Why The Apparent Desperation For Total Global Vaccination?
I don’t think I am the only person that has noticed it – there has been a sudden deluge of covid vaccination propaganda and vaccine passport propaganda in the past month, more so than I think we have seen since the beginning of this year.
I am speaking of the US in particular, but it is important to point out that in the US the establishment is still desperately clamoring for a much higher vaccination rate. In places like Europe, the UK and Australia vaccinations rates are higher and governments have moved on to the vaccine passport phase of their agenda.
Some people may be confused by the obvious lockstep that most nations are moving in as far as covid mandates and restrictions are concerned.
How is it possible that almost all the governments on the planet are in agreement on medical totalitarianism?
Well, it’s rather easy to understand when you realize the majority of them are linked together through globalist institutions like the World Economic Forum, which has repeatedly called the pandemic a “perfect opportunity” to push through their plans for a “Great Reset”.
The “Great Reset” is a long term ideological usurpation of what’s left of individual freedom and free market economies, and it’s goal is the imposition of a global socialist / communist dictatorship.
Globalists wrap these objectives in pretty sounding words and humanitarian sounding aspirations, but at bottom the “Reset” is about an end to liberty as we know it. This is not an exaggeration, this is reality; this is what these people desire above all else. But how to achieve such a goal?
Well, interestingly enough the WEF and the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation described exactly how they planned to do it during a “simulation” they held in October of 2019 called “Event 201”. During the event, they imagined a massive coronavirus pandemic, spread supposedly from animals to humans, which would facilitate the need for pervasive restrictions on individual liberties, national economies as well as the internet and social media.
I’m sure it’s all a coincidence, but the exact same scenario the globalists at the WEF played out during Event 201 happened in the real world only two months later.
In any case, the pandemic itself has been a boon for the globalists.
We have not seen a far reaching government power and corporate power grab since the rise of the National Socialists in Europe and the spread of communism in Russia and China almost a century ago.
In fact, I would say that what humanity as a whole is facing today is much worse than what those wretched empires ever could have produced.
There is no doubt; globalist institutions and their government “partners” are the greatest beneficiaries of the covid crisis. They stand to gain ultimate social and political power if their agenda to exploit the pandemic succeeds.
That said, there a few hangups in their plan, and this is why I believe we are seeing an aggressive propaganda push in recent weeks. For example, as I outlined with extensive evidence in my article ‘Biden’s Vaccine Strike Force Plan Stinks Of Desperation’, it appears that the vaccination rate, especially in the US, is nowhere near as high as the elites would like.
While the Biden Administration and the CDC claims an overall vaccination rate of 67 percent, numerous other stats including the Mayo Clinics state map numbers indicate that only four states in the US actually have a vaccination rate over 65 percent (for one dose or more), and the majority of states have rates around 50 percent or less.
Even large population blue states like California and New York are not above the 65 percent mark, and frankly, those numbers are going nowhere as vaccinations are dropping off a cliff.
If someone has not submitted by now with zero wait times and ample doses everywhere, then they are unlikely to ever be vaccinated.
Contradictory stats suggest to me that Biden and the CDC are inflating their vaccination numbers to create the illusion that a larger majority of Americans support the jab. And if this is the case, it explains why Biden, Fauci and the mainstream media are force feeding the public with pro-vaccine hype that consistently contradicts the real science.
They are not getting the fear and public compliance that they had hoped for.
But why do they want 100% vaccination? Why are they so desperate for every single person in the world to get the mRNA jab?
After all, the average (IFR) death rate of covid is a mere 0.26% of those infected (this is a stat that the media consistently and deliberately refuses to mention to the public). This means that 99.7 percent of the public is in NO danger from covid whether they are vaccinated or not.
Do the vaccines ensure better odds? Well, according to recent statistics from Massachusetts, not necessarily, as they report over 5100 infections and 80 deaths of fully vaccinated patients. The media keeps telling us that only the unvaccinated are dying, but this is a lie, like so many other lies they have been peddling when it comes to covid.
So, what’s the point of taking an experimental vaccine if the death rate of the virus is so low and the jab doesn’t necessarily protect you anyway?
There is no point. The science and the stats do not support it. The vaccines can’t even be credited with the decline in infections and deaths this year; the numbers plunged in January – Only 5% of the population was vaccinated by February.
The only explanation for this is that the population hit herd immunity many months ago. Remember when governments said that they needed 70 percent herd immunity or vaccination to stop the lockdowns and mandates? The goalposts have been moves several times and the government “science” changes monthly.
Now they claim herd immunity doesn’t matter and demand 100 percent vaccination.
