What is the truth about ‘surge in pilot deaths’ after vaccine rollout?

With so many statistics being hidden and effectively censored, it is unwise for unqualified people like me to say categorically this or that is happening.

However common sense still prevails, and if there is a surge in deaths or illness by a significant percentage, and if there are other indicators of disruption to ‘normality’, one has to draw the conclusion that something must be causing it, and whatever that something is, with no official explanation forthcoming, it is being withheld from the public.

That judgement was reinforced for me some weeks ago when a US Army flight surgeon testified in a federal court that she had been ordered by high-level command not to discuss the controversy over Department of Defense data indicating a massive spike in serious injuries and illnesses among military personnel when the vaccines were rolled out in 2021.

Dr Theresa Long, of the US Army Flight School at Fort Rucker, Alabama, testified with two other military flight surgeons, Lt Col Peter Chambers and Col (Ret) Stewart Tankersley.

She said she had been regularly contacted by military personnel who had been injured by the shots, and that most were pilots, who ‘have to meet one of the highest fitness standards’. Amid the pressure to get vaccinated, Long said, an atmosphere of low morale prevailed in which there had been at least two suicides.

More recently in interviews with the Defender, pilots injured by Covid-19 vaccines say that despite what they describe as  a ‘culture of fear and intimidation’ they feel compelled to speak out against vaccine mandates that they say have robbed pilots of their careers — and in some cases their lives. 

A letter, hand-delivered in December 2021 to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), US Department of Transportation, US Department of Justice (DOJ), and CEOs and legal counsel of major US air carriers (American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines and United Airlines) pointed out the unique risks from vaccines pilots face as well as the significant number of vaccine injuries and adverse effects involving pilots recorded, that in some instances have forced pilots to stop flying.

When adverse reactions to the injection are reported (if at all) it is usually only the first 28 days after the injection that is referred to. This data is alarming enough.

In the UK alone more than 27,000 acute cardiac arrests have been reported, more than 4,000 pulmonary embolisms and deep vein thromboses, and nearly 3,500 seizures, within a sum total of some 1.5million adverse reactions.

Though authoritative scientific reviews of the data show that vaccines have mid- and long-term adverse effects as well as immediate ones, there appears to be little or no monitoring of them.

That life assurance companies are already reporting far higher claims for the first nine months of 2021 compared with the whole of 2020, and have noted ‘the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business’, primarily working-age people of 18 to 64, is suggestive of a longer-term impact.

Germany’s largest statutory health insurance fund has reported a frequency of vaccination complications seven times higher than had been indicated for the year as a whole, predicting continued high levels of these deaths for some time. 

Why? Is there a root cause?

Last summer when a story flashed on to the internet after four or five British Airways pilots suddenly died, the obvious explanation doing the social media rounds was the Covid vaccine.

The speed with which it was denied – rather than addressed or investigated – by BA, zealous ‘fact checkers‘ and even BALPA, the airline pilots’ association, should have sent out warning signals.

BA, under pressure, issued a disingenuous statement not saying what the cause was, but not denying the obvious link to the vaccine, and refusing to say whether the pilots had been vaccinated or not.

Predictably the mainstream media failed to follow up, perhaps so as not to upset the Government’s line that the ‘vaccine is so safe’.

Not one MP raised the question about these deaths in the House of Commons. The story disappeared.

That’s until the last few weeks when a new story surfaced on the internet about a surge in pilot deaths in 2021. In that same year as the vaccine mandates were imposed and in full force, a blogger known as ‘Call me Stormy’ claimed 109 airline pilot deaths were reported by their families to the US Air Line Pilots Association’s (ALPA) In Memoriam page compared with six in 2020 and just one in 2019.

Sally Beck, an experienced journalist who writes for TCW, asked ALPA for the link to their In Memoriam page published in Oct/Nov 2021 ‘which no longer appears to be there’ and for the source of the figures. After some nudging came this response.

‘Hi there. That info re: the pilot death was not accurate and irresponsibly misleading. Here is the statement we issued in Dec when this first came up.’

Since this did not answer her question nor confirm the numbers they did report compared with previous years, Sally wrote back with the following question:

‘Could you please give me the actual numbers for those years and let me have a link to the page that was referred to, or a screenshot.’

