Widespread Spike Protein Poisoning of the Population

The Biden HHS National Action Plan on Long-COVID spent a billion US dollars on long-COVID research with a blunderous approach failing to consider the cause of long-COVID syndrome was retention of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein in the human body.

It makes sense that many of the post-COVID-19 vaccine injury syndromes would also be caused by the Spike protein.

An exhaustive, highly graphical review by Scholkmann and May has made it clear, that long-COVID and COVID-19 vaccine injury syndromes have the common pathophysiological element of persistent Spike protein within the body—ie circulating blood, embedded in the lining of blood vessels, and deep into tissues and organs.

With long-COVID, the Spike protein survives as the S1 segment within white blood cells. However after vaccination, the full length S1-S2 Spike trimerizes and is found circulatory within blood.

The Spike protein is the cause of inflammation, misguided antibodies, and oxidative stress which are common discussion points in many manuscripts from academic medical centers that refuse to examine the Spike protein as the primary problem.

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    It is the government’s fervent intention of getting everyone on the planet infected with murdering mRNA spike proteins. And of course there is no test for this to see how infected you are.


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