Why The Desperate Attempt To Silence Dr. Sherri Tenpenny?

Australia’s vaccine zealots are the most rabid extremist wing of the vaccine medical mafia, and they’ve engaged in tactics like issuing death threats to vaccine educators to try to silence them. Now, they’re trying to get the Australian government to ban the travel visa of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (pictured), a pro-informed-consent educator who has conducted more research into vaccine adverse effects and safety risks than almost anyone else speaking out today.

Australia’s vaccine mafia, it turns out, is absolutely terrified that citizens of Australia might learn the truth about vaccine exemptions, toxic vaccine ingredients (like mercury) and the growing global epidemic of vaccine-damaged children.

Click here to see the recent video news report on YouTube.

So they’re running a mafia-style censorship campaign to strong-arm speaking venues to cancel scheduled events where Dr. Tenpenny is scheduled to speak, and they’re even petitioning the Australian government to revoke Dr. Tenpenny’s travel visa, barring her from entering the country altogether.

In the process of all this, they are turning Dr. Sherri Tenpenny in a folk hero and attracting enormous global attention to the unethical tactics and censorship gestapo tactics used by the vaccine industry to silence educators.

The vaccine propaganda of modern medicine is so fragile that it cannot withstand even a single doctor who teaches informed choice

The vaccine industry insists its immunization recommendations (and safety claims) are based on solid scientific evidence. Any science that’s really “solid,” however, would easily be able to withstand the scrutiny of independent questions, vaccine skeptics or non-conformist doctors who want to carry out a rational discussion about vaccine risks vs. supposed benefits.

But when a so-called “science” is so terrified of the public hearing the other side of the argument, it’s no science at all. It is a dogma. Any science that must actively seek to silence and intimidate those who might question its core tenants is a fraudulent pseudoscience.

The scientific method, after all, is based on the idea that you gather all the available evidence and arrive at conclusions that follow from the evidence. But “vaccine science” — which is actually an oxymoron like “military intelligence” — will not dare consider any evidence that contradicts its present-day dogma. Propaganda, not science, is the basis of today’s vaccine industry. The public is only supposed to hear, over and over again, statements and claims about vaccines which are demonstrably false: notably, that vaccines always work and are never dangerous.

In reality, vaccines often don’t work at all. And they’re so dangerous that they routinely kill innocent people. Vaccines are also often based on deliberately falsified “scientific” evidence as described in detail by two former Merck virologists who filed a False Claims Act with the federal government, describing how the company spiked human blood samples with animal antibodies to fake the evidence “proving” their vaccines worked.

As reported in Courthousenews.com which covered the complaint:

Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that “did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life … virus neutralization in vaccinated people,” according to the complaint.

• Merck then used the falsified trial results to swindle the U.S. government out of “hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization.”

• Merck’s vaccine fraud has actually contributed to the continuation of mumps across America, causing more children to become infected with mumps.

• Merck used its false claims of “95 percent effectiveness” to monopolize the vaccine market and eliminate possible competitors.

• The Merck vaccine fraud has been going on since the late 1990’s, say the Merck virologists.

• Testing of Merck’s vaccine was never done against “real-world” mumps viruses in the wild. Instead, test results were simply falsified to achieve the desired outcome.

• This entire fraud took place “with the knowledge, authority and approval of Merck’s senior management.”

• Merck scientists “witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings,” according to court documents.

Just recently, another vaccine killed at least 13 people in Italy, meaning vaccines in Italy killed more people than the recent terrorists in France. A few months before that, dozens of girls suffered severely debilitating health effects after receiving HPV vaccines, sending hundreds to the emergency rooms of local hospitals. In response to this, the vaccine mafia claimed a whopping 370 victims of HPV vaccines suffered from “mass hysteria” and were merely “imagining” their medical symptoms. Wow.

WHO-approved vaccines given to young women in Africa have also been confirmed spiked with sterilization chemicals to secretly prevent conception. It’s just one of the many examples of vaccines being used to covertly inject the population with chemicals secretly introduced into vaccines as part of the global human depopulation agenda now under way.

Vaccine companies are also criminal enterprises, being routinely found guilty of serious felony crimes such as bribing doctors and paying kickbacks to hospitals. Even the U.S. Dept. of Justice — which almost never goes after powerful corporations — nailed GlaxoSmithKline with a multi-billion-dollar fine after charging the company with felony criminal misconduct.

The truth is that both vaccine companies and vaccine propagandists operate as a criminal mafia, resorting to insidious, highly-unethical and borderline psychopathic tactics to try to silence anyone who dares question official vaccine propaganda. Those tactics include explicit, direct death threats, hack attempts of websites, ganging up on news organizations to blockade any news that questions vaccines, pressuring speaking venues to cancel events, and now even pressuring the government of a large nation to revoke the travel visa of a doctor who promotes vaccine education and informed consent.

What are Australia’s vaccine zealots so afraid of, really?

Think about this logically. If Dr. Tenpenny’s lecture was totally loony and nonsensical, the vaccine mafia should be happy to let her speak everywhere. If what she’s saying is crazy, after all, then allowing her to speak to a massive audience would only convince more people to take more vaccines.