Back came their reply:

‘It is not our practice to release the information of our In Memoriam section of our member magazine. We have nothing more to contribute beyond the statement we shared earlier.’

I leave it to readers to make of that what they will. We remain in the dark.

In the US, where the airline industry is far larger than UK, President Joe Biden mandated all pilots and aircrew must have the vaccine. The airlines, notably United, American and Delta, threatened all aircrew with their jobs if they did not get vaccinated in 2021.

There is no doubt that air crew very much felt the pressure and some caved in against their better judgment, as Captain Robert Snow powerfully testified here, again just weeks ago.

Joshua Yoder, an airline pilot and co-founder of the US Freedom Flyers discussing this told the US TV host, Stew Peters, that his group has received hundreds of reports from pilots about flying planes while suffering from adverse side effects from the Covid vaccines.

He also told of the huge pressure that had been put on pilots to vaccinate by their own unions, giving them nowhere to turn for support. Those who objected, he said, were sacked or put on reduced duties, thus altering their pay scales downwards which, given the reduced number of flights and aircraft being mothballed or sold, may well have suited the airlines.

Biden has since reduced the pressure on the mandates for vaccines, and airlines have backed down too. Could it be they are worrying about the rise in pilot deaths as they anticipate a flight cancellation hell which may continue for several years? Pilots are expensive to train, and usually have a long work life of 35 to 40 years.

And do we, as well as the vaccinated pilots really have something to worry about – is it dangerous if a pilot dies at the controls? When in the air, obviously yes, and this is the reason you have two pilots, the most critical time being just before landing when the airport is in sight.

Both pilots are working flat out flying the airplane, monitoring the radio and instruments especially the ILS (Instrument Landing System) glide path, and if the lead pilot had a heart attack or stroke at this point it could be very dangerous indeed.

As to politicians, airlines and unions, we should give them no quarter when the day arrives that they face prosecution.

See more here: conservativewoman.co.uk

Header image: Airlines Map

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Comments (13)

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    So the deaths of pilots goes from 4 or 5 a year to over 100 after the vax, nothing to see here folks it is just one more coincidence. A world of morons.

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      Thank you for the information. I’m so angry at what was forced on these crews. I had the luxury of refusing the evil jab, I can sympathize that these working crews felt financially pressured to cave. Absolutely EVIL what has been done. I want justice.

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    With coincidences like that we should all buy a lottery ticket.

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    Russ D


    The members of ‘The Church of the Holy Blessed Jab’ will be along shortly to protest this blasphemous sacrilege of their Holy sacrament

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    Ken Hughes


    It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking these organisations are stupid, or run by stupid people, but the are not stupid, they are either evil beyond normal comprehension or corrupted by threat/reward, by evil people on high.
    This is war folks, and the enemy is the globalist cartel and their puppets in governments and corporations,…. the Nazis!

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      jessia noria


      I make 85 dollars each hour for working an online job at home. dso I never thought I can do it but my best friend makes 10000 bucks every month working this job and she recommended me to learn more about it.
      The potential with this is endless…>>>>>>https://t.ly/eGAt

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    The same cult / tribal cabal behind the World Economic Forum, “Global Warming”, Chem Trails, big Pharma, all the fake mass shootings that the media loves to squeeze every drop of fake drama from, the trashy music industry, Hollyweird, unexplained wild fires that burn thousands of homes to white dust, fluoridated water, toxic high fructose corn syrup, gender dysphoria, LBGT, BLM, CRT, wars, fake terrorism, famines, regime changes, the destruction of the family, abortion, vaccines, fake antisemitism, Monsanto, GMO “foods”, fake germ theory, faked moon landings, fake history, the “war on drugs”, deliberately lousy public schools, destruction of wholesome values, modified weather resulting in droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, landslides, central banking, Usury, worthless, owned and controlled police, politicians, Doctors, Lawyers, military, judges, school board administrators, city council scum, “scientists”, owned and controlled media, toxic and fake popular culture, fake medicine and lies, lies and always more lies are behind this planned and totally fake Covid scam.
    You know who they are. They are backed by AIPAC, the JDF, ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, every politician, every judge, every billionaire, every bank and their father, SATAN,
    They are of the synagogue of Satan. They have a plan. To reduce humanity to a manageable level of less than 500 million. They want their chosen leader to head up one demonic “religion” and one world “government” to assure the despotic enslavement of all remaining humanity to be packed in concrete jungle cities where they can be chipped, vaccinated, GMO’d, monitored, controlled and owned.
    Perhaps it’s way past time to face up to this clear and present danger to humanity and start crushing this disease of the earth.