We must ask the question again – Why the relentless government push for total vaccine saturation? It’s not saving lives, and the mandates remain regardless, so why?
I can only posit theories based on the evidence at hand, but I think it’s clear to most of us that the vaccines are NOT about public health nor are they about saving lives. They are obviously about something else…
As numerous virology and vaccine experts have warned over the past year, there is a great risk of harmful health side effects when it comes to experimental mRNA technology. Even one of the creators of mRNA vaccines has suggested that there are dangers in rolling out these gene manipulation cocktails without more testing. Of note are concerns about longer term disorders such as autoimmune disorders and infertility.
The mainstream media and the globalists will argue that there is “no evidence” that the mRNA vaccines will cause deadly side effects or infertility. I would argue back that there is NO EVIDENCE that they are safe.
Most vaccines are tested over the course of 10-15 years before they are released to the public for use. The covid vaccines were unleashed on the public within months. Honestly, I have no intention of acting as a guinea pig for an untested vaccine.
But what if the elites know exactly what the side effects will be? What if the vaccines are a pivotal part of their “Great Reset?”
The infertility question in particular is drawing the most fire from the establishment, and I would point out a particularly insidious narrative being implanted in the media.
Whenever people question the chance of sterility caused by the vaccines, bureaucrats and media talking heads go on the attack, and then say “There’s no evidence that the vaccines cause infertility, but Covid-19 might cause it…”
Just watch this recent speech by the governor of Arkansas where he and his medical flunky were almost run from the podium by an angry audience for peddling the same propaganda:
And there you have it. The stage is being set, in my view, for a mass infertility event, and covid will be blamed in place of the experimental vaccines.
This is why the establishment needs a 100 percent vaccination rate; unvaccinated people would stand as evidence of their crime. Let me explain…
My concern is that Klaus Schwab’s reset agenda is impossible to enforce in a permanent way unless the human population is greatly reduced over a short period of time (a generation or two). Globalists are constantly talking about population control and reduction. Elites like Bill Gates are famous for it. Is it any wonder that they would devise a plan to institute it?
What if, as many experts have suggested, the vaccine side effects create this condition of a diminishing population? What if they are meant to? We will not know for certain for a couple of years at least as autoimmune disorders and infertility take time to become visible in a population. The average timeline for actually diagnosing an autoimmune disorder is 4.5 years. Infertility can take six months to a year to diagnose.
If a large population of millions of people remain unvaccinated after the next couple of years, then they will represent a sizable and undeniable control group. A control group is a group of subjects that act as a pure sample untouched by a drug or vaccine experiment.
If the vaccinated group becomes ill or dies from specific conditions and the control group does not have those same conditions, then that is a pretty good sign that your vaccine or drug is poison.
The 50 percent of Americans and smaller percentages in other nations are a control group for the experimental vaccines. If something goes wrong with the vaccines, then we will be the proof. I suspect this is what the elites are really afraid of.
They have to force us to be vaccinated as well – ALL of us, so that there is no control group and thus no proof os what they have done. They could simply blame mass health disorders on covid itself, or some other false culprit.
If the vaccines are a Trojan horse that causes widespread illness or infertility, and the globalists get caught because a control group exists, then it will mean outright rebellion along with ropes and lampposts for them. Their “Great Reset” will fall apart.
To be sure, this might happen anyway. Vaccine passports are the line in the sand for most people. We are even seeing extensive protests and riots in places like Italy, France, UK and Australia over the draconian passport scheme. The US, though, is where the biggest fight will take place, in my opinion.
We have an armed population, millions upon millions of trained combat veterans and civilians, a military with around 70 percent conservatives and independents and a historical understanding of asymmetric warfare. As we have seen in places like Afghanistan, tanks, jets, missiles and drones are no guarantee if victory against a guerrilla force.
Vaccine passports are not going to happen here. We simply won’t allow it.
The globalists have set in motion an end game – It could be an end game for us, but it also could be an end game for them. They are on a strict timeline. They must get near 100 percent vaccination rates in the next couple of years or sooner. They must get their vaccine passports in place in the next couple of years or sooner.
And, they must instill permanent lockdown conditions in the near term to stifle growing dissent.
We are now in a kind of race in which the globalists must implement their agenda as fast as possible while we must hold out and hold them back until the truth becomes obvious to the masses; the truth that the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines were never about safety and were always about control – from social control to population control.
See more here: zerohedge.com
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Simon Roberts
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“In places like Europe, the UK and Australia vaccinations rates are higher”
In Australia, only about 14% of people have been vaxxed. Are you sure that is higher than the US?
