Why Dr Andrew Hill Recommended Against Ivermectin
In October 2020 Dr Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organisation on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermectin could be a remarkably safe and effective treatment for COVID-19.
But on January 18th 2021, Dr Hill published his findings on a pre-print server.
His methods lacked rigour, the review was low quality and the extremely positive findings on ivermectin were contradicted by the conclusion.
In the end, Dr Hill advised that “Ivermectin should be validated in larger appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities.”
The researcher seeking a global recommendation on Ivermectin had instead recommended against it.
A media onslaught against the medicine ensued. What were Dr Hill’s reasons for doing so?
Were his conclusions justified? Or were external forces influencing his about-face?
One year on, this film recalls exactly what happened from the perspective of somebody that experienced it first hand; Dr Tess Lawrie; also featuring contributions from Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik who worked closely with Dr Hill during the same time frame.
See more here: rumble.com
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God Bless Dr. Tess Lawrie.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
I moved over to get more room. I am not sure what comment you are referring to. I find your family history quite interesting. My mother’s people were also from Germany (grandmother Williamina Hudsondorf) and settled in Missouri. Her father I was told, was the last living confederate soldier in Oklahoma. I suspect they came over in the 1840’s -50’s as your ancestors may have.. At this time there were great upheavals in Europe as the Zionist operative Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) funded by his rich uncle Lyon Philips (Philips Corp.) stirred up problems. Lots of people fled this chaotic situation for America, particularly into the midwestern region, because of the introduction of the railroad.
Many of the recent immigrants did not even speak English but like in all wars, the tyrants controlled by special interests, create an incident (Ft. Sumpter), claim “we are being attacked” and wave the flag of patriotism. The War of Northern Aggression had nothing to do with slavery but as in all wars was about money, power and territory, or more specifically the Unconstitutional tariffs levied on the southern states for the previous 36 years as a result of the New England merchants and industrialists desire to eliminate competition from foreign goods and damage the southern economy which is verified in the personal letters of Lincoln’s Sec. of War and of State. The south was also tired of paying 86% of the federal gov. and getting nothing in return. Lincoln and the radical Republicans (descendants of the Clay Whigs) knew that if they let the South go their own way it would in effect create a free trade zone between the south and Europe. This would eliminate the tariffs going to the North (some as high as 200%) but would increase the southern economy and western expansion. the New England power block was afraid of being left high and dry.
I read many of the science discussions between you and others but much of the technical analysis is over my head. Anyway, I hope I answered your questions and look forward to further discussion.
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This one Mark:
See how much of this description rings true: https://vekkesind.com/what-zodiac-sign-is-albert-einstein/
Hello Howdy:
Forget the court historian MSM cover story about the plagiarist and radical Zionist front man Einstein.
The link I gave. Are you saying natal chart astrology is main stream media, or the link description incorrect.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Howdy:
I don’t pay any attention to astrology. The MSM has painted a propaganda portrait of the radical Zionist Einstein, who was a member of several communist (Zionist fronts) groups. when he was awarded the Nobel Prize, at least he gave the money to his ex wife. After all she was the one who understood the science and wrote the paper. He like another Zionist front man, MLK was good at plagiarism.
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Thanks man.
I did a search of “was einstein a plagiarist”. Wow. You are not alone in your convictions.
Found a site that had ‘The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein by Jon Bjerknes’ in pdf. If you want it, here: https://christiansfortruth.com/albert-einstein-plagiarist-and-fraud/
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Have a look at the comments on the page…..
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark,
While it seems, that you and Howdy have similar opinions about Zionist Jews. It seems to me that you two are quite different. Do you see this possible difference?
And I see that when you refer to Marx, I had to go Google to confirm you referring to Karl Marx if I understand what I read at Wiki. Which about Wiki, I frequently question what I read there.
More about my experiences and my family so you can better ‘understand’ me. My father, my brother, and I are seriously independent, but not an anarchist as Howdy generalizes he is. We have no time for Unions whose leaders try to force their will upon others by using terroristic tactics. There was a time when the National Farmer Organization tried to organize farmers in the Midwest and West. One of the leaders was a cousin who lived less than a mile away from my farm home. And he was caught cutting fences on grazing land owned by others. And there were manyother acts so such terrorism so when my state teacher union struck.I crossed their picket line to teach a couple of my students who also crossed the picket line. And when I went in I was called names by my former friends and when I came out all 4 tires of my vehicle were flat.
