Why Do I Fail to Believe the Climate Scientists?

I admit that I am not a climate scientist. In this case, that may be a strength, as Iโ€™ll explain below. First, here are my biases: Like most, I appreciate a clean, healthy environment. I value human life above that of bees and trees. I consider nature to be amoral: Nature doesnโ€™t care about you or your family, nor does it know right from wrong. And of course, I oppose initiation of force and fraud against my fellow man. I am dismayed when people try to deny their biases.

I learned the scientific method as an academic scientist (medical researcher). Now as a writer, I am an observer. And here is what I discovered by being at the nexus of science and observation:climate science, like many fields, is rife with self-reinforcing layers of bias. My distrust of climate science isnโ€™t because I ignore facts, nor because I disrespect the scientific method, nor because Iโ€™m in psychological denial or brainwashed by oil companies. To the contrary, my skepticism arises because Iโ€™m aware of the weaknesses of the academic process that creates the climate scientist and the research he produces.

What leads a person to become a climate scientist? How might the selection process for entry and success in the profession create problematic bias?

  1. It is reasonable to consider that children raised in โ€œclimate-consciousโ€ families are more likely to become interested in the environment than their peers. This is the first step in the multiple distillation process. Theyโ€™re more likely to undertake a science fair project about climate change. Given todayโ€™s politics and popular culture, climate change projects are more likely to win awards at middle school science fairs, overseen by mostly progressive teachers who are concerned about climate change. The winnerโ€”encouraged by the attention his victory getsโ€”gains heightened interest in the climate. In high school, encouraged by his teachers, he writes climate papers. Heโ€™s more likely than most to pursue environmental science in college.

  2. College professors encourage the most dedicated students in the introductory environmental studies class to pursue climate science as a major. Othersโ€”who are uninterested or skepticalโ€”may never again see the inside of a climate science classroom after the semester ends. The distillation toward purity continues.

  3. As undergraduates pursue their masterโ€™s degrees, the crop of future climate scientists is further winnowed and distilled. Those who donโ€™t align with their professorsโ€™ views are less successful at getting into a PhD program. Later, success within PhD programs relies on abiding by oneโ€™s dissertation committeeโ€™s wishes, and progressing in ideological alignment with them. Itโ€™s a priesthood that demands orthodoxy; heretics arenโ€™t welcome. Toe the line is the mantra here. Toe the politically correct line so as to get the PhD as fast as possible and start making money.

  4. But who hires a PhD in a subject that doesnโ€™t lead to a commercial product? Usually, itโ€™s a university. So he needs to pursue funding. The newly minted PhD starts applying for grantsโ€”mostly from government agencies or his own university. He creates a project designed to prove something that he believes is likely to be true, and certainly wants to be true. For instance, CO2 causes the death of baby polar bears. He writes a grant application that will be reviewed by committees populated with scientists who make their living from government-funded studies of climate change. The wise new post-doc or assistant professor therefore designs a research project carefully to align with the views of the committee. If he fails to craft his project to appeal to the reviewers on the committee, he wonโ€™t get funded. He might wash out from academia.

  5. Through this academic distillation, the most orthodox climate research projects get the funding. Funding allows the now-successful young academic to buttress his hypothesis and the beliefs of the grant committee that channeled funding to him. Never underestimate how research studies in any field are designed to accomplish the affirmation of the desired outcome, as opposed to examining the truth of a hypothesis. Confirmation bias is a poison within most every field. Also, the pressured academic will find ways to justify picking and choosing data consistent with his hypothesis, and even dispensing inconsistent data, perhaps convincing himself that something went wrong with the measurement system. If his project (done well or done poorly) appears to prove his hypothesis, he then publishes a paper. If the project fails to show that CO2 hurts polar bear babies, itโ€™s unlikely that the young scientist will write a manuscript about it.

  6. Even if a particularly ethical scientist goes through the effort to write a paper that fails to support climate change concerns, it will be harder to get it published. Peer reviewers will be more critical, because it doesnโ€™t reinforce their worldview. But it will likely be rejected by the editor before going to peer review. Then, the author would have to go through the considerable effort of resubmitting the manuscript elsewhere or respond to the reviewersโ€™ critiques by doing more studies.

And it just isnโ€™t worth it, because publishing such a paper could only hurt his career, marking him as a rogue, dissident, or traitor. So, the young academic understandably sticks the rejected manuscript and its data in a desk drawer. This process of selective manuscript writing, editorial bias, peer-review bias, and selective resubmission, are four important reinforcing biases that further distill the scientific liquor. Because of these, it is highly unlikely we will ever see a published article concluding that CO2 doesnโ€™t adversely affect polar bear babies.

