Whose Fault are Faults?

Just think of a nut on a rusted bolt: A bit of quality lubricant can make it to move without breaking the tool or the bolt

So, the best way to cope is to plan ahead and adjust to the eventuality.

Really, that’s a serious question. And, moreover, if a fault-line snaps, who’s to blame and or compensate for any consequences of such faulting faults?

If you are nowhere near a fault – you may be excused from reading any further – I wouldn’t want you feel responsible for any fault, or have any faults, or whatsoever.

Blame it on the Government

Just blame it all on the Government(s), or the Capitalists, or the Leaders in other countries, or even Aliens. Whenever a fault is faulting, clearly, there is a lack of control, subterfuge, or whatever.

But it’s not all bad.

In fact, it’s rather beneficial. Fault lines “faulting” cause earthquakes (or, when in the oceans, seaquakes and tsunamis). Let me explain.

Quakes of any kind are the result of reaching a threshold of forces that want to move parts of the earth’s crust in different directions. Those forces have been around for billions of years already, and are not going to simply disappear.

All government decrees or NGO’s wailings are in no position to withstand them – as the Borg said: Resistance is futile.

Therefore, as counter as it may be to common thinking:

Tremors and (small) Quakes to the Fore

Yeah – they are good, if they come only with little (and relatively frequent) small tremors. However, if they come rarely but then with devastating results, clearly, they are something you’d not like to be caught in.

Most quakes occur along well-known fault-lines that were found over hundreds of years by geologists – and occasionally by anyone else that came across one. For example, comparatively small horizontal shifts can be seen in roads, like in Fig. 1, nearby.

A horizontal shift in New Zealand

More severe quakes often affect not just horizontal but also vertical dislocations. They tend to bring down bridges and/or buildings, like in the photo of the The 1964 Great Alaska Quake,

Of course, any combination of horizontal plus vertical shifting is generally more disastrous and most large quakes involve both.So, where are the fault lines you may ask?

The damn Fault Lines

Well, they are nearly everywhere, on each continent and in the oceans. Apart from the major fault lines between the continental plates, there are plenty of smaller ones, nearly everywhere. The next graphic (Fig. 3) may give you a quick (and coarse) overview about such in Canada.

Overview of fault lines in Western Canada

Most of such fault lines (Fig. 3) have already existed for thousands of years. Most are slowly building up more strain between the components.

If the friction between the”competing” areas is strong, it will take much longer to come to a (potentially) catastrophic “resolution” of the built-up strain. In contrast, if the friction is small, the strain will be released with only a relatively small tremor or quake.

Therefore, “lubrication” of faults, for example by injection of water, will actually prevent major quake events by releasing smaller and more benign strains.

Remember your own experience

Just think of a nut on a rusted bolt: A bit of quality lubricant can make it to move without breaking the tool or the bolt.

So, the best way to cope is to plan ahead and adjust to the eventuality.

See more here canadafreepress.com

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Comments (3)

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    All natural disasters or events did not mean anything until man hit the scene. The earth is only doing what nature requires in order to function as a livable planet for humans and other species. Sometimes, man gets in the way of this process either on purpose or by accident.

    Trying to alter it or control it will lead to our extinction. Mother Nature knows best and can outsmart the intellectuals and other pretend smart humans who are too arrogant for Mother Nature to care about.

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Tom,

    You wrote: “Sometimes, man gets in the way of this process either on purpose or by accident.” Could you expound a bit more about this statement.

    Have a good day

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Klaus,

    Are you familiar with Abert Rim Oregon. ” Abert Rim is the longest exposed fault scarp in North America, and one of the highest fault scarps in the United States. It towers 2,500′ over Lake Abert.” (BLM). I call attention it so we didn’t miss the apparent fact that parts of the earth’s crust seems to be filled with apparent voids only filled with gases…A possible question is: What is the pressure of the gas? And in central Idaho there is a river which goes under ground and seems to come back out of the ground as a giant spring near Great Falls, Montana. Then, as I remember, there is Quake Lake formed near Yellow Stone National Park in
    Wyoming in recent history after thousands of years. So if water is a lubricant, it is likely a natural one of such volume that any human attempts to lubricate faults to reduce the magnitude of future quakes seems a questionable activity.

    But thank you for giving us readers some to ponder. And we should not forget that continents have drifted apart and are continuing to further drift. And we should not forget that plywood does give homes sutural strength to withstand the motions of an earthquakes, And I ponder if well anchored screwed g;lued ‘plywood panels in making geodesic domes would with stand the destructive forces of tornadoes?

    Have a good day

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