About my brother, my cousin did not even try to recruit him. Evidently the Krause family had a reputation.
And in a small town of nearly a thousand we had a jewish merchant with a general store who was known as The Jew. I remember we bought overshoes there and I know that other Christians regularly bought groceries there.
This is getting beyond brief so do you know about Tuskegee Institute and Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver, as former slave who were visited by USA presidents at Tuskegee??? Who other blacks now refuse to acknowledge these historical facts etc.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark,
Because the last comment ended up close to where I hoped, there is a couple of other bits of informations I have read and believe and person experiences I want you to consider.
First I ask: do you know what a blacksmith was and still maybe is? He hammers on hot iron. Hence, he was a metallurgist of the early days of the USA. I read that a blacksmith invented the cotton-jin for his slave owners and had even gotten a patent on it signed by President Washington but a lawyer stoled the patent from him. And I read that until the invention of this machine cotton had little value in Egypt.
Nest, are you familiar with the underground railroad? When I went to Cornell U the professor for whom I did research had purchased a country colonial home and when remodeling it they discovered a false wall and worn out leather shoes etc. Clearly evidence of the underground railroad. So, I have trouble believing what you and Howdy write about the Zionist influence from the founding of the USA.
You know from the Bible that in the beginning there has been a war between good and evil. And while we should know that we often do wrong and need to ask for forgiveness and we have been told that the creator God will forgive us, if we confess our sins. And if one doesn’t truthfully confess one’s sins, I believe it does not matter what else one claims to believe.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
As you indicated, unions are almost always corrupt. The teamsters union with racketeer Jimmy Hoffa is just one example of many. The Chicago (Jew) mob infiltrated into California in the 40’s bringing with them one of the bosses buddies, Illinois sportscaster Ronald Reagan. He was put in as head of the Actors Guild and of course later switched from being left wing to right wing for his fake political career. This huge mob was intimately connected to the Jew run film industry and prominent political families such as mob associate Joseph Kennedy who at that time also controlled a film studio. These political connections were a gold because shabbas goy puppet Truman established the “Office of Alien Property” run by Jews Bazelon and Pritzker (This family launched career of puppet Obama and guided idiot Trump). I am digressing. The Roosenvelt administration rounded up over 100,000 Japanese citizens, most of them born here, confiscated all their property (millions of dollars at that time, billions today) and threw them in concentration camps in the desert. This confiscated real estate and businesses was sold then sold (for pennies on the dollar) to Bazelon and Pritzker’s Jew buddies.
As to the “Underground Railroad” it is estimated that over a period of 60 years it moved ap. 60,000 mostly into Canada because very few places in the U.S. would allow negroes. The only thing they were free to do in most areas was leave. In most areas of the north, they would be burned out, beaten or thrown in prison. The negroes overall were treated much better in the south. Only ap. 5% of whites owned any slaves as almost all of them lived in communities on large plantations. The slave owner’s main concern was to keep then contented. In many cases there were few whites around and the slaves ran the whole operation. George Washington is a good example. His extensive land holdings were run by a husband and wife slave team (his name was also George-called king George). Washington during the 7 years of Colonial war only went home on three occasions for three days.
Many areas of the south such as New Orleans, had more free blacks than slaves. And many were just slaves in a nominal sense, running their own affairs and had their own money. 14,000 blacks owned slaves themselves, and the largest slave owner in Charleston (a big slave area) at one point was a former slave. The Atlantic slave trade (almost all going to the British and French controlled Caribbean) was run by the Jews out of Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Many negroes were in Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. Most did not fight (lots of other duties) but some did. The north captured four at Gettysburg. As Lee’s army (did not loot, rape and burn like war criminals Grant and Sherman) went through Pennsylvania, many times northerners would ask the large number of negroes why they did not run off. They were always told “we are better off where we are than in the north.” One of the art reliefs at Gettysburg (land stolen from the Lee family) depicts some of these black confederates.