  1. Publication of manuscripts (which are mostly going to be orthodox) is important for the success of a young academic. Itโ€™s a cycle. Grants fund research. Research enables publication. Publication enables more grants. This is the academic hamster wheel of the successful climate scientist. A negative paper could throw a monkey wrench in the cycle. Thatโ€™s dangerous for a young PhD. So the remaining few young academics foolish enough to get an unorthodox or negative manuscript published are more likely to wash out of the field and become TV weathermen or journalists.

  2. To top it all off, itโ€™s well known that even pro-orthodoxy climate research papers will only get attention from the lay press and mainstream media if it is REALLY BAD NEWS. If it bleeds, it leads. So we hear of the unprecedented increases in category 5 hurricanes, deadly forest fires in California, or more floods in New Orleansโ€”all โ€œcaused by climate changeโ€ (a statement made with zero substantiation). As for reporting on a paper saying that sea levels arenโ€™t going to rise 200 feet? What self-disrespecting mainstream click-baiting โ€œjournalistโ€ would waste time taking such a story to their editor?

The process of nurturing and selecting the climate scientist starts in kindergarten, progresses through high school and college, then to grant funding, manuscript preparation, and publication, and is then only seen through the lens of the mediaโ€™s selective presentation. The many reinforcing layers of bias create a distillate of pure concentrated climate orthodoxy for the world to imbibe.

We are told that 97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of climate scientists agree with their own scientific consensus. Thatโ€™s a misleading statement, as that figure actually refers to 97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of climate scientists actively publishing in scientific journals, and we know how unlikely it is for a climate skeptic to join the field or to get published. Itโ€™s amazing that even 3{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} sneak through. For this reason and others, consensus ranks alongside expert opinion in its uselessness for the identification of truth. It should be no more surprising that 97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of actively publishing climate scientists accept the climate change orthodoxy than that 97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of seminary graduates would believe in their religion.

Agnostics rarely go to seminary. Likewise, the neutral and unbiased rarely become climate scientists or remain in the field.

Climate is an important issue. We need to get our heads around it in an intellectually honest way. In my view, the climate science community has not done that, and is incapable of doing it.

So does global warming present a problem for us? With the climate science community doing the science, how could I possibly know?

And what about the people who are so sure they do know? Theyโ€™re basing their belief on their ingestion of a highly distilled product, selectively obtained by the systematic elimination of unorthodoxy. For this to occur requires no conspiracy. It happens whenever people maintain an unsound, internally conflicting ideologyโ€”because they canโ€™t recognize BS through their distorted lens.

Read more at www.caseyresearch.com

Comments (7)

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    Joseph Olson


    I have been lectured in person by Lukewarmist claimed skeptics Lindzen, Singer, Curry, Spencer, Watts, Monckton, Morano, Carter, Soon, Delingpole and more.

    I donโ€™t believe Lukewarmists because none of them understand Thermodynamics, Radiation Physics or variable fission geothermal heat flux. After a decade of their willful ignorance, it is obvious they are immune to empirical reality.

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      But Joseph, since when have Warmist prognostications of doom ever come to pass? Back in the 20โ€™s they were all sqawking warming, then in the 70โ€™s, ice-age aโ€™ coming, now back to warming. Their โ€œscienceโ€ isnโ€™t only flawed through GIGO computer models that canโ€™t forecast but outright lies such as hide-the-decline-hockey-stick Mann et. al and data tampering of temperature data.

      They hide behind the word โ€œscienceโ€ as if it validates them, just like all the ads on TV are doing now: โ€œScientifically provenโ€ just means โ€œYou, the viewer, are a fool and we have dudes in lab coats so donโ€™t try argueโ€. Itโ€™s a pretend authority these days.

      The argument โ€œHow would you know, youโ€™re no climate scientistโ€ means nothing when The Goreacle and his breathless hangers-on profess โ€œYou donโ€™t have to be a climate scientist, just look out the windowโ€.

      Must I point back to the dark ages when witches were blamed for failing crops? How far have the weak-minded of humanity come since then? Why did you bother allegedly being lectured โ€œin personโ€ by all of them when only one could have failed you and saved you all those other lectures? Obviously you must have seen fact in it somewhere.

      You donโ€™t say what you actually believe either, so I must assume youโ€™re a misguided Warmist looking to vent. If not, enjoy.

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    Mark Littlejohn


    97% of New England Patriots fans agree that Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback ever to play in the NFL.

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      William Swiggart


      Hah, Brady-deniers are mere amateurs.

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        Mark Littlejohn



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    William Swiggart


    To Dr. Huntโ€™s point, if there were something equivalent to an FDA for so-called global climate scientists (not that there ought to be, the pressure of reality is enough) forcing them to own their predictions, 90% would have left the profession in the mid-Oughts.

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    Thatโ€™s not a โ€œfailureโ€. You are an example of scientific success because you question the consensus. Congrats! We need more people doing exactly that. And you donโ€™t need to be a climate scientist to have a valid opinion.

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