WHO Finally Admits COVID19 PCR Test Has a ‘Problem’
In a statement released on December 14, 2020 the World Health Organization finally owned up to what 100,000’s of doctors and medical professionals have been saying for months: the PCR test used to diagnose COVID-19 is a hit and miss process with way too many false positives.
This WHO-admitted “Problem” comes in the wake of international lawsuits exposing the incompetence and malfeasance of public health officials and policymakers for reliance on a diagnostic test not fit for purpose.
This World Health Organization admission is that the crux of the “problem” is a wholly arbitrary cycling process which “means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.” [emphasis added]
The UN body is now clearly looking to distance itself from the fatally flawed test as a growing number of lawsuits are processing through the courts exposing the insanity of relying on a test that even the inventor, Professor Kary B. Mullis said was never designed to diagnose diseases. [1]
Professor Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993. ‘Coincidentally’, Mullis died just before the pandemic started.
We reported on November 22, 2020 that a landmark court case in Portugal had ruled that the polymerase chain reaction test (PCR) used worldwide to diagnose COVID-19 was not fit for purpose. Most importantly, the judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection.
As Off-Guardian.org reported at the time:
“In their ruling, judges Margarida Ramos de Almeida and Ana Paramés referred to several scientific studies. Most notably this study by Jaafar et al., which found that – when running PCR tests with 35 cycles or more – the accuracy dropped to 3%, meaning up to 97% of positive results could be false positives.
The ruling goes on to conclude that, based on the science they read, any PCR test using over 25 cycles is totally unreliable. Governments and private labs have been very tight-lipped about the exact number of cycles they run when PCR testing, but it is known to sometimes be as high as 45. Even fearmonger-in-chief Anthony Fauci has publicly stated anything over 35 is totally unusable.”
You can read the complete ruling in the original Portuguese here, and translated into English here.
Among thousands of angry doctors arguing PCR tests should not be used is Dr. Pascal Sacré. He wrote that:
“This misuse of RT-PCR technique is used as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society, the degradation of living conditions for a large number of ordinary citizens, under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients.”
Clear and conclusive scientific evidence proves that these tests are not accurate and create a statistically significant percentage of false positives. Positive results more likely indicate “ordinary respiratory diseases like the common cold.” [2]
However, none of this is new information to science. These facts were known at least before 2007 after a New York Times report entitled, “Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t,” (image, above) clearly showed how scientifically inaccurate PCR tests are, featuring many shocking statements from medical experts on the use of these tests, clearly laying out how they result in false positives and lead to dangerous exaggerations and false alarms. [3]
In their 2007 story the New York Times cited a prescient quote from Dr. Elizabeth Talbot, deputy state epidemiologist for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, who said:
“One of the most troubling aspects of the pseudo-epidemic is that all the decisions seemed so sensible at the time.”
Those who run our public institutions have allowed history to repeat itself. At the head of the line of incompetence and malfeasance is the UN itself. At the media briefing on COVID-19 on March 16, 2020, the WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (photo, below) said:
“We have a simple message for all countries: test, test, test.”
This insanity of testing anyone and everyone, even without symptoms has been an unmitigated global public health scandal and must be stopped. All officials in high places complicit in this crime must be prosecuted.
About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
[1] Kary Mullis : « Le test PCR ne permet pas de savoir si vous êtes malade », vidéo accessible sur YouTube, 9 octobre 2020.
[2] David DeGraw, Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, https://www.globalresearch.ca/national-security-alert-covid-tests-scientifically-fraudulent-epidemic-false-positives/5720271
[3] New York Times,’Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t,’ Gina Kolota, Published: January 22, 2007
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
warren schaich
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A great relief to know how really evil these people are and that the test is really part of this false flag
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Gitmo has executed around 85% of the hollywood adrenochrome blood drinkers.Only 4 got life in prison.Miley Cyrus,Britney Spears,Bette Midler and Christina Agulera.A 22 nation attack on the deep state worldwide blew up the 1477 underground tunnels and battled with strange creatures in them.The cabal built these cities to hide in during WW3 as 90% of humanity was exterminated.Look up the Georgia Guidestones and The 1954 Graeda Treaty signed with the Zeta Greys from the Orion constellation.That’s where a lot of our technology has come from.Troops have freed hidden technology from these bunkers like replicators that make food,clothes,and tools,free energy,and MED BEDS that prolong life and restore lost limbs.All Black nobility Draconians in Europe were hunted and executed.Information can be found on http://www.ebh.club………..Global Intelligence.
Mark Tapley
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Even if the fake PCR test was reliable as a diagnostic tool for Coronas and could distinguish between all the thousands of mutations (it can’t) it would still be worthless for testing a virus that has not even been isolated or identified.
