Why You Should Refuse Your Employer’s Regular PCR Nasal Swabs

At Principia Scientific International (PSI) we get many emails from workers coerced into having regular COVID tests by employers or else risk losing their jobs. In this article we explain why you should refuse the test, because the nasal swabbing may be as dangerous as the unproven experimental jabs.

Did you know that there are toxic ingredients, not only in those jabs, but also on the tips of those swabs they insert up your nose?

PSI has been at pains over the last 18 months to explain about the dangers posed by the experimental ‘vaccines’ – but too little is being said about the risks from repeated swab testing. Is that, in itself a danger?

Well, yes, if these nasal swabs contain ethylene oxide and they breach the blood/brain barrier if incorrectly applied.

To illustrate the concerns, below is one such email we received:


I am an airline pilot based in Hong Kong and subject to continuous PCR testing via invasive nasal swabs.  To give you an idea, in the last 45 days I was subjected to 20 tests! Over the last year I would estimate having done 160 to 200 of these tests.

Whilst I’m no scientist nor doctor I suspect “sticking things inside you continuously” can’t be a good idea! Your professional opinion on this would be very much appreciated.”

To help answer such concerns, we have put together the information below. But please do your own research and never take anyone’s word – double check yourself.

First, let us begin by making it clear that – despite the assurances from jab peddlers – there has NEVER before been an approved coronavirus vaccine brought to market.

In each and every past instance, every vaccine company who tried to create a coronavirus vaccine failed in the laboratory testing phase because all the guinea pigs suffered severe adverse events and died.

What the big corporate drug companies presented to us as a new solution during the COVID19 pandemic is gene therapy rather than a traditional vaccine (serum) using modified ribonucleic acid (mRNA). Genetically modified messenger RNA is termed mRNA.

What does mRNA do? According to the pharmaceutical developers, mRNA is intended to produce instructions to our immune system to make proteins to treat or prevent disease. But let us make is clear that mRNA and RNA are not the same. (These are all verifiable with a simple Google search)

Let’s look at some of the basic Science Facts on testing:

  1. A nasal swab test is a PCR test
  2. PCR tests are for rapid DNA replication
  3. Coronavirus does not contain DNA, only RNA
  4. A PCR test cannot replicate RNA and therefore cannot detect coronaviruses

So, what are they really testing and what are people testing positive for?

In our view, there NO SCIENTIFIC basis to use a nasal PCR swab to test for COVID19. 

A sane, reasonable person would see that we have been lied to and misled about the test and should also ask: what else have they lied about?

On April 12, 2021 we reported that:

“The Académie nationale de médecine, an independent but official learned society in France, published a statement on Thursday warning that nasopharyngeal swabs used for PCR tests to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus “are not without risks” …” a growing amount of data show that “complications” can and do occur, some of them “serious.” “

Crucially, the academy reported that:

it can also become dangerous when the swab goes too deep and is orientated in the wrong direction.”

As we stated at the top of this article, PCR tests remain the so-called gold standard of COVID-19 testing, even though the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that they should mostly be considered as an “aid for diagnosis” and that their results should be carefully interpreted according to manufacturers’ guidance and accompanied by clinical observations, among others.

Clearly, if these tests are repeated week after week, as our pilot-friend reported to us, then the risks grow exponentially, especially when normal medical protocols suggest that any such tests should be performed only on those who show symptoms.

Our concern is the risk of breaching the blood brain barrier. This is because the nasopharyngeal swab is done with a long, thin cotton swab introduced high up into the nasal cavity, often successively via both nostrils, and rotated quickly each time in order to collect a sample of cells and mucus to analyze for the “Wuhan virus” using the highly controversial PCR test, or to be used in view of an antigenic test.

Our article ‘Nasal COVID Swabs With Nanoparticles Cause Brain Damage!’ (February 17, 2021) revealed that PCR swabs may be contaminated with dangerous nanoparticles. I cited a study from Trinity College, Dublin which affirms that nanoparticles alter DNA and cause brain damage.

