Why Principia Scientific International Supports CBD Use

Last year a Principia Scientific International (PSI) article told of my two-year (unpaid) trial taking CBD supplements. We have published several articles on the proven scientific benefits (see below). For our UK readers, we post this further endorsement of the product I used, with a timely 10 percent discount on your purchase. I’m delighted with the results – so, what have you got to lose?

Published in the National Library of Medicine, the authors of a key study on CBD report that:

“Our results suggest that CBD can block SARS-CoV-2 infection at early stages of infection, and CBD administration is associated with a lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans.”          (Preprint 2021 Mar 10.doi: 10.1101/2021.03.10.432967)

Full disclosure: Principia Scientific International is now in partnership with Hempura CBD UK and receives 10 percent of all sales, but only if you buy using our permanent banner ad at the top right of our website. 

But if you would prefer to enjoy the 10 percent discount yourself, instead, please use the promotional link below. Whatever your choice, UK users will be benefitting from what I believe is a first rate product. Note: this product is currently not for for sale outside the EU.

Hempura CBD UK advertisement:

2 Compelling Reasons Hempura CBD Products are so Beneficial

At Hempura, we have a vast amount of loyal repeat customers that keep coming back for our highly beneficial CBD oils and CBD capsules in the UK. Our strongest growth factor by far is word-of-mouth referrals – friends and family sharing their positive Hempura experiences with others.

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In a health-based industry like CBD, Hempura focus on 2 compelling factors to ensure our CBD oils and capsules are some of the best on the UK CBD market:

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  • There is more to CBD products than just CBD. In the cannabis/hemp plant, there are a wide array of other beneficial compounds that are critical to an effective CBD extract and end-product: terpenes, omegas, other trace cannabinoids, flavonoids and more.
  • Many CBD companies simply mix a CBD powder into a carrier oil or put it into a capsule, overlooking the many other beneficial compounds naturally found in a quality, natural raw material. This is why some UK CBD oils, despite having extremely high CBD content, simply do not work or have the intended effects like Hempura’s.
  • Hempura CBD oils are manufactured from an extremely high-quality distillate, extracted from quality hemp. Distillate is one of the most coveted manufacturing requirements by consumers for its potency but is one of the hardest processes to undertake.

2. We don’t sell cheap formulations with the most CBD in them that we can possibly muster. Quality & Safety comes first.

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  • There is a reason there are premium oils that go in sports cars as there is a fundamental difference in efficacy between cheaper and better quality products – just like with CBD oils and capsules.

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About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (4)

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    Mark Tapley


    Oi vey! Hemp oil fights CoV-2. Its even better than cattle dewormer.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Mark and PSI Readers,

    I plan to write a series of brief comments, which have nothing to do with the article. These comments will deal with my quote related to Louis Agassiz’s claim that he taught some students to OBSERVE (SEE). Which I claim to have learned by reading how he taught a couple of these students (Louis Agassiz As A Teacher by Lane Cooper)

    I cannot remember. that Galileo, or any other author of the earlier times, ever referred to to COMETS or their TAILS. But Newton, about a century later, wrote extensively about them in Book III of The Principia. It seems Newton and other astronomers of that time had the opportunity to observe two comets which approached the SUN very closely.

    The purpose of this comment is to suggest that you might read BOOK III. To SEE what Newton wrote about COMETS AND COMET TAILS and hopefully make a comment or two about what you read and its possible significance to you. After a bit I will briefly share what I SAW.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Jerry:
    I look forward to your observations even though my pool of science is pretty shallow. Herb has also clarified some climate issues for me (and probably other PSI readers) also. Since you mentioned comets Jerry, I would like your thoughts on what I have read concerning them. I read that the general consensus among astronomers is that all commits were created at the same time as the rest of the solar systems. We know that these balls of ice on their trajectories through space are losing material, especially as they approach the sun. I also read that (if true) within ten thousand years, all of them will be diminished to nothing. If that is the case, then projecting back by using the rate of comet degradation, it should be possible to calculate the ap. age of the solar system.
    Thanks, Mark


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Mark,

    Since you promptly replied will first comment upon your comment.

    “We know that these balls of ice on their trajectories through space are losing material, especially as they approach the sun. I also read that (if true) within ten thousand years, all of them will be diminished to nothing. If that is the case, then projecting back by using the rate of comet degradation, it should be possible to calculate the ap. age of the solar system.”

    Can any other reader question Mark’s general conclusion??? I can not!!!

    Newton somewhere wrote that the light of the tails did not diminish of the light of the stars beyond the tail. Hence, I conclude (rightly or wrongly) that this observation was based on what Newton observed with his telescope. From which I conclude that Newton could NOT SEE the comets. tails with his telescope.

    For here we have the case where we see something with out naked eyes which we CANNOT SEE with any instrument. (http://www.columbia.edu/cu/pr/00/01/pleiades.html). This link is about what potatoes farmers in the Andes observed with their naked eyes to predict 6, or so, months ahead the occurrence of an El Nino or La Nina meteorological event.

    Now, in Donald Ahrens’ popular textbook, Meteorology Today 9th Ed, I read: “Wavy bluish-white clouds, so thin that stars shine brightly through them, may sometimes be seen in the upper mesosphere at altitudes above 75.km (46 mi). The best place to view these clouds is in polar regions at twilight.”

    I see some possible, relationships between these various bits of information; do you?

    Have a good day, Jerry


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