The great mass will never know anything about this medical scam except what the MSM tell them. They all know that our wonderful puppet operatives and politicians would never lie to them. Big Pharma and their CDC whores have conditioned the livestock to believe that the magic virus from Wuhan may fall out of the sky at any moment and smite their stupid asses as they walk around with their face diapers and sucking their own waste products back into their lungs.
The elite banker’s U.N. have laid out an in depth plan for all the livestock in the Sustainable Development Initiative (Agenda 2030-21). China is the NWO model with it’s social credit score total surveillance total control system. In this technocratic Neo-feudalism all the animals will be on a strict energy quota (food will be rationed except for the elite) however the goy’s face diapers and vaccines will be provided.
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Funny to know I’m not the only one who’s been calling these things face diapers.
I wonder how long they’re going to hold on to this pandemic narrative, maybe the end times really are here.
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You are correct. End of times are here. It is imperative that you get some dried beans, rice and water. Yes, start gathering water. If a sizeable earthquake were to hit near you, there is a chance it would disrupt the water table, rendering your well useless. I have to much to tell, so, if you want more information, send me an email and I will get back to you.
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Thank you so much for this enlightenment. Pls would like to know more about this end time saga.
May God bless fearless ones like you!
Joseph Tan
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How may I get info from u? I would like to know more. Tq
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Am interested in your info Shaymus !
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Send me more revealing info-thanks!
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True that.
Pollyanna Montgomery
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roflmao U r so correct. I’ve been studying Trumps moves for 2 years now and uncovered the plan to take down the Cabal. He is a genius. Master Chess Player indeed.
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I agree. President Trump has been the receiver of so much slander, etc. And about 3 years ago, I began asking why? I can’t call someone these things of i don’t know them personally. And as far as the racism issue, see Dr. Carol Swain’s argument in favor of Trump’s administration and adherence to Constitution. She is a true hero. We have to be a great nation again, which means developing fortitude within our selves, challenging hearsay of mass media, including the hysteria around the pandemic. We all know what to do, how to protect ourselves. People’s livelihoods should not be risked, and families be made destitute.
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HUH?? trumpet a genius?? what galaxy are you from?? words cannot describe so I will not even try.
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You are the idiot Richard Mallet. Trump’s IQ is in the genius range, and obviously you are not.
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He’s brilliant, no doubt, but it’s his heart, courage, and love of God, America, Americans, that makes him truly great.
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trump is one of the dumbest people to have been in a position of power. his stupidity is only matched by his supporters
Carol Hahn
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Haha… so true!
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People that follow CNN have been corrupted. CNN should be taken off air.
Hillary was saying, “Testing, Testing, and more Testing!” But the testing is useless.
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The reason the virus has not be isolated or identified is because the virus has a patient that is owned by the elites, hence no studying of the virus is allowed…
Amelia Hoskins
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Its not possible to patent something naturally occurring, so by creating a Patent, we know its man made, and the ingredients go against the International Bio Weapons Treaty, so either way, something is criminal.
Laura Johnson
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That makes sense
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Peter, what are you talking about? Nothing you have written makes sense. Matter of fact, nothing any of you fools wrote makes sense
Finn McCool
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This is the first time I have heard the WHO emphasise PPV and NPV in a statement.
No government or health official has mentioned this to the public yet it is widely known in health care. That is direct evidence of a cover up.
Carol Burrows
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Knew all along test were false like everything else that’s going on at the moment we cannot trust governments.
Willem Williemson
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and other times, false negatives…
Its a number of factors, and there are many tests out there which are then sent to many different labs.
Its a mess.
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If you think about it, who would take a Q-tip one single Q-tip and use it to clean both of your ears? No more than you would use one single Q-tip to put up in both of your sinuses? Most people have not questioned this, but they need to. They also need to be inquiring as to where the lab sample is going. The samples of your DNA are being given freely to your government now. Think about it.
Willem Willemson
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oh look, a nazi in the comments above me. how 2020.
Lynn Van Dyke
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It makes me sad to hear it called a fake test. Kary Mullis was a good moral man. He invented the PCR (not a test) for which he won the Nobel prize. But he had problems with Fauci about the HIV/AIDS lie, Kary knew the truth. It is on video, Kary says that PCR does not test for infections. I am surprised that in this article it said he died ‘coincidentally’ …. before the 201 conference. Very true. This meant that they could use his PCR to inflate the covid figures, it would not have worked out if Kary had been alive, bless him ?