In the article it was re-affirmed that nasal swabbing offers no extra value in COVID19 virus testing.

“Key cause of concern is that the intrusive long swabs make contact with the delicate cellular barrier at the top of the nasal passage in close proximity to the brain. This is precisely the site which may be compromised by metal nanoparticles referred to in the Dublin study.

When these nanoparticles enter the brain their cellular messengers are released and may cause damage to the DNA of developing brain cells. We first drew wider attention to the possible insidious purpose to these nasal swabs -a completely unnecessary procedure when every law enforcement authority and doctor knows oral swabs are perfectly efficient at taking usable DNA samples – with our December article.”

In another of our articles ‘Video: Covid 19 Nasal Swabbing EXPOSED’ ( April 01, 2021) we showed a video of young British mother making the shocking discovery that PCR test nasal swabs contain a dangerous chemical known to cause cancers.

Shockingly, our governments are unconcerned that deadly ethylene oxide, used primarily to produce antifreeze, pesticide and as a sterilizing agent, is a key component in the COVID19 nasal swabs widely used on our children.

Health care workers often jokingly describe nasopharyngeal swabs – the extra-long Q-tips used for many coronavirus tests – ‘brain-scraping’ implements, as we reported in our article ‘Stop Using These Dangerous ‘Brain Scraping’ COVID Nasal Swabs!’ ( February 18, 2021).

How much worse is it that the ‘brain scraping’ is being done with a fibrous tipped swab laced with a known carcinogenic?

There simply is no technical justification to put a swab up anyone’s nose because there are plentiful saliva, gargle and breath tests which are much less invasive, let alone deliberately risk inserting deadly poison so close to the human brain.

We urge readers to refuse the have the nasal swab and insist that some other kinds of sampling be used, with the caveat that no PCR test should ever be used to determine a diagnosis of anyone who is asymptomatic of disease. This is especially so because the inventor of the test, Dr Kary Mullis, said; “Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test.”

So, why do they do it?

As with the constant fear porn, then mass masking and social distance, the whole point of the nose swab is for mindless obedience, as it violates our bodies. The nose swab is a demonstration of power, the power of a psychopathic elite to control our bodies – to dominate and violate us – both psychologically and physically.

Kevin Galalae’s new article neatly explains in more detail why the psychopathic elite do this to us. Please ensure you click on the link to the PDF at the bottom of this excerpt for all the scientific details:

PCR Tests and the Depopulation Program (by Kevin Galalae)

Ever since the Plandemic has been started, I asked myself why the authorities insist on performing as many Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests as possible, as often as possible on the same individuals, and on as many people as possible given their invasive nature and the fact that they were never meant for diagnostic but for research purposes and are therefore inaccurate and even misleading.  

The creator of the PCR test himself, Dr. Kary Mullis, has stated clearly and on many occasions that the results of the PCR tests can be easily misinterpreted to mean anything.   Well, now I know how the system is misusing them!  

The long swab inserted into the nasopharyngeal cavity all the way to the roof of the nose to collect remnants of viral RNA from the nasal mucosa, the tissue that lines the nasal cavity, damages the fascicles of the olfactory nerve, which, as it turns out, has dire consequences for human health and lifespan because the olfactory nerve is one of only two windows in the cranium through which viruses and bacteria can move from nose to brain, thus can cross the blood-brain barrier, the other one being the trigeminal nerve   

Let me explain!

The olfactory nerve is the only cranial nerve that has stem cells which enable it to continually regenerate throughout life.  These stem cells are called olfactory ensheathing cells.  They surround the olfactory sensory axons (the appendage of the neuron that transmits impulses away from the cell body) to form the fascicles of the olfactory nerve.  In plain English, they are the cells that protect the olfactory nerve and aid its regeneration in case of damage through age or injury.  

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Remember: The most effective treatments are logic, common sense and reason.

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (32)

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    John S


    The ? is near. Wake up folks. Don’t be foolish… Fill your lamps…


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      I don’t take the pcr test for EXACTLY the same reason that I won’t take a lie detector test….neither are accepted in any court on the planet, but “fail” one and every nitwit on the planet thinks they have the green light to persecute the h3ll out of you!! Just tell them to FO!


