When the elderly and frail die after receiving the COVID vaccine
CNN has the story. And it’s quite a story: “Why vaccinate our most frail? Odd vote out shows the dilemma”, December 4. [1] “The vote to recommend long-term care residents be among the first to receive Covid-19 vaccinations was not unanimous.”
“Out of a panel of 14 CDC vaccine advisers, a lone doctor said no.”
“’Odd woman out, I guess,’ Dr. Helen ‘Keipp’ Talbot, of Vanderbilt University, told her colleagues. ‘I still struggle with this. This was not an easy vote’.”
“Talbot was worried about whether the vaccine would even work in such frail, vulnerable patients. Even more, she worried about how it might look if the vaccine failed in that group, or how it would affect public perception if residents died soon after getting the vaccine.”
“The Covid-19 vaccines have not been tested in the frail elderly, many of whom are residents of long-term care facilities.”
Let’s stop here for a moment. First, we learn that the clinical trials of the COVID vaccine have not used the frail and elderly as volunteers. Therefore, there is NO evidence that the vaccine is safe or effective in that very large group. If this doesn’t give the frail and elderly and their families pause for thought, nothing will.
Second, Dr. Talbot is worried about “public perception,” when the elderly die right after getting the vaccination.
Well, what would YOU think if your mother died the day after she received the COVID shot?
The CNN article gets worse. Read on. Next up is a comment from Dr. Kelly Moore, “associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, which is supporting frontline workers who will administer Covid-19 vaccinations.”
“’Since they [the COVID vaccines] haven’t been studied in people in those [elderly] populations, we don’t know how well the vaccine will work for them. We know that most vaccines don’t work nearly as well in a frail elderly person as they would in someone who is fit and vigorous, even if they happen to be the same age,’ Moore said.”
Again—zero evidence the COVID vaccines work in elderly and frail populations. Most vaccines don’t “work nearly as well.”
CNN: “When shots begin to go into arms of [nursing home and long-term care facility] residents, Moore said Americans need to understand that deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.”
“’We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination but just because that’s the place where people at the end of their lives reside,’ Moore said.”
“’One of the things we want to make sure people understand is that they should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there are reports, once we start vaccinating, of someone or multiple people dying within a day or two of their vaccination who are residents of a long-term care facility. That would be something we would expect, as a normal occurrence, because people die frequently in nursing homes’.”
Right. Don’t be alarmed.
Don’t worry if people who are doing reasonably well suddenly die right after getting the COVID shot. It’s just a coincidence.
Their long-term health conditions just happened to kick in a day or two after vaccination. Nothing to wonder about.
Don’t kick up a fuss if it’s YOUR father or mother who died. Stay calm. You can be sure the doctors will let you know if your mother died from the vaccine. Of course they will.
Even though the vaccine has never been tested on the elderly and frail, the doctors know whether a death occurred from the vaccination or from other causes. And they’ll tell the truth. They always do.
The doctors quoted in this CNN article are obviously worried about people dying as a result of the vaccine. They know it’s going to happen. They’re thinking out loud about what they can do to stem the tide of public outrage—particularly from the families of those who die.
The best idea they can come up with is: “these people die anyway.”
I remind readers that, for months, I’ve been reporting on the huge percentage of all so-called COVID deaths that have been occurring among the elderly in nursing homes, in long-term care facilities, in hospitals, in their homes. [2]
These people were already suffering from multiple long-term serious health conditions. On top of that, they had been treated for years with an array of toxic medical drugs.
And then, they’re absolutely terrified when they receive a diagnosis of COVID. Then they’re isolated, cut off from family and friends.
And they give up and die.
This is forced premature killing of old people. It’s murder by COVID diagnosis and isolation. [2]
And now, these people will receive an experimental RNA vaccine, whose effects include auto-immune reactions; the body basically attacks itself. [3]
More killing.
And doctors advising the CDC are telling us not to be alarmed.
