Willis & Anthony & Roy = Flat Earth Theorists
Someone sent me this:
Have You Seen This
So, I decided to write them a letter:
From: Joseph Postma
Sent: December 31, 2018 11:26 AM
To: Willis Eschenbach >; WUWT (Anthony Watts) Roy Spencer
Subject: Radiative Greenhouse Effect Mathematically DisprovenHi Willis,
You might like to know that I debunked your silly little “steel greenhouse” idea in my new book:
I mean you quite openly, and happily and admittedly, violate conservation of energy with your totally unworkable solution to the problem…but hey, what are shills to do, am I right guys?
The steel greenhouse when properly solved does, however, present a very nice mathematical disproof of itself. Not that you would care about a mathematical disproof, but I do enjoy just rubbing your face in it.
By the way Anthony, I am thoroughly impressed by your 60+ IQ reasoning in one of your latest articles defending climate alarm and its greenhouse effect, with your “It’s just wrong” of Nikolov and Zeller. Wow you’re so smart! Tell me, what’s it like being a shill defending the basis of climate alarmism, and hence, climate alarmism, while pretending to be a skeptic? Were you born a piece of ****, or did you just like the way that **** sticks to you?
You people are crank, crackpot, pseudoscientific, flat Earth theorists. You believe in flat Earth theory. And did I mention that you’re shills, working to defend the basis of climate alarmism, and hence, defending climate alarmism? Wow it’s soooo not obvious guys!
Willis & Anthony & Roy = Flat Earth theorists.
Happy Holidays,
Joe Postma
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The fuss seems to have blown up over this:
Part of that is paywalled, but it looks like it’s based on this from the same author:
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Part of the opednews article they refer to is paywalled, but it looks like it’s based on this from the same author:
Joseph A Olson
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I have been lectured to in person by Limpy Lindzen, Senile Singer, Clueless Curry, Spencer the Sorcerer, Tony “BlogBully” Watts, Stuntman Monckton, Misinfo Morano, Disinfo Delingpole and many more.
“Mommie, Can We Play Obombie Truth Origami” > FauxScienceSlayer
Hans Schreuder
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Thanks Joe. We both know, as do many others, that the “greenhouse effect” is as holy and untouchable as the human faith in God. Go figure. The unbelievable stupidity of an atmospheric “greenhouse effect” is such that it remains untouchable. Postma’s outrage is not good for science but I sympathize with him. The mentioned “skeptics” are even more dumb than the real climate alarmists. Yet it is they who hold their empty heads high in any pseudo-debate.
James McGinn
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Lying is extremely common in all of science:
What You Don’t get about science and truth
There is no shortage of blatant liars here on this forum.
The most common lie in science is, “I understand.”
James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes
Michael Grace
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Went out the back door to smoke a cigarette just now. It was bloody cold.
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I recognize the flaws in the lukewarmists claims, but I see no value — only harm — in denouncing them with crude insults. A less inflammatory response to the WUWT post would have made this a useful post, rather than one to avoid recommending to inquiring minds. That said, the comments on WUWT make it clear that many think Nikolov and Zeller’s findings are valid and valuable, while others seem caught in what Eduard de Bono calls “The Intelligence Trap”.
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I am always conscious of others who have been laughed at-
“JERUSALEM – When Israeli scientist Dan Shechtman claimed to have stumbled upon a new crystalline chemical structure that seemed to violate the laws of nature, colleagues mocked him, insulted him and exiled him from his research group.
After years in the scientific wilderness, though, he was proved right. And on Wednesday, he received the ultimate vindication: the Nobel Prize in chemistry.
The lesson?
“A good scientist is a humble and listening scientist and not one that is sure 100 percent in what he read in the textbooks,” Shechtman said”
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I left some comments on WUWT-
One of them-
“To be fair and to meet you in the middle, Willis, you can continue to use the term Greenhouse gas as long as you compare the term to a greenhouse with a sprinkler system and all windows and doors open otherwise you are being very misleading”
Carbon Bigfoot
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As you well know both Willis and Anthony do not have University Degrees so there is a question as to whether either one actually studied Thermodynamics. In discussions with Roy about his Magical Back Radiation Tour he left me questioning his veracity in the Perfect Laws as Al Einstein put it.
James McGinn
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Meteorology is a nonsense discipline. It’s a conversation based loosely on science but empiricism holds no sway for meteorologists. The public legitimizes meteorology through the democratic system. And here’s the thing. The public doesn’t care about empirical truth. The public is more easily swayed by simplicity. So meteorology has evolved along the lines of giving the public what it wants: simple models.
All of science has been dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator:
Science itself is the religion that is the obstacle
Peter C
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Thanks Joseph,
I have thought about the steel greenhouse analogy a number of times over the past few years, without quite understanding whether Willis Eschenbach was in error.
However I have just read the first two chapters of your book “In the Cold Light of Day; Flat Earth in Modern Physics and a Numerical Proof for God: A Climate Alarm Story”
It started to make sense to me, especially when you explained the limiting case as the shell shrinks onto the surface of the sphere and actually becomes the surface but the energy of the system has mysteriously doubled. That has to be due to a wrong formulation of the mathematics of the system as you say.
You have every reason to be angry with Anthony Watts.
Peter C
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Now I have a small problem, trying to see how the sphere transfers energy to the shell. Could you give a calculation with say the sphere being 100m diameter and the shell 110m diameter?