Kenneth Vogstad
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Here in Denmark the government had already purchased PCR testkits in 2015 so they must have know that they would be making good use of them when WHO said, “test, test, test” so it could be possible that they wanted to get rid of the inventor before the Plandemic was put in place. Blessings and a Merry Christmas to all even though it may not be merry, but hold your spirits high that this war against us will end soon!
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If you think about it, who would take a Q-tip one single Q-tip and use it to clean both of your ears? No more than you would use one single Q-tip to put up in both of your sinuses? Most people have not questioned this, but they need to. They also need to be inquiring as to where the lab sample is going. The samples of your DNA are being given freely to your government now. Think about it
Carol Hahn
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He was probably terminated… how did he die?
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It seems that you refer to yourself “Willem”. In that case, the nazi qualification is quite right. The same goes for trolls, of course.
Whatever you bark, truth will always haunt you.
Lynn Van Dyke
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It makes me sad to hear it called a fake test. Kary Mullis was a good moral man. He invented the PCR (not a test) for which he won the Nobel prize. But he had problems with Fauci about the HIV/AIDS lie, Kary knew the truth. It is on video, Kary says that PCR does not test for infections. I am surprised that in this article it said he died ‘coincidentally’ …. before the 201 conference. Very true. This meant that they could use his PCR to inflate the covid figures, it would not have worked out if Kary had been alive, bless him ?
The WHO Finally Fesses up on PCR Testing – The Awake
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[…] https://principia-scientific.com/who-finally-admits-covid19-pcr-test-has-a-problem/?fbclid=IwAR2QYV2… […]
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This W H O admission & the Mendacious government of the UK and other governments around the World are still insisting/forcing the people of the World to have these false tests and are still using the false data to keep the populations of the planet in forced lockdowns all for the benefit of the few globalist elite genocidal pedophile maniacs;
Tony Bond
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I’ve said from the very beginning this is a scam there is no pandemic, they have a big reset agenda & want everyone vaccinated, these world leaders are evil greedy demonic parasites trying to control everyone by scaring them to death with false news of a pandemic
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If you think about it, who would take a Q-tip one single Q-tip and use it to clean both of your ears? No more than you would use one single Q-tip to put up in both of your sinuses? Most people have not questioned this, but they need to. They also need to be inquiring as to where the lab sample is going. The samples of your DNA are being given freely to your government now. Think about it
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I agree. President Trump has been the receiver of so much slander, etc. And about 3 years ago, I began asking why? I can’t call someone these things of i don’t know them personally. And as far as the racism issue, see Dr. Carol Swain’s argument in favor of Trump’s administration and adherence to Constitution. She is a true hero. We have to be a great nation again, which means developing fortitude within our selves, challenging hearsay of mass media, including the hysteria around the pandemic. We all know what to do, how to protect ourselves. People’s livelihoods should not be risked, and families be made destitute.
Majed kuhail
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الكورونا كذبة من البداية والفحص غير دقيق ،الافضل كان عليهم أخذ
العينة من اللعاب
Huw Edwards
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Every intelligent man and woman who can see the scam for what it is needs to take out private prosecutions against every government puppet who is unlawfully enforcing this dystopian nightmare upon us.. Simple.
WHOは遂に PCRテストが「問題」を抱えていると認める | あすうら共和
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[…] https://principia-scientific.com/who-finally-admits-covid19-pcr-test-has-a-problem/ […]
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Thank you for the functional link to this article. I could share it.
Latest News – Lockdown Sceptics
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[…] others is making an impact. John O’Sullivan on Principia Scientific International has done a good write-up of the statement. He […]
WHO Finally Admits COVID19 PCR Test Has A Problem – Toms Blog on Life
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[…] WHO Finally Admits COVID19 PCR Test Has a ‘Problem’ […]
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De fund the WHO• Re store the peace to our world•• WHO is hiding the 5G made health Risks from our world for Telecommunication giants now••
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For anyone who still thinks that there is a real “pandemic”- (ie you are a ‘sheeple’), start doing your own research. For your family and for yourself. Google: dr Reiner Fullmich. Also dr Carrie Madej. Also Rockefeller Lock Step. Also Darrell Hines. Also Thefreedomcycle. Also Claire Edwards. Also brighteon.com. Also Robert David Steele. Also dr Lorraine Day. Also Robert Kennedy jr. Also freedomtaker.com. Also hardnoxandfriends.com. Also Agenda21. Also Michael O’Bernicia. WAKE UP!
Corona encyclopedie | Golfbrekers
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[…] WHO Finally Admits COVID19 PCR Test Has a ‘Problem’ […]
Wendy Bathany
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Do u have more information about this case
Marco Toma
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Adesso si spiegano i continui dati altalenanti ogni giorno sul numero di contagiati e morti .