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Very good point, Simon.
Any statistic from the media, is false.
For instance, when I forgot his name mentioned the graphene oxide, and how graphene oxide comprises around 99% of the SOLID MATTER in vaccines…the media spins that and says “False claim: Vaccines do not contain 99% graphene oxide”.
And besides, you as well as I know it is a war.
Now, this is a bit tricky to explain, but the war is against you, as you are the proxy in the war. So, they appeal to insecurities, lie to try and use morale. For instance saying “80% of healthcare workers have been vaccinated, get vaccinated as soon as possible and you won’t be on the losing side”.
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I’m genuinely suicidal. Legit euthanasia option, I’d take.
I considered getting vaccinated, due to the obvious damage and intent, but as I’ve suggested before, they’re not effective enough.
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No doubt about that the media tells NOTHING but lies it’s just astonishing how dishonest they’re . Worst part is there are people who are actually stupid enough to believe them.
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Don’t think that the UK government has given up on achieving a100% vaccination rate. This is what the passports are about. They will restrict freedom of movement and limit what people can do to force everybody to be vaccinated.
Why is the UK government and others doing this? Because most of our freedoms are already controlled by the government but the masses have not woken up to it. Look no further than the fake climate crisis and the way fear is generated about that, and the taxation increases and energy policies that are being introduced as a result, with the economic chaos that will follow.
Why are they doing it, because they now have total control over us through increasing welfare and the state dependency it has created. Obama followed these policies in the USA. They are so deluded that they think it is their responsibility to care for every aspect of our lives, but they are utterly incompetent so create the situation we are in, but they cannot accept that they are in any way responsible. This is of course what socialists have always done.
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Just to inspect/compare the claims and counter-claims of “vaxx levels” here is a another website:
Also, there are some indications from another country (hard to believe — in the west EU) ripe for a revolution again!
And, if Dr. Fuellmich group does bring the “Nuremberg II” soon (in whatever form), the whole EU may jump into action and surprise us all!
BTW, THESE are the lies some other “media” has been spreading about the leader of that group…
So far, there’s a strange quiet on the covidan front…
Cheers, JaKo
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“So far, there’s a strange quiet on the covidan front…”
Fauci: Third Vaccine for Immunocompromised People a ‘Very High Priority’
Yeah, I bet It is.
Apparently, the Chinese govt are saying American deer are now a danger as well
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Richard Noakes
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Attorney Thomas Renz: “MORE Than 45,000 People Have Died From the Covid-19 Vaccines Within 3 Days of Vaccination”
By captaindaretofly on August 5, 2021
Attorney Thomas Renz revealed new shocking information at the Stop The Shot conference that he had received from credible whistleblowers.
Attorney Thomas Renz revealed on Truth For Health’s Stop The Shot live conference that the original figure of 45,000 people who have allegedly died from the Covid-19 vaccines within three days of vaccination is too low.
Renz said that VAERS data from whistleblowers is currently being analysed and appears to show that the original statistic he revealed last month at an event hosted by Awakened America is only a fraction of the real number of deaths.
The attorney said that the true number of deaths is likely “immensely higher” and is being hidden by the government.
According to attorney Renz, the public is not being given access to all of the death and injury data from the 11 to 12 vaccine injury reporting systems.
Renz said: “Any public policy being made without independent study of this data will lead to poor and or dangerous policies being made for we the people.”
Attorney Renz said that once the data has been analysed, he will release the information over the next few weeks.
Previously, Renz stated at the Awaken America event last month that a whistleblower – referred to as Jane Doe – informed him that there are around 11 VAERS systems reporting adverse reactions and deaths across the US, and one system alone has allegedly has reported the shocking 45,000 deaths from the Covid jabs.
Renz and his law firm, along with America’s Frontline Doctors, are currently suing the federal government for covering up the true number of deaths from the Covid-19 vaccines and for approving the jabs for use on children.
High Risk of Children Being Paralysed by the Covid Vaccine
Currently, in the US, the Pfizer Covid vaccine has been approved for children aged 12 years and older and has tragically caused countless injuries and deaths post-injection.
The Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has recently requested Pfizer and Moderna to expand their clinical trials involving children to include 5-to-11-year-olds, with trials even being carried out on children as young as 6 months old.
Disturbingly, Thomas Renz revealed at the conference yesterday that information from published clinical trials showed that children had a 1 in 1000 chance of paralysis from the Covid-19 vaccines.
“The FDA wouldn’t investigate this. Why? Why wouldn’t they investigate this? Don’t you think that’s important?
