinkers beyond the accepted boundaries set forth by others…find the signature that proves covid vaccines cause these injuries, deaths. Because I can tell you this: there will be msm excuses for EVERYTHING that cannot be proven…they have been getting away with it ALWAYS. I saw something on a rare moment for me with msm news the other day: ‘Alzheimer rates expected to rise 30 percent by 2030’…it’s already begun.

    And let’s not forget this: The guy saying ‘who would you rather have do surgery on you, clean cut guy or tattooed guy’? ‘Hawkeye Pierce’ or ‘Frank Burns’ – I choose Hawkeye. Just a TV show you say? Not reality? It’s all a TV show ‘dude’.

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      Compared to the average TV watching, Cheetohs munching, main stream media believing, deadly jab taking, mask wearing, obese average American fool why yes I am comparable to te 6 millon dollar man. Thanks for clearing that up.

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    I found this article to be dead on accurate . Tattoos destroy a woman’s beauty .

    There has never been a tattoo on a woman that makes her more attractive no way it’s ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS a major negative.

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi John O’ and PSI Readers,

    FAD: A custom, amusement, or the like, followed for a time with exaggerated zeal; a craze.

    Have a good day, Jerry

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    The Sheriff


    ‘A permanent reminder of a temporary feeling” Jimmy Buffett.

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