Why We Must Oppose These Mandatory ‘Vaccines’
Unlawful coercion into taking experimental ‘vaccines’ is now public policy across all English-speaking nations. A handful of politicians are making a stand for all our civil liberties. Senator Malcolm Roberts (Australia) is one such Champion of the People.
Below Roberts explains how citizens of English-speaking nations (not just Australians) can reclaim our common law freedoms.
Informed Consent is vital to any medical procedure. The vaccine is being made mandatory for many sectors or employees are told that will lose their job.
Wherever there is coercion (you will lose your job and livelihood if you do not take this vaccine) it is impossible to have informed consent.
Every doctor, every allied health professional and every lawyer who works in the medico-legal field knows that for a consent to medical treatment to be valid, a necessary element is that the consent must be fully informed. If the patient has sufficient information about the proposed treatment that will provide the treating practitioner with a defence against a civil suit for assault.
However, if the practitioner is being sued for negligence, by way of breaching the duty of care owed to the patient, the consent from the patient must be by way of a fully informed consent. Sufficient information in the context of an assault action would be that the patient has been provided information in broad, general terms as to the nature of the proposed treatment and what it is intended to achieve. Informed consent in the context of an action in negligence requires a much higher standard of information provided for the patient.
This information should be detailed as to the nature of the treatment; what alternatives there are; what are the risks involved, in detail more than just statistics; what are the possible side effects and how they may be treated. I’m being told that many people receiving a vaccination are deliberately not being told which vaccination is being administered. I’m hearing that in some aged care facilities, the residents are not being told of alternatives that may be available such as Ivermectin, and deliberately kept in the dark about the actual treatment.
They are very frightened. Deadly side effects such as blood clotting and heart problems are being downplayed. Simple questions about long term effects of the vaccinations go unanswered because the answers remain unknown. How can a patient give a fully informed consent with all these unanswered questions? They can’t. The government has recently said they would indemnify doctors who administer the vaccine when something goes terribly wrong. This does not indicate the government has much confidence in the vaccine being administered and indicates they’re presuming something harmful will happen.
- Attachment 1 – Virus Data and Questions
- Attachment 2 – Vaccine Injection Data, TGA and Questions
- Attachment 3 – Alternative Treatments Complementary to Vaccine Strategy and Questions
- Attachment 4 – Lockdown Data and Questions
- Attachment 5 – Restrictions, Taiwan’s Superior Performance and Questions
- Attachment 6 – Conclusions, Core Issues and Questions
- Attachment 7 – Possible Solutions and Questions
More at www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
A Reasonable Man
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We are loosing this battle. Even if you do not understand , or are not sure about the science behind the shot or think it is only hurting a small percentage of the population; it doesn’t matter. The risk benefit calculation for relatively healthy people does not justify destroying ,and I do mean absolutely shredding your legal and natural rights. If they can get away with this, they can get away with anything in the future.
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I wish there were more like Malcom Roberts in the world. He knows what he is talking about and on climate change as well.
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As an Australian, I’m greatly encouraged by Malcolm Roberts forthrightness and honesty in these times of deception and coercion. Thankfully other politicians are starting to speak up here in Victoria also, though I fear it will be too little too late. We have apathetically allowed our freedoms to be stripped away with barely a murmur, in fact most of the population appear to be in full agreement with the draconian measures taken.
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Bill, as another Australian I fully agree with your comment. I have the greatest respect for our politicians who have stood up against a rabid media. I live in fantasy land and our premier has advised us that vaccinated people will need to wear masks when the border opens. I am taking that means unvaccinated people can go face open to the sun and wind, we may not be allowed in the coffee shop, but then who wants to be surrounded by potential shedders.
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We could do with someone like Malcolm Roberts in New Zealand. Unfortunately every politician here emotively backs the vaccine as does every journalist. The government is now going to introduce vaccine passports which will penalise those of us who refuse the vaccine. They absolutely refuse to believe that there is any way to prevent catching the virus other than vaccination. They also omit to mention the low efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant despite the experience of othe countries and of course the official narrative is that the vaccine is completely safe. Sadly too many New Zealanders believe what they are being told without question.
Carbon Bigfoot
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Dr. Jane Ruby declares the 5-11 year old Pfizer inoculation plan violates all FDA protocols. STOP THIS MADNESS.
70 members of Pfizer’ Investment Board are Chinese Nationals probably all CCP members. As indicated at 30:00 minute of the following video:
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“I’m concerned this Parliament’s reckless vaccination programme is killing people.”
What a courageous man, truly representing the people who elected him, and daring to speak the truth on their behalf, when most of his colleagues are silent and complicit in this Globalist Genocide.
May God bless Senator Malcolm Roberts, and heroic Aussies like him, whose ancestors built Australia into a great nation.
Robert Beatty
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Malcolm Roberts does a fine job supporting conservative values in the Senate.
The current challenge is ‘how do you turn that into electoral success at the coming Federal Election?’
There are two considerations:
1) Several high profile conservative politicians have left their traditional bases to stand with new minor parties supporting those values.
2) Our voting system includes compulsory preferential voting.
This means if you vote for the minor parties, you also have to vote for the major parties – even if you put them at the end of your preference list. The result is that one of the two major parties invariably finish up in front.
To change this, the minor conservative parties need to form into a coalition of some description, and come up with an united policy which fires the imagination of the average voter. The rest is up to sensible Australian voters.