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        Richard Noakes


        “Here” shopkeepers and medical centers use a hand held battery powered electronic device which records the temperature of each person it is pointed at on, a digital screen – a temperature tester.
        I fail to see why it is necessary to shove a swab up anyone’s nose, especially when the results are not evident immediately.
        Perhaps I am missing the point here?


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      Charles Higley


      What, wait. mRNA is NOT “modified” RNA, but “messenger” RNA the intermediate transcript, normally, between DNA and protein synthesis. The “m” does NOT stand for “modified,” which was something done behind the scene by those who constructed the jabs. This is basic biochemistry folks.


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        John O'Sullivan


        Charles, thanks, now corrected.


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        I am similarly alarmed at the casual misuse of the term “blood/brain barrier”.


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    Terry Shipman


    This is another article that makes me thankful EVERY DAY that I am 71 and blissfully retired after a 37 year career as a technician for Southwestern Bell/ AT&T. I am beyond their reach to mandate anything for me. I have not had any Covid testing nor do I plan on having any. Because of a previous leg blood clot, blood thinners because of elevated current D~Dimer levels, my doctor told me not to get the jab, a decision I had already reached.

    Three weeks ago I was out jogging and was bitten repeatedly on both legs by a vicious dog before I could get my dog spray out of my pocket. Because of the blood thinners I bled more than I have ever bled in my life. A vein was punctured in my left calf and the blood stream was as thick as a drinking straw. The homeowners, people I know, called an ambulance and I was carried to the emergency room where I was treated. Before the ambulance arrived a sheriff’s deputy put a tourniquet above my left knee.

    The emergency room staff asked me if 1) I had a flu shot and 2) if I had a Covid shot. I said yes to the flu shot but no to the Covid shot because of my clot history, blood thinners and elevated D-Dimer test. Plus my doctor’s orders. Nothing more was said to me about it. I was treated and released.

    But it occurred to me later that are things going to get so radical that emergency rooms will refuse to treat non-jabbed people? Will they let someone in my condition bleed to death simply because I have a medical condition that precludes me taking the jab? It’s a very scary thought knowing that people have been taken off transplant lists because of non-jabbed status.

    By the way, no I am not going to sue the owners of the dog. I know them and the dog escaped his enclosure. They did give me aid, wrapping a gauze around my leg so I could keep pressure on the vein puncture. Then they called 911.


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      I am in the Uk and I think you are right about more restrictions being applied to non-vaccinated. Wales already seems to be going in this direction. It is classic totalitarian ideology. First the masses and government adopt absurd beliefs and to maintain the beliefs they need an enemy. The unvaccinated are the enemy, just as people who do not accept the climate crisis are the enemy. Hitler turned the Jews into the enemy and as a result started we had the holocaust. With climate and covid it will be everybody who suffers from the absurb ideas and related policies.


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      cathleen anderson


      I’m an American living in Italy. My husband will be suspended without pay from his job Oct. 15. Italy is the first EU nation to make Covid “green pass” mandatory for ALL workers. The mandate will impact both public and private sectors from October 15. You must either be vaxxed or take the pcr 2x week or have recently recovered from covid (good for 6 months). My husband will be suspended from work without pay starting Oct. 15 because he refuses to take the vax or be tested. We are fighting and our argument is this: since vaccinated people can still get covid and spread it (show data from Israel, Vermont, Seychelles, etc. all the most vaccinated countries experiencing high levels of hospitalization from fully vaxxed people), then they, like us unvaccinated, should take the pcr test twice weekly to keep us safe. Now, along with this new info from Mr. O’Sullivan about the pcr test, we will add that to our case. Thank you John!