I test rapidi sono TROPPO rapidi. Percio’poi ci sono i guariti in gran numero, gli asintomatici e c. Una bronchite,un raffreddore , in un personale medico mondiale del tutto incompetente e corrotto nel mondo di sanita’,lavoro ,energia,ecc. ridotti alla logica dei ragionieri di azienda,diventano death Covid.
E in questo scenario,arrivano i vaccini che”non evitano il contagio,servono solo a prevenirlo o a ridurre i sintomi gravi” e alla fine si deve continuare a vivere con il lockdown,le mascherine e Company .
Ma….nessuno fa niente?Nessuno prende posizione? Che Dio,gli alieni, le entita’che stanno in cielo,gli angeli e simili,ce la mandino buona o almeno ci ascoltino solo loro e agiscano,in questo scenario,almeno loro!
Laura Johnson
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Comments that make you go Hmmmmmmmmm
Laura Johnson
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Comments that make you Think
Laura Johnson
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it’s truly some crazy crap going on in this world l am sick of it
Brian Mumford
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If you want to know the truth about COVID-19 (it does not exist), read Dr. Stephen Lanka:
Part 1:
Part 2:
If you want to get closer to the truth regarding cancer and disease generally, watch this orientation about German New Medicine (and ignore the disinformation and disparaging reporting about its founder Dr. Hamer):
If you want to see a medical doctor inject himself with blood from an AIDS patient to prove it is not transmissible, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR1lk3jDbvZxVYX2OrCNvFXiu26NWQxvOu6B7c7DpNofKBwgh02bfUjb4Hk&v=y2Q0rpnXq7Q&feature=youtu.be
Then ask yourself why the media never reports on any of this.
Brian Mumford
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A funny analog for the handling of COVID-19 (is funny the right word?) can be found in an old episode of The X-Files called “War of the Coprophages” (Season 3, Episode 12 on Hulu). You can also watch it for free in lower quality on dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x71kxfh. It would be bad enough if the episode was merely representative of the general public, but it reflects what we see by medical doctors, the media, our politicians and, of course, the uninformed general public.
Brian Mumford
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If you want to know the truth about COVID-19 (it does not exist), read Dr. Stephen Lanka:
Part 1:
Part 2:
If you want to get closer to the truth regarding cancer and disease generally, watch this orientation about German New Medicine (and ignore the disinformation and disparaging reporting about its founder Dr. Hamer):
If you want to see a medical doctor inject himself with blood from an AIDS patient to prove it is not transmissible, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR1lk3jDbvZxVYX2OrCNvFXiu26NWQxvOu6B7c7DpNofKBwgh02bfUjb4Hk&v=y2Q0rpnXq7Q&feature=youtu.be
Then ask yourself why the media never reports on any of this.
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Thank you for the infos. We know there is no ‘pandemic’, we know they lie, but when we walk in streets, go in shops, we see the vast masses of zombies wearing masks (including those who do don’t believe but don’t ‘want troubes”), we see our freedom & rights being destroyed and the world going insane.
Concretely, how do we fight that, how do we stop the criminals behind this sick agenda and how we take back our liberty and world?
Some answers on these websites, we don’t pretend to have the truth, but month of fight vs corrupt governments, corporations and the ‘establishment’ has made us aware of what works or not.
Informing is good but the time is for RESISTANCE. Everybody can do it, the first step is don’t comply to anything they try to force on you, and the agenda will crumble. Don’t wear mask,s don’t ‘distance, violate ‘curfews, lockdowns and other fascist orders. Don’t listen to their media, don’t listen to them.
Destroy their narrative, destroy their tools and propaganda.
tested on the ground for several months. It works.
More here:
Thank you and good luck in the fight
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Thank you for the infos. We know there is no ‘pandemic’, we know they lie, but when we walk in streets, go in shops, we see the vast masses of zombies wearing masks (including those who do don’t believe but don’t ‘want troubes”), we see our freedom & rights being destroyed and the world going insane.
Concretely, how do we fight that, how do we stop the criminals behind this sick agenda and how we take back our liberty and world?
Some answers on these websites, we don’t pretend to have the truth, but month of fight vs corrupt governments, corporations and the ‘establishment’ has made us aware of what works or not.
Informing is good but the time is for RESISTANCE. Everybody can do it, the first step is don’t comply to anything they try to force on you, and the agenda will crumble. Don’t wear mask,s don’t ‘distance, violate ‘curfews, lockdowns and other fascist orders. Don’t listen to their media, don’t listen to them.
Destroy their narrative, destroy their tools and propaganda.
tested on the ground for several months. It works.
More here:
Thank you and good luck in the fight