Why The UK Govt Must Give Up Its Dangerous EV Obsession
It is becoming clear that in their frenzied determination to hit their arbitrary Net-Zero target, ministers have overlooked the enormous repercussions of weaning Britain off petrol – and onto electric cars.
First, let us address the economic challenges. In England alone, it is estimated it will cost £16.7 bn to get the UK’s public charging network ready. The Government has allocated just £1.3 bn UK-wide.
On top of that colossal figure, it has been calculated that getting the national grid ready for the scale of demand anticipated will require hundreds of billions of pounds. To illustrate why just look at the example of the Glasgow electric bus fleet (pictured).
The program is expected to be completed in 2023 – but already, it has been calculated that the full fleet will use the same electricity as it takes to power a town of 10,000 people. And that’s just one city.
Finally, there is the inescapable fact that electric vehicles will cost around £40bn in lost road taxes and fuel duty – a crucial source of income for the Treasury.
But the political ramifications are, if anything, even more alarming. The UK is already far too dependent on China, a brutal regime that indiscriminately tramples on human rights.
And switching to electric vehicles would massively increase that dependence: China not only produces 50 percent of the world’s electric vehicles – it is also responsible for 73 percent of the world’s batteries.
The Government talks of building one, or possibly two, battery factories. But China is opening a new mega-factory every few weeks. In short, when it comes to electric capacity, we aren’t even at the races.
Two hundred years ago, the industrial revolution ushered in a sustained period of economic growth and rising wages. But it was a revolution based on cheap energy – and, as we discovered too late, there were serious environmental consequences.
Now, we are facing the opposite problem. In their blinkered pursuit of Net Zero, British politicians risk making energy more expensive – a move that will hit the poorest the hardest and make leveling up nigh on impossible.
If the Government chose to concentrate on developing the UK’s already advanced hydrogen sector, we might stand a chance both of reducing our dependence on China and limiting the cost of Net-Zero.
Yet for some reason, ministers remain fixated on batteries, which despite all the green chest-beating will mostly end up in landfills.
If our plan for net-zero results in spiraling debt, higher taxes at home, and growing dependency on a brutal Chinese regime, surely it’s time for a complete rethink.
See more here: climatechangedispatch.com
Header image: Bus Watch
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Mark Tapley
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There is no obsession here nor a miscalculation. Just the U.N. bankers plan for global tyranny. This is the Sustainable Development Initiative agenda 2030-21 plan being laid down for the goyim. All industrial economies must be destroyed and all land, water, minerals, capital and resources brought under Zionist Neo feudal control so that wether you are in Houston or Hanoi all the cattle will be managed in the technocracy of strict energy quotas, austerity and extreme shortages. On Orwell’s animal farm all the animals were equal. But some were more equal than others.
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Look I have it on the good authority government ministers, MPs, lacky hangers-on, and government bureaucrats, that Net Zero goal is achievable.
The new Net Zero promises to herald a new era with tremendous employment opportunities.
For instance in the expanded candle-making sector (as intermittent power becomes common), employment at solar farms as many parts of the worn-out and damaged arrays are disassembled by hand and carried by crews of fit people to the toxic waste dump.
As part of the railway back-up engine motivators teams. Team that are available 8hrs a day, 5 days a week, ready to push engines when the electrical power fails. Keeping the trains, trams and underground running on their special once a day service.
Employment for many in the ‘Wind Farm Reclamation Defense Force’. A defense force that identifies broken/defective and old turbines and towers, sustainable disassembles them by hand using self made tools, and strips the reusable parts before hand carrying them to the designated land fill site over the following months.
Employment for personnel in the ever-expanding fire protection industry. Brave men/women/LGB123GQ personnel who oversee the piles of worn out vehicle batteries, grid-scale energy storage batteries, and the defunct lithium battery powered devices at the hazardous waste site. Those brave people who are ready to move the onlookers away from the corroding battery housings that explode into spectacular fireballs.