Wilful blindness to the facts has never been so strong

Everything we have been told about these shots (“safe and effective”, prevents infection, prevents transmission etc.) has been a lie and not supported by science

After almost four years of being fed misinformation and disinformation by our own government and “health experts”, the evidence condemning these shots is insurmountable and irrefutable.

Our government refuses to acknowledge the unprecedented incidence of severe adverse events and death caused and continue to spread the lie that tens of millions of lives were saved by the shots without a scintilla of evidence.

It is they who claim to be acting in our best interest and are the arbiters of “truth” despite the gross and incompetent mishandling of the “scamdemic”.

Prior to Covid, a small number of serious adverse events or observations such as strange and highly unusual blood “clots” or embolus associated with the release of a new drug would have triggered an intense investigation to determine if the new drug caused the clot.

But times have changed.

Of all the known and reported adverse effects elicited or associated with the gene-based Covid shots, the observation that embalmers are reporting strange white rubbery “clots” in up to 30 percent of cases, some more than 20 cm long, in deceased individuals.

These highly unusual clots are not normal blood clots and amazingly also have been observed in living individuals. But our Therapeutic Goods Administration has shown no sign whatsoever of investigating highly credible reports of unusual white rubbery clots by embalmers in many countries.

I’ve previously referred to Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Philip McMillan where they have covered reports of these unusual “clots”. CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE.

Now, there is more disturbing evidence and information. CLICK HERE to view McMillan’s latest podcast/interview.

According to Andrew Bridgen (former UK MP), Excess Deaths (that is the number of unexpected deaths from all causes) since the rollout of the Covid injections has reached 20 million worldwide. CLICK HERE to view a short clip.


A study from an independent non-profit research group at the University of Quebec led by Denis Rancourt and released 19 July 2024, studied Excess Deaths in 124 countries.

This 521 page report by Brenda Valetti and reported in Joel Smalley’s Substack of 20 July “(CLICK HERE) argues:

“1. …..factors like lockdowns, harmful medical interventions, and COVID-19 vaccines contributed significantly to excess mortality.

2. The study claims to have found no evidence that vaccination campaigns reduced all-cause mortality.

3. On the contrary, the researchers estimate that 17 million excess deaths were associated with COVID-19 vaccines.”

It is time to stop pretending.

See more here substack.com

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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