But the only reason why they are so frantically trying to censor Dr. Tenpenny is because her lecture makes so much sense. The information she shares with the audience is groundbreaking, revolutionary knowledge that people everywhere need to know in order to make informed choices that impact their personal health.

The vaccine industry wants you to remain ignorant (and obedient)

You may wonder: What kind of medical system wants to block doctors from teaching the public information that would help them make more informed choices?

The answer is: A medical system that cares more about vaccine profits than public health. This is the same corrupt, criminal medical system that habitually lies to the public and claims vaccines are safe (they aren’t) and effective, even when the CDC openly admitted this year’s flu shot probably doesn’t work because it’s the wrong strain.

The fact that children everywhere around the world are being harmed and even killed by vaccines doesn’t concern the vaccine industry the least bit. In yet another example of blatant anti-science quackery, the entire industry selectively discards all evidence of vaccine injuries, pretending such injuries are not happening. It is precisely this sort of deliberate ignoring of important public safety evidence that’s causing the vaccine industry to make a mockery of itself.

It’s also why more and more people are waking up and realizing the vaccine industry is a dangerous medical racket founded in pseudoscience quackery, depopulation agendas and the systematic chemical abuse of children.

Big Pharma today reflects the scientific dictatorship of Big Tobacco from yesteryear

Much like the con artistry of Big Tobacco which once ruled medical journals and funded all “scientific” research into the claimed safety of cigarette smoking, the vaccine industry currently dominates messages that appear in medical journals and the mainstream media. But this brand of corporate-quacked pseudoscience is no more legitimate than the Big Tobacco “science” which produced full-page ads for Camels cigarettes appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association along with claims like, “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.”

In both cases, the corporate science was utterly contrived, and anyone who opposed the for-profit corporate machines that poisoned people for profit with their toxic products was silenced, fired, intimidated or otherwise threatened.

Just as Big Tobacco’s top executives swore under oath to the U.S. Congress in 1994 that “Nicotine is not addictive,” today’s vaccine pushers swear, “Vaccines do not cause autism.” And yet even the CDC’s own top scientist whistleblower openly admitted in 2014 to a massive CDC cover-up that sought to bury the data linking autism and vaccines.

The mainstream media everywhere around the world, of course, completely censored that story and refused to report it. Not because it wasn’t newsworthy — it was actually one of the biggest medical stories of the decade — but because they didn’t want the public to hear any information that might shatter the false faith in the fragile illusion of vaccine safety.

The vaccine delusion is so fragile, remember, that it could be shattered by a single truthful news story appearing in the mainstream media. And that’s exactly why the mainstream media won’t run a single truthful news story about vaccine links to autism or the fact that flu shots are still made with the toxic heavy metal mercury.

Click here to read why flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history.

The only way to keep the scam running is to completely black out any honest information about vaccine adverse effects, chemical ingredients or vaccine history… such as the disturbing fact that as many as 98 million Americans were injected with simian cancer viruses as part of the nationwide polio vaccination programs in the 1960’s and 70’s.

So censorship and illusion become the last desperate ploys invoked by an industry running on lies, smoke and mirrors. This is why the citizens of Australia can never be allowed to hear Dr. Sherri Tenpenny describe the meticulously researched scientific evidence that calls into question the safety of vaccines.

In a medical system built on a house of lies, truth is the greatest threat of all.

The vaccine industry is terrified of Dr. Tenpenny teaching informed choice in exactly the same way the Church was once terrified of Italian scientist Galileo saying that the sun is the center of our solar system.

Finally, the very reason why you should always question vaccine safety is precisely because the vaccine industry can’t be trusted to tell you both sides of the story. One hundred percent of the information the vaccine industry tells the public is distorted, shaped and engineered to mislead and misinform. It is only through courageous truth-tellers like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny that people are learning information from both sides of this issue so that they can make an informed decision.

PSI editor’s note: the article ended with a link to a Youtube video; an interview about the Australian travel blockade of Dr. Tenpenny, broadcast on the Next News Network with Gary Franchi. Youtube have now removed the video.

See more here: globalresearch.ca

Header image: ABC

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Comments (14)

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    It worked for the climate hoax so why wouldn’t it work for supposed vaccines in little phials that could contain anything. The public have no way of knowing what is in each of those phials.
    The aim is always the same: prominence, privilege and dominance over the world’s population.


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    Mark Tapley


    Control of the media and the establishment of a fiat banking cartel are always among the first goals whenever the Zionist elite gain control of a country. Tenpenny is not even a good opponent to counter the fake virus scam because she endorses the existence of imaginary pathogen. She has even attempted to ingratiate herself to the gate keepers by using her soap box to pay homage to the tragic suffering of the six million shekel grubbers and their holohoax.

