Why the Moon gets both Colder and Hotter than Earth
After years of failed predictions about man-made global warming, climate scientists are beginning to realize that the greenhouse gas theory is wrong. They are seeing that carbon dioxide (CO2) does not ‘keep our planet warmer than it should be,’ as was once believed. 

Instead, a growing number of eminent physicists, space scientists and independent researchers, equipped with greater understanding of higher level thermodynamics and astrophysics, are correcting over 30 years’ of greenhouse gas confusion. In Australia, the Galileo Movement is helping to get that message across with ‘CSIROh! Climate of Deception? … Or First Step to Freedom?’‘CSIROh! Climate of Deception? … Or First Step to Freedom?’
One of the simpler guides to re-education about how gases work in an atmosphere is to examine how a planetary body, our Moon, that has almost no atmospheres reacts to energy it receives from the sun.
Temperatures on the moon in sunlight reach up to 123 degrees C. The dark side of the lunar surface is as cold as minus 153 degrees C. Our moon is both hotter and colder than our Earth.
This wide variation is because our moon has no atmosphere to cool the surface during sunlight or retain heat when not in sunlight.
All atmospheric gases on Earth act as coolants during the hours of sunlight and slow the rate of cooling in absence of sunlight.
Another difference is that our moon has no surface water. In Earth’s atmosphere water vapour moderates temperature by reducing highs and raising lows. It stabilises temperature swings. Doesn’t this make water vapour a climate stabiliser?
Water vapour transfers heat around the atmosphere. In phase changes it acts as a coolant. How can water vapour have a positive warming feedback as claimed by government consensus scientists and the UN?
If water vapour, during its phase-change to water droplets did warm the atmosphere, then a) rain would be warm and b) rain couldn’t fall because the latent “heat” would re-evaporate the water droplets. How is it possible for ice to fall as hail or snow when even more latent “heat” is released?!
The above is a brief extract and intended to be read in conjunction with, all parts of and appendices to the document entitled CSIROh!
Other further reading: http://www.tech-know-group.com/papers/Lunar_cooling_disproves_earth_greenhouse_effect.pdf
And for serious academics: http://www.tech-know-group.com/papers/vacuum.pdf (just check the conclusion for inspiration)
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