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    I am on quite a few groups on facebook all of whom are against anything to do with covid and testing. The problem occurring again and again is if you are employed and want to remain so it’s either have the jab or get tested again and again. These articles are not helpful as we are all aware of the negative aspects , we need action and I am not sure I am seeing it apart from demonstrations and eventually these will fizzle out. I see bleak times ahead. I find the whole covid agenda , quite frankly, EVIL! The facebook groups share all information as above but this doesn’t achieve anything. We now need articles demonstrating all action that is being taken and what we can do to help, be it funding or anything.


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      Richard, you are sooo right! The only ways to make these people do the right thing are:
      1) pray to God Almighty
      2) Commercially Lien them- hit their pocket books.
      I am the Secured Party Creditor with Paramount Security Interest in those Debtors.
      See Commercial Liens- A Most Potent Weapon.
      My dad is living now in an Assisted Living Home. The only way the staff will allow me to see him is with the Covid Shot or Negative Covid Nasal Swab Test. I never intend to get either. But if any of you are Secured Party Creditors and know precisely how to implement this type of remedy, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in this regard. I have come across Commercial Liens… info. before, but haven’t personally utilized this remedy before. I need to proceed with caution and wisdom. I also need to be able to see my dad without jeopardizing my health in the process. If you are so knowledgeable, please advise.


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      I think you’ll find that a PCR test/jab is still a medical experiment no matter how you look at it and it can also be described as invasive surgery. The Nuremberg Code 1947 (emanating from those horrific medical experiments by the Nazis) prohibits any forced/coerced experimentation without proper informed consent of the patient.

      It would be best to address your employer in writing and ask them if their insurance will cover them if the employee is injured by the test/jab after having been coerced. Here in Australia, insurance will likely back off and the employer will be forced by law (Fair Work Act etc.) to pay the injured employee’s medical bills – for the rest of their lives if necessary if there’s coercion.


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    John O'Sullivan


    Hi Richard, The way to fight this genocide is to (a) mobilise into groups at work and refuse to comply, as is happening in Florida right now with employees for South Western Airlines refusing to take the jab, and (b) as individuals, if your employer threatens you with sanctions/dismissal file a lawsuit under the grounds of constructive/wrongful dismissal


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      Terry Shipman


      John, you beat me to an answer. I feel that PSI is doing a very valuable thing by keeping us informed outside a wall of censorship. You have no power to stop this nonsense but you do have the power to keep us informed. That’s why I come to PSI’s web site every day.


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        Sorry, it sounded like I was condemning the site, not at all .I share every article I can from this site and it’s much appreciated.


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    You are missing a fundamental fact with the criticism of the PCR test. It is a RT-PCR test. The RT refers to reverse transcriptase which converts RNA into its complementary DNA.


  • Avatar



    I don’t take the pcr test for EXACTLY the same reason that I won’t take a lie detector test….neither are accepted in any court on the planet, but “fail” one and every nitwit on the planet thinks they have the green light to persecute the h3ll out of you!! Just tell them to FO!


  • Avatar



    Richard, you are sooo right! The only ways to make these people do the right thing are:
    1) pray to God Almighty
    2) Commercially Lien them- hit their pocket books.
    I am the Secured Party Creditor with Paramount Security Interest in those Debtors.
    See Commercial Liens- A Most Potent Weapon.
    My dad is living now in an Assisted Living Home. The only way the staff will allow me to see him is with the Covid Shot or Negative Covid Nasal Swab Test. I never intend to get either. But if any of you are Secured Party Creditors and know precisely how to implement this type of remedy, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in this regard. I have come across Commercial Liens… info. before, but haven’t personally utilized this remedy before. I need to proceed with caution and wisdom. I also need to be able to see my dad without jeopardizing my health in the process. If you are so knowledgeable, please advise.


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    Greg Spinolae


    With or even WITHOUT toxins on the swab, a deep naso-pharyngeal swab is profoundly dangerous even if completely INERT but administered by anyone not totally familiar with the anatomy of the area. The proximity to the brain, and Oculomotor nerve in particular, can precipitate the most horrible consequences if the swab scrapes a sensitive area or previous lesion.
    Yes. REJECT a naso-pharyngeal swab as if your sight or life depended on it.