“Paralysing our children especially as we push it [the vaccine] on younger and younger children who have zero statistical risk of death from Covid-19?”, Renz questioned at the conference.
Renz continued by stating that the FDA should investigate the cases of paralysis and stop the rollout of the vaccines to children.
Younger People are More Likely to Die From the Vaccine Than Covid
Additional information released by attorney Thomas Renz included the shocking revelation that those aged under 30 are more likely to be killed by the vaccine than Covid.
Renz said: “Based on our statistical analysis if you are under 30 the ‘vaccine’ is more likely to kill you than save you.”
Hospitals are Overwhelmed by the Vaccinated
Various hospital whistleblowers have come forward and revealed to Thomas Renz and his team that hospitals are seeing fully vaccinated breakthrough cases at an “astounding rate.”
Renz said that numerous whistleblowers have stated that they are seeing fully vaccinated individuals in ICUs at a rate anywhere from 40% to 100%.
“People who are fully vaccinated are accounting for 40% or more of admissions for Covid and Covid related illness. 40% or more, that is pretty amazing considering the government’s telling us you won’t ever be admitted and you’ll be safe if you get this vaccine.”
Renz said that one hospital whistleblower revealed that there have been several periods where, in her hospital, 100% of the ICU patients were comprised of breakthrough cases.
The attorney said that these Covid breakthrough cases are “exactly what we are seeing in the UK and Israel” and is proof that the Covid jab “is not safe or effective.”
Dead People are Being Counted in Vaccination Stats
At the Stop The Shot conference, Renz also revealed that he has been contacted by more whistleblowers who have shed a light on the reality of the Covid “pandemic” and the danger of the vaccines.
One whistleblower informed Renze that deceased people are being counted as fully vaccinated in the Covid-19 vaccination stats.
Renz said that the 70% number the government is saying has got vaccinated is “fiction” and has been overinflated and is being used by the media as propaganda to push a false narrative.
“We don’t when exactly that final number is going to come out, but what we do know is that we have confirmed that there are a number of vaccinated people that are actually dead. They were dead when they were vaccinated,” Renz said.
He said during the conference that this is a “common action in healthcare fraud” and the inaccurate statistics are being used to fuel the vaccine agenda.
“The 70% vaccination rate is a lie, or at least incorrect,” the Ohio-based attorney said.
Association of State Medical Boards Are Threatening Doctors
Furthermore, attorney Renz stated that there are plenty of alternative medicines that are completely safe and effective that have been used by doctors across the US to treat Covid-19, but that these doctors have been censored and suppressed.
Renz said that the Association of State Medical Boards is threatening to remove doctors’ licenses if the doctors attempt to tell patients the truth about early treatments or the dangers of the “vaccines.”
Medicines such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are just two treatments named by Renz as being suppressed and “slandered” by the mainstream media and big pharma in favour of the vaccines.
More Whistleblowers are Coming Forward
To conclude, Thomas Renz thanked the countless whistleblowers who have come forward to reveal the truth about the Covid-19 “pandemic” and the dangers of the so-called “vaccines.”
Renz said: “Despite the risk to themselves, their jobs, and slandering of their reputation if our Whistleblowers become unmasked, they are still providing us important data and information which allows us to get the appropriate facts in the public square. We need more heroes to come forward.
“The true lifesaving information is being suppressed.”
If you are a whistleblower and have credible data or information and wish to contact attorney Thomas Renz and his team, please contact them at [email protected]
Richard Noakes
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Pfizer vaccine contracts with governments strangle people’s rights with no recourse for obvious malfeasance
Aug 4
Cybersecurity Expert Ehden Biber has legally obtained copies of the Pfizer contracts with Albania, Brazil, Israel and the EU.
He discovered the first one on an Albanian website, where it was published on January 2021. Its veracity was confirmed when he was able to see Brazil’s Pfizer contract, which is virtually identical on that country’s health ministry website, with a signature that was verified by DocuSign. He has since seen virtually same contract with the EU and heard the details of Israel’s Pfizer contract.
The contract, which exposes Pfizer to zero liability for anything and places the liability for everything on the government, which is called the “Purchaser” in the contract.
The deal is a criminal shakedown of epic proportions, the likes of which it is hard to even fathom. Why would anybody sign it?
Reading the contract’s language sheds some light on the inexplicable behavior of the government authorities of the world and on the true nature of this whole COVID operation.
It also may shed light on the untimely deaths of two African presidents and the Haitian president, who all very understandably refused to sign this contract!