    In the video below, the safe and highly effective Pfizer “vaccine” contents have been revealed. Over 99% Graphene dioxide for the livestock:


    • Avatar



      I watch anything – and tenpenny is one i watch often, although i do feel people put her on a pedestal – she seems genuine enough, just because she believes in certain false history events doesn’t make her the enemy – we all have our faults until proven otherwsie 😉

      more details on GO here:



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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Itsme:
        Thanks for posting the video. Now we know why the FDA operatives for the Zionists pulled the NAC off the market. As for Tenpenny and her obsequious supplication to the childish and ridiculous but cornerstone canard of the 6 million I think it is a red flag. We may have believed in Santa when we were small but now childishness is put away. The very fact that this Zionist icon of Jew mythology has to be constantly promoted but never questioned should be a beacon to everyone as to how true it is. But at any rate what can be said of a Dr. that still believes in the fake virus.


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          Tom O


          I thought you were probably just an angry “new historian,” but now I realize you are just an idiot.


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          Advocatus Diaboli


          “Now we know why the FDA operatives for the Zionists pulled the NAC off the market.”

          I just received an order of NAC in the mail and saw bottles of it on their usual shelf at the vitamin store last week.


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      Tom O


      So because she devotes her time to research in her profession and not to verifying “historic events,” that makes her a kiss up to the Zionists? What medication are you on? We are all taught “history” – you know, that subject that if we don’t learn from it, we are bound to repeat it thing. That thing that changes with every new group of “historians.” You can wail about “the greatest hoax in history” and that’s fine. I assume, then, you lived through the period and thus have firsthand information. The only “history” I know is a fact, really, started about 1949, when I was 5 years old – enough to realize the world was beyond my family. I may have even known of events that were miles away, but nothing between. What I have experienced is the only history I know for sure, all else is speculation presented by people that make money writing books and presenting them as fact. That said, we have to use “history” as an anchor – to tie us to the world, and let the world have its own place our reality.

      Today’s version of history is not the version I was taught in my school years. It has changed markedly, really. I can’t learn from history because it’s a moving target, but I suppose I can learn from a generalized version, just not specifics. Until Dr. Wonmog creates his time machine and we can travel back and observe events, no one truly knows what is history.

      That said, Dr. Tenpenny talks medicine and research, and that is what I listen to her for in the first place. I have come to realize that the new historians, who have uncovered all sorts of “new history,” may be sincere, or actually may just be people carrying a grudge about someone or something, and twisting “history” to be what they want it. Which are you?


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Tom O:
        You do a lot of rambling around. There are two problems with Tenpenny that I have already pointed out. First of all I find it suspicious that she would bring the subject of the holohoax up in an unrelated medical interview. When this is done as it is all the time by MSM shills and puppet actor politicians it is to curry favor with the aIPAC, ADL, Zionist network. Nothing else. There is such an overwhelming trove of evidence to contradict this ridiculous myth that it is really an embarrassment for any adult to promote this non sense or for someone such as you to defend those that do.

        The other issue that is very questionable about Tenpenny is her defense of the existence of the fake virus and her repeated claims of it’s medical impact. This is the same exact tactic that was used in the AIDS fraud where every possible symptom was included in the diagnosis of that fake virus as we see with this one. I don’t write in generalities and I have reasons for my assertions. I also refrain from addressing other commenters as an idiot because it is is a personal attack. If I am not able to confront the person I just state my opinion in a respectful manner. They have a right to their’s as well.


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    What really concerns me is how so many people are willingly getting vaccinated without any knowledge about the vaccines other than governments saying they are safe. I include my wife, my brother and his wife, and friends.

    Worse, when you try to give them information straight from expert medical scientists, they remain in a state of denial. Nope… they prefer to believe the government narrative – “The vaccines are safe”!!!


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      Zoe Phin


      Man on TV said take shot. Man on TV says don’t listen to man not on TV. If man not on TV was correct he would be on TV.

      Program Loaded. Program Executed.


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        Man on computer think woman on PSI make heap big insightful comment.


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    WHAT IF!!!!
    There is an alternative way to regard the warming AND VIRUS PANDEMIC hysteria; that way suggests that warming hysteria and the virus pandemic was invented as cover to divert World and popular attention away from something far more calamitous, even more immediate.
    The Earth, in it’s celestial orbit, for about the last thousand years, has been in the position where it has always been subject to an Ice Age; The astronomers and scientists who know, say it is imminent; brief review of weather over last twelve months, seems to point that way in support.
    Here is the rub! in shorthand version; if one considers all the remedy’s proposed to ward off “Warming” and the killer virus, and then compare that consideration, with the possible onset of an “Ice Age”, you are obliged to realise, that all such afore mentioned warming and virus remedy’s will actually be made real, whether humanity likes it or not. Will you imagine, the terror and turmoil that will ensue, once great swathes of humanity realise, that they live on land soon to be too cold and maybe miles deep under glaciers. Amen it is written.


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    A Reasonable Man


    Freedom in a society is gained and preserved by the few , the committed, the courageous minority of citizens that have studied history, understand human nature, and sociology. The majority tend to be very sheep like. There is no such thing as a “benevolent dictatorship “ because only individuals totally lacking in empathy and pathologically egotistical make it to the top in corrupted society’s. History also tells us it is time to act now before it is too late.
    Thanks, John in the USA


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    Criminal mafia…that includes all of big pharma and most of the medical establishment. They all want your money before your health, of which they can never make better.


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