The deaths are just routine.
Lots and lots of doctors who know what’s going on are thinking, “What if all this comes back on ME?”
Well, it IS coming back on you, Doctors.
You’re killers in white coats who are supposed to be saving lives.
[1] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/09/pfizer-covid-vaccine-nhs-extreme-allergy-sufferers-regulators-reaction
[2] https://www.denverpost.com/2020/12/09/pfizer-covid-vaccine-allergic-reactions/
[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/01/26/vaccine-for-the-china-virus-the-planet-is-the-guinea-pig-for-a-vast-experiment/
About Jon Rappoport: The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.
Read more at blog.nomorefakenews.com
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Tom O
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I usually find Rappaport a little bit wild eyed, but this one is so true. As for the killers in White Coats, I will have to agree with that comment. My logic is simple.
Once a person is diagnosed COVID, as he says, they are now under even greater stress than before. But the other side of that diagnosis is treatment. If they have a need for treatment for their underlying other health issues that ARE killing them, because will the COVID protocol for treatment be likely to meet those needs? In other words, the death may well be caused by the misdiagnosis of the questionable COVID, the truly needed health intervention isn’t going to happen because they will be given the wrong treatments. I just haven’t figured out whether it should be called involuntary manslaughter by medical malpractice or 2nd degree murder.
Finn McCool
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Tom O
I use the term ‘government sponsored euthanasia programme’.
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They deliberately did studies with HCQ that were “designed to fail”. I thought I was the only one using the term until I cam across another article that did the same thing. Overdosing critical patients with HCQ and no zinc or Azithromycin. Doing any and all studies with ONLY HCQ – designed to fail. Kill the patient because they are determined to show it doesn’t work. Kill the patient because they hate the President that much. Before Trump mentioned it, there were stories all over the news how the Zelenko (HCQ/zinc/Azithromycin) treatment worked – and it worked within hours to a day or two. Now they’re saying “you can’t use Ivermectin and you can’t use it prophylactically – and you can’t treat outpatient”. I’m sick of the medical profession committing malpractice. It’s endorsing murder. Population control. Thinning the herd. Inflating the numbers. And of course, as a result, they gain control through fear. We know what they’re doing and how illegal and unethical it is, but the sheep don’t. WHY are people so blind?
Ken Hughes
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Because most people are stupid? Sorry, but they are. They’re either mentally impaired due to psychological issues, or just plain unintelligent. Those with intelligence, the ability to reason and the courage to face unpalatable facts, are rare.
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This is preposterous. If they had had COVID and recovered and died later, IT WOULD STILL BE CONSIDERED A COVID DEATH, so this should be treated likewise. Bunch of hypocrites
Mark tapley
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All of the fake virus is a scam is are the fake test and the fake numbers reported by the CDC-WHO. Vaccines have always been a fraud and this Current scam brought to you by the same Zionist operatives that did the fake AIDS “epidemic ” and other fake viruses is no different. A virus that has not even been isolated or identified cannot be properly treated. If people stopped wearing the harmful face diapers, refused to follow the unconstitutional mandates and ignored the fake numbers, in a few days everyone would forget a out the virus.
Ken Hughes
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‘Pity the article didn’t pick up on the monumental hypocrisy. If a patient with comorbidities dies after testing positive, then it’s a Covid death, not a death from their other medical issues. But when a person with comorbidities dies after receiving the vaccine, it’s the comorbidities that killed them, not the vaccine.
cathleen anderson
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Spot on, Ken!
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Well, let’s see….if someone dies within 28 days of testing positive for COVID, it’s counted as a COVID death. Seems to me that if someone dies within 28 days of having a COVID vaccine, that should be counted as a Vaccine death. It is hypocrisy
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Well, let’s see….if someone dies within 28 days of testing positive for COVID, it’s counted as a COVID death. Seems to me that if someone dies within 28 days of having a COVID vaccine, that should be counted as a Vaccine death.