As you indicated it is all a struggle between goos and evil:
Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We hope to say as Apostle Paul did in Timothy 4:7
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Howdy:
Thanks for the link on potato growing. Have not watched it yet but will get to it today. Had not thought about throwing leaves in the garden area as mentioned by Herb. Not a good idea however unless you can get your wife to do all the raking. In that case, highly recommended.
A big by product of the fertilizer industry is fluoride. Since plants are smarter than people they won’t take up fertilizer (ammonia nitrate) unless the fluoride is removed. You may have seen the old pictures of the tall smoke stacks all over the place in industrial areas. Much of this was to dissipate Fluoride. It is almost as toxic as mercury and this industrial waste has always been an issue because of its toxicity. No problem. They figured out a long time ago the best way to eliminate this chemical hazard was to just dilute it and put it in the drinking water (and tooth paste) as a cavity inhibitor. Although it has never been shown that ingesting fluoride does anything for the teeth, it does raise cancer and heart disease rates in all populations where it is used. China has some areas where fluoride occurs at high levels naturally. When people drank the well water in those locations it caused lots of damage including the brain. The Chinese wash out the huge vessels in fertilizer facilities on routine maintenance and collect the fluoride in sump tanks where it is sold to Jewmerica so it can then be added to the goyim’s drinking water. The wealthier elements of gov. and society rarely drink municipal water so it is not an issue.
Glad you found the link to Zionist icon Einstein. All of these people will have a fake rags to riches story just like the Hollywood crowd. And of course he is often linked to the fake Manhattan project that made the fake nukes for the Hiroshima, Nagasaki psy op.
jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Reades, Mark, Howdy, Herb, James, Joe,
PSI Readers, as you read what these specific commenters have written, does it seem that they have never been wrong in their lifetimes???
Every day I make mistakes and am therefore wrong. Here and now I am going to review one of these experiences.
It starts with Venus and its atmosphere’s being observed to super-rotate. During WWII the technology of radar was invented. This allowed the actual very, very slow rotation (period of about 243 days instead of the 24 hour period of our planets rotation) of the solid planet to be unquestionably measured. The fact that the direction of this slow rotations is not an issue in this story. What is the issue is that with telescopes the total overcast cloud decl of Venus’s atmosphere could be seen to rotate in the same direction, but times faster than the solid planet beneath. Hence scientists and I were trying to explain how this ‘super rotation’ could be explained.
At most planetariums (a building in which images of stars, planets, and constellations are projected on the inner surface of a dome for public entertainment or education) there is an old, simple instrument called a radiometer is for sale at a modest price.. Unfortunately I have to describe this instrument with words instead of showing you an image of it. The radiometer has 4 vanes mounted perpendicular to each other. One side of the vane is a reflective surface and the other is painted black so it absorbs the photons (particles) of light). When the radiometer is set in direct sunlight the van assembly rotates rapidly. Now, my explanation of the super rotation of the Venus atmosphere was radiation pressure which caused the vans to rotate with black surface in front of the rotation.
I had submitted an abstract of my ‘idea’ about the cause of observed super rotation as a poster presentation at the International Colloquium On Venus to be held August 10-12 at Pasadena, CA. And this radiometer was to be part of my display.
So, I bought a radiometer and discovered (actually observed) that the vanes rotated in the opposite direction to that I had reasoned and described. Still I went to the Colloquium knowing my mistake and willing to admit my mistake if anyone pointed it out. Which no one did as I expected because I was only a chemistry instructor from a small community college in northern Minnesota. For I observe that people pay attention to Tess and would not if she was some unknown in her field of study.
I stop here because this comment is already beyond brief. But it will be continued for I know I have to pace the submission of my comments to keep one listed on the ten most recent comments.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
Dr. Tess is getting MSM coverage because she is “hewing wood and fetching water” for the fake virus medical control plan. There is no virus so no treatment is needed as is the case for the other fake viruses including AIDS, HIV, H1N1, Zika, Ebola, Bird flu, Swine flu Anthrax, Polio, etc.