In his blog, Biber wrote, “If you were wondering why #Ivermectin was suppressed, well, it is because the agreement that countries had with Pfizer does not allow them to escape their contract, which states that even if a drug will be found to treat COVID19, the contract cannot be voided.”
And here’s a shocking clause about supplying the product:
“Pfizer shall have no liability for any failure to deliver doses in accordance with any estimated delivery dates… nor shall any such failure give Purchaser any right to cancel orders for any quantities of Product.
“Pfizer shall decide on necessary adjustments to the number of Contracted Doses and Delivery Schedule due to the Purchaser … based on principles to be determined by Pfizer … Purchaser shall be deemed to agree to any revision.”
So Pfizer can breach its own contract but their hitmen will kill you if you refuse to sign it!
You can really see how this Globalist entity that is Pfizer hates nation states and will not recognize their laws but it acts like a “government that dictates to other governments around the world,” as Biber says. If we look around at the complete lawlessness and the meltdown of once-solid institutions all over the world, you can see that Big Pharma is being used like a massive battering ram against the national laws and national sovereignty of all nations.
The contract forces the “Purchaser”, which is how they refer to the nation that is contracting with them to defend Pfizer’s interests and not those of the citizens they’re supposed to be representing and defending – and whose taxpayer money they’re using to pay Pfizer these billions of dollars.
As Biber tweeted, Israel has turned into a pharmaceutical #BananaRepublic, where the priorities of a multinational supercedes the priorities of its citizens.
Not only is Pfizer held completely harmless from all claims, the “Purchaser”, ie, the national government is responsible for Pfizer’s legal defense against any and all claims!
However, “Pfizer shall have the right to assume control of such defense… and Purchaser shall pay all Losses, including, without limitation, the reasonable attorneys’ fees and other expenses incurred.” Pfizer makes sure the country will pay for everything.
I really don’t get why governments across the world have signed this. What’s in it for them? Did they sign this voluntarily? It really seems like a colossal shakedown and a complete abdication on the part of these governments to protect their people. It’s malfeasance on a scale that beggars belief.
THE ONLY WAY to get a product recall on these shots is if you can prove fault in Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP), which is regulated by the FDA.
However, CGMP will tell you NOTHING about mRNA, because we don’t have CGMP for an mRNA vaccine, so you cannot prove CGMP malpractice.
Andrew Pilkington
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The globalists are obsessed with depopulation don’t forget that .
These vaccines ARE DEADLY .
Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will k_ _ _ most people” through heart failure.
Chinese Virus mRNA shots are programmed to turn a person’s body into a spike protein “factory,” and Dr. Hoffe says that over time these mass-produced spike proteins cause progressive blood clotting.
No fewer than 60 percent of people who take an mRNA injection will suffer from these blood clots – and in the end, an overwhelming majority will end up six feet under due to the damage caused.
Though the claim has long been that these spike proteins act as a deterrent to viral infection after being injected into a person’s body, the reality is that they actually become part of the cell wall of a person’s vascular endothelium.
Dr. Hoffe says it is an inevitability that the injected will develop blood clots because as the vaccine-inserted spike proteins embed themselves within blood vessels and capillaries, blood platelets circulate around trying to fix the problem by creating increasingly more clots.
“So, when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel,” he writes.
“Therefore, these spike proteins can predictably cause blood clots. They are in your blood vessels (if mRNA ‘vaccinated’) so it is guaranteed.”
It turns out that these blood clots are different than the “rare” ones spoken about on the media that show up on CT scans and MRIs. These are microscopic and do not show up on tests, as they can only be detected using a blood test known as D-dimer.
Most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot [regenerate],” he says. “When those tissues are damaged by blood clots, they are permanently damaged.”
These jabs are completely “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe” and likely to lead to “foreseeable mass deaths.
Former Pfizer Vice President and top scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon declares that the pandemic is a fraud, masks are useless, why distancing is absurd, why PCR tests are meaningless, why quarantining healthy people is stupid, why variants of virus strains are no threat, and why Covid vaccines should be rejected. Yeadon says many of his colleagues privately agree with this appraisal but remain silent to protect their salaries and research grants. It’s all about money.
He concludes that, because of the massive number of deaths that will follow within a few years of vaccination, there clearly is an agenda to deliberately eliminate billions of people from the earth and to enslave those who remain.
Doctors for Covid-19 Ethics, founded by Dr. Yeadon, a group of over 160 independent medical experts worldwide, have issued a stern warning to public health agencies about the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, slamming the jabs as “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe” and likely to lead to “foreseeable mass deaths.
Ken Hughes
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Excellent article summarising exactly where we are, where’ we’re heading, and why.