WHO Wants Entire Human Race Jabbed With Whatever They Want

The WHO has had a set of international health regulations (IHRs) aka a sanitary code to deal with multi-nation infectious disease outbreaks since 1969.

In 2005, developed primarily under WHO Director-General Gro Harlen Brundtland, a major update was adopted, which is called the IHRs (2005).

We did not know it then, but Brundtland was quite the globalist apparatchik, an inventor of sustainable development, and has worked closely with Fauci on COVID pandemic issues, as seen in FOIA’d emails.


[Brundtland was the] first female prime minister of Norway, serving for three terms (1981, 1986–89, and 1990–96), and later was director general of the World Health Organization (WHO; 1998–2003).

Trained as a physician, she became identified with public health and environmental issues and with the rights of women…

In 1983 Brundtland became chair of the UN World Commission on Environment and Development, which in 1987 issued Our Common Future, the report that introduced the idea of “sustainable development” and led to the first Earth Summit.

In 1998 she became director general of the WHO, where she tackled global pandemics such as AIDS and SARS; her term ended in 2003. In 2007 she became a member of the Elders, a group of world leaders that addressed human rights issues.

That year, together with Han Seung-Soo, former minister of foreign affairs of South Korea, and Ricardo Lagos Escobar, a former president of Chile, she was appointed a special envoy on climate change to Ban Ki-Moon, the secretary-general of the United Nations.

While Gro turns 84 this week, she was until very recently in a key position, serving as Co-Chair of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board with Sir Jeremy Farrar, convened by the WHO and World Bank to force its version of preparedness on the world.

Gro has also been called the Mother of Sustainable Development. Maybe she actually wanted a better world once. Jeremy was “named 12th in the Fortune list of 50 World’s Greatest Leaders in 2015.” Two smooth operators.

Women Leaders Must Pave the Way Forward in Preparedness

By Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland

As the Co-chair of The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), established by The World Bank and World Health Organization in 2018, I have seen first hand what the global landscape for pandemic preparedness looks like.

Last year, we launched our inaugural annual report A World At Risk, sounding the alarm about the many gaps in our preparedness, and warning of the great risk our world could experience with a highly infectious respiratory virus.

We now find ourselves in the middle of the devastating novel coronavirus crisis. Collectively, we must learn from this crisis to set forth a bold course of urgent actions that countries and our multilateral system now must swiftly take up in order for everyone’s future to be more secure.

During this year’s UN General Assembly, the GPMB is once again calling on the world to urgently act with our new report, A World in Disorder.

The report puts forward multiple calls to action for governments, multilateral stakeholders, and individuals–actions we are all responsible to take if we want to not only recover from this pandemic, but be more capable to handle the next.

It is not enough to stop this pandemic currently wreaking havoc on not only our health systems, but our economic and social systems as well.

We must also take this moment to build the strong, sustainable, and inclusive systems we want to see in the future to help us be prepared for the next pandemic when it undoubtedly comes.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was ginned up and coopted in order to smash small businesses, impoverish many millions, convince billions that infectious disease had suddenly become an existential threat—and thereby provide the justification to remake our world in many different ways.

The rulers bought the best public relations experts, and have continually refined the language they use to convince us we are being herded into a better tomorrow. The term ‘New World Order’ just didn’t have the right connotations.

‘Build Back Better’ made smashing our current systems sound like it was perhaps a good thing. But when leaders around the world starting saying it in unison, the people got suspicious and the term was dropped.

The current preferred terminology includes: sustainable and inclusive. And equity: which to the rulers means we all get the same justice; we are all exposed to the single narrative and we all get the remdesivir but not the ivermectin or HCQ.

It is of great interest that the WHO and globalists do NOT use the word equality, which is much better understood. Equality means we are all equal. The globalists don’t want that, so they chose a word that sounds very similar but means something different, and they hope you think it means equality.

Bold means we will turn your world upside-down. Urgent means before you have time to grasp what we are doing.

Sustainable means that your standard of living must drop because according to the rulers it is unsustainable.

That is true if they engineer depressions, wars and such. Inclusive means you get the jab (preferably mRNA) whether you want it or not. Everyone is included.

No one is allowed to opt out.

That is why the enforcers are so dead-set against vaccine exemptions. [For a painful example, see the Maine legislature’s Education Committee Democrats vote in unison on April 10 against six bills that would allow students to opt out of vaccines.]

No one knows what will be in those future vaccines (let alone knowing what is in the current COVID vaccines), and when the promised 100-days-to-develop vaccines appear for the next pandemic, no one will be able to know whether they work nor how dangerous they are, because they will be rolled out for mass use simultaneously, all over the world.

That is why it is so important to the globalists to have little vaccine factories throughout Africa and Asia, see below. So no one can escape, and everyone gets jabbed before we know how dangerous the shots are.

The person who ushered in the Coalition on Epidemic Preparedness and innovation (CEPI) 100 day vaccine promise is Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar (aka 007 License to Overdose) who was central in planning and funding the two UK and WHO hydroxychloroquine overdose trials, who was central in setting up the COVID origins coverup, and has now been given the role of the WHO’s Chief Scientist, where he will play a crucial role in getting the developing world on board with this plan to force locally produced, untested vaccines on everyone.

By the way, Farrar’s boss, when he was President of the Wellcome Trust, was Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller, Wellcome’s Chairman of the Board, Co-President of Chatham House and the former Director-General of Britain’s spy shop MI5.

See more here substack.com

Some bold emphasis added

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