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    Carl Parsons


    While I agree that tests don’t work and are useless, I must point out that ethylene oxide is a GAS, not a LIQUID (or solid, for that matter).

    Yes, it is DANGEROUS in its gaseous form, but it does NOT leave a residue (as a liquid would) post-sterilization. That is precisely why it is used to sterilize medical equipment.

    So, while I do agree that the vaccines are dangerous and that the tests are invasion and (potentially) dangerous because of where they are swabbing, the ethylene oxide element is a non-issue.


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      I was gonna say the same thing. But you beat me to it. Another nonsense article from John.


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    In reply to Carl Parsons:

    Ethylene Oxide reacts with moisture to leave a residue behind of antifreeze or polyethylene glycol.

    Plus it is reacts with other things, it will leave other chemicals behind.


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    Another reply to Carl:

    Ethylene Oxide is a chemical. It sterilizes germs by reacting with them. That means it and the germ changes into other chemicals. Think! That means it must leave something behind.

    Plus as I said before, EO reacts with moisture to leave a residue of antifreeze behind.


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    I have never had this test and never will submit to it. Besides, it is useless for much of anything concerning covid testing. It was never previously trialed or standardized to find out what it could do that was accurate. I do not want some slob poking anything up my nose.


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    Richard Noakes


    It seems I have not left my Covid Crusher here previously as a free alternative to those vaccines, so I will do it now: The assumption is that the only way to deal with Covid, is after it arrives as Covid in your body, after the initial cold infection, in your head, some 20 days earlier
    Why is that?

    Kill the Flu or Coronavirus in the head, soon after getting the virus in the nasal passages inside the head, with my free salt water cure, which flushes out the nasal passages (so no Long Covid) and kills off the Coronavirus infection, immediately, or during the 10 to 14 days of self isolation.

    No infection in the head, no Covid – it is as simple as that.

    Then the purpose and functions of the vaccines, ceases to be a problem and you simply can’t get sick and won’t ever get Covid.

    Mix one heaped teaspoon of “iodine” table or sea salt in a mug of warm or cold “clean” water, cup a hand and pour some of the solution in, then sniff or snort that mugful up into your nose, spitting out everything which comes down into your mouth, from the back of your throat, by so doing, you flush out your nasal cavity, where Coronavirus lives.

    If you get a burning sensation (which lasts for 2-3 minutes) then you have a Coronavirus infection.

    When the soreness goes away, blow out your head with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards and continue doing my salt clean water nasal cavity flush cure, morning, noon and night, or more often, if you want, until, when you do my free salt water cure, you don’t experience any soreness at all in your nasal cavity inside your head.

    While you are at it, swallow a couple of mouthfuls and if you get a burning sensation in your chest, then you are killing the Covid/Pneumonia there too, so keep it up, each time you do a salt water sniffle, until the soreness in your head and lungs goes away – job done.

    When you flush your head with the salt water remedy, it should feel like you are flushing your head with water – no reaction felt at all.

    I have been doing this for 27 years and I am never ill from viruses and there is no reason for anyone else to be either.

    You don’t need to be tested to see if you have a head infection, you will know instantly if you have or not, with my free salt water cure

    We will need a cure for Coronavirus or the Flu, which everyone will get sooner or later and this is it – my Covid Crusher.

    Pass it around to everyone and take credit for it yourself, if you want.

    Now to the nitty gritty – try it with everyone with Flu like symptoms and see for yourself how effective it is and post your results here.

    Make my day!!

    Me 74/75!!



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    I would just like to point out that PCR is not a “test”. I continually frustrated with PCR being referred to as a “test”. It is not. PCR is a DNA replication process, nothing more, so says the inventor himself. The PCR process itself doesn’t “test” anything.


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    What recourse does one have when employers are forcing 2x per week tests! My wife will be subjected to this very soon, and its a non-starter for her to stay there if they require this. We are looking for an attorney who can help us in Texas, but have been unable to find one.


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      The advice is to use DuckDuckGo as a preferred search engine.


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