Now Jerry you have brought up another scientific conundrum, I need you to explain to me. You mentioned that Venus rotates very slowly. I think Mercury is also very slow. Some of the planets rotate in the opposite directions I have read and some even rotate at the poles. Now if as the evolutionists claim the universe began with the Big Bang (from what) how can these rotational discrepancies be explained.
Thanks, Mark
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To anyone who cares:
” does it seem that they have never been wrong in their lifetimes???
Every day I make mistakes and am therefore wrong”
Everybody wrongs in their lifetimes, that’s the whole point of existence, learning from them. The difference here is that another is making the accusation of wrongdoing because others don’t meet certain ideals. When the ‘mistake’ is revealed , it is treated as a punishment when none is intended.
The status quo is disturbed, again. Looking for excuses and sympathy is simply evading the root cause. Certain people need to look at the mirror to see who is at fault.
Though It isn’t obvious to most I guess, there are people who frequent this site that are trying to guide, or help certain others. I won’t state who they are because It is up to the individual the guidance is aimed at to notice and act, but alas they are oblivious. Until such time as the advice is acted upon, this process will continue to repeat.
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Intensive studies done by Dr Lawrie. Also on Dr John Campbell You Tube
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
“Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong, it is character.” (A. Einstein) I read that Einstein was a pacifist,. However, we know he urged the President Roosevelt to begin the development of a nuclear because he was told by a German scientific friend that Germany was working toward that goal. Einstein had both intellect and character.
Have a good day, Jerry.
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Hi Jerry and the nearly literate.
I would suggest methodology makes a valid scientist. Imagination contributes to the pioneers as does analysis.
The other end of the scale is consensus by discussion where the essential issues are compromised to gain agreement. Alternatively analysis of options creates models, best results, and best practice.
Okay then. Matt
Jerry Krause
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Hi Matt,
When you were predicting SURFING conditions were you using a methodology and if so, what was it?
Have a good day, Jerry
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Hi Jerry.
By studying patterns of the past one can predict the future.,
Although, never take the weather or a woman for granted. That frying pan that just went flying past your head is a little like a weather bomb. (pressure drop of 24 Hector Pascals or more in 24 hours)
Cheers. Matt
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“I read that Einstein was a pacifist”
That’s his Pisces character. The very description of pacifist.
See how much of this description rings true: https://vekkesind.com/what-zodiac-sign-is-albert-einstein/
Mark Tapley
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Hello Howdy:
Forget the court historian MSM cover story about the plagiarist and radical Zionist front man Einstein. Here is his real story:
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Hi Mark,
Just watched first half hour. Certainly sounds right. I’ll grab it and watch the rest later. Thanks.
Mark Tapley
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Hi Howdy:
Bejeknes has many quoted from letters written by Einstein in his Book on Hitler. I wanted to emphasize Eintstein’s real character and why he was in the limelight. Einstein’s wife who had the education that he did not, wrote the papers and did most of what he took credit for, along with a lot of plagiarism of real scientists.
I picked this video from my stash and thought it contained more on Einstein than it did. Bejerknes brings out some good points but it needs to be emphasized that the great majority of Jews have no connection to radical Zionism. But it is the central tenant of the top echelon along with many other ethnicities represented in organizations such as the CFR, Trilaterals, Bilderburg, WEF groups.
The Law of Moses applied only to the Jews and was fulfilled when Christ founded his Church after his Resurrection. God preserved the Jewish nation through which the Earthly lineage of Christ transpired. Now the New Law of Christ applies to all men “both Jew and Greek” (Gentiles). All of this is covered in the book of Hebrews.
Bjerknes goes off track on Trump and Putin who are both just puppet actors for the syndicate. There will be no civil War in Europe but just a miscegenation, dumbing down and impoverishment process, now in progress and to be accelerated by the “Green Energy” plan. Bjerknes mistakes the Old Testament rule about usury (interest) as a significant weapon. The real problem is not interest but debt monetization in which the banking cartel depreciates the fiat currency and so transfers the wealth to the Gov. (elite) and funnels money through “stimulus” programs and scams such as massive military spending, “environmental” boondoggles, and fake virus appropriations into the insiders pockets. The Jews were not directly involved in the so called “Civil War”. (War of Northern Aggression) but it was all about Northern Industrialists and merchants demand to maintain 36 years of unconstitutional tariffs on the southern states and their great fear that if the south were allowed to leave (as they had the right to do) would result in a free trade partner for European goods and a competitor to the Northern states and the Radical Republican power base. Sorry about the long diatribe but I pulled this video by mistake (even though it does have much relevant material) and I thought some explaining needed to be done.
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“but it needs to be emphasized that the great majority of Jews have no connection to radical Zionism”
I know you don’t speak about the majority of Jewish folk. 🙂
“Sorry about the long diatribe but I pulled this video by mistake (even though it does have much relevant material) and I thought some explaining needed to be done.”
I thought Einstein didn’t get much time, but no worries, It still spells out a lot. Well worth a look.
jerry Krause
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Hi Mark,
I am confused about what you wrote to Howdy. If it was sarcasm about Howdy’s link I am not confused. So I will wait for your reply before commenting further about this issue.
Instead I will inform you about my family’s history as far we knew it. My Great-grandfather was born at Boltenjagen, Pomerania, Germany (now part of Poland) and brought his family to Wisconsin, USA in 1882. And his son, my Grandfather married German woman in 1882 and the couple immediately moved to eastern South Dakota in 1882 and members of this Krause family have continuously lived within a couple of miles from their homestead since that early time.
Boring stuff until you consider the fact that my father was drafted and was on a troop ship to France when the European War was called off. So part of his job in France was guarding German prisoners and then packing up USA bodies to ship home.
Now the first question I have about this history is why did so many German’s leave Germany decades before WWI??? For the evidence is that my Grandfather and Great Grandfather were not exactly poor but were devote Christians not of the Catholic faith. (cannot spell the p???? faith that was not Lutheran. Which suggests they were quite independent and hence not joiners. My answer to why my Great-grand father left Germany for unknown USA was that he knew that
European Kings had been constantly fighting each other for centuries. And he knew that the people of the USA had recently fought a civil war about a mistake which had been initially been made and after this bloody war had reUNITED and he wanted such people as his neighbors. Of course, I realize this appears to be silly analysis. A clearer reason is to get away from the authority of Kings.
A second question is why did the USA trust the sons of recent immigrants to fight against the people of their previous nation? I will allow you to answer this question because I have no idea.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi Howdy,
What I read at your link does not fit with what I have read else where. I have read another link of yours which does not fit at all with what you wrote to me. So I question what your purpose here at PSI is. But most important is that you have written that you are not interested in this or that. Which is not consistent with my ideal conception of a good scientist.
Have a good day, Jerry
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How many times must this subject arise? It’s ever a problem of your creation. It’s surely a lesson for you, as I gain nothing from this interaction.
“What I read at your link does not fit with what I have read else where”
Doesn’t fit? Did you actually read it? I realize It’s not ‘scientific’ you might see It, but you said you had read he is a pacifist. You labelled him. I gave you the reason why. He is a Pisces, the known pacifist.
“I have read another link of yours which does not fit at all with what you wrote to me.”
Let’s have it or it didn’t happen. Note that this sort of accusation is rife at PSI, so I expect a reply. Don’t blank the question as you did last time because you couldn’t answer..
“So I question what your purpose here at PSI is. But most important is that you have written that you are not interested in this or that.”
I don’t need a purpose. I have free will and will do as I please.
You too are not interested in this or that. It’s called making life choices. That’s why you deserted me in the midst of our, ‘good discussion’ I believe you called it, because you believe you know what’s best. I’m here to tell you, you do not.
You’re very Jekyll and Hyde aren’t you jerry? You ‘summon’ me to an article I’m not interested in for your own purposes, gain reassurance from me to ‘butter up’ your ego, then when I say something completely normal, you leave me hanging, and not for the first time. Have the common decency to let me know.
“Which is not consistent with my ideal conception of a good scientist.”
Not very scientific behavior towards me either is it? As a ‘learned’ man, you are one of those supposed to set the example. Nice going!
When are you going to realize other people are not you, or your ideals!
Goodbye Jerry. In the style of Klingon, brigadier Kerla: This transmission ends, NOW!