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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Californiee:
    To be more specific with a more concise and accurate identification, this is the global Zionist syndicate. If the pilots has stood together and the majority had refused to be treated like cattle in the chute, the Black Rock controlled Airlines would have had to back down. However just like the medical workers who could have also stopped the fake virus fraud on day one, they caved in. All of these groups who have taken the graphene oxide need to realize three things. First, no one knows the long term damage. Second, the more the sheep consent to be treated like livestock, the worse it will get and third, don’t think you are saving your job. In the long run almost all jobs will be gone anyway as the WEF 4th industrial revolution ruins the economy for everyone except for the insiders at the top.

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      Smithsonian Smyrna


      I used to be an airline Pilot and I still occasionally lurk on some of the Airline Pilots online discussion forums. There was one during the peak of the scamdemic that was dedicated to “Covid 19”. I was amazed how the vast majority of these commenting pilots assumed that the jabs were just dandy and that only tin foil hat wearers were concerned about any issues. It was like a mindless pack of fools trying to one up each other on how sure they all were that the shots were no big deal and required to keep the job. The few dissenters (most of whom were Left / Right fake paradigm believers) were Attacked ruthlessly because they dared question things. Basically because in their minds it was not right to be forced to do something that sleepy Joe said they “must” do.
      Not surprising at all. A good deal of the Airline pilots are ex-military which is like a giant extra helping of Indoctrination and mind control just in case one did not get enough with Public School, College and bullshit media 24/7.
      Bunch of dumb ass MFers. If the jabs are really as bad as the folks over at Orwell City / The 5th Column claim, there is going to be a massive shortage of pilots soon.
      Stupid is as stupid does.
      Life is tough. It’s even tougher when you’re stupid.
      I see stupid people. They are everywhere. They don’t even know that they are stupid.
      If you find yourself out in public, chances are that you are surrounded by a bunch of stupid people.
      Every vaxxed pilot should be required to wear a uniform that says “I’m with Stupid” that points to their head.
      When I see a masked person, I think wow, that’s a really stupid person.
      It’s probably a good thing that nobody can read my mind. Otherwise they would be offended because they are stupid and I agree.
      I sometimes wonder what the percentage of stupid people in the world really is? 95%? More? I think so.
      Evil persists and continues unchallenged because most people are stupid.

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        D. Boss


        Yes it’s close to 90% – stupid people percentage. And as per Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity, they are more dangerous than evil people:
        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc (Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity)

        “Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on dead ears.”

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    Richard Noakes


    Dr Fauci’s Wife Drafted The Policy To Intimidate Vaccine Resistors
    May 21, 2022
    It was Dr Fauci’s wife who drafted the policy to intimidate vaccine resistors. The newly discovered document comes amid debate over Fauci’s choice to support research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology on “killer” bat coronaviruses.
    BIG STORY: Genetically Modified Strain Of Monkeypox Kills 250 Million People In War Game Simulation Prompting New Pandemic Warning

    Anthony Fauci’s wife, who also heads the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center’s Department of Bioethics, wrote an article justifying the morality of firms “pressuring employees to get vaccinated” and “embarrass[ing] vaccine resistors.”
    The study, titled “The Ethics of Encouraging Employees to Get the COVID-19 Vaccination,” (read below) was financed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center and the National Human Genome Research Institute, and included Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady, as one of the authors.
    The report was published in March 2022 in response to efforts by the White House and Democratic Party legislators across the country to make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for federal and state employees.
    Grady’s paper focuses on the “ethics of encouragement strategies aimed at overcoming vaccine reluctance (which can be due to resistance, hesitance, misinformation, or inertia) to facilitate voluntary employee vaccination.”
    Grady and her three co-authors explain why it is “ethically acceptable” to “subtly pressure employees to get vaccinated”:
    While employment-based vaccine encouragement may raise privacy and autonomy concerns, and though some employers might hesitate to encourage employees to get vaccinated, our analysis suggests ethically acceptable ways to inform, encourage, strongly encourage, incentivize, and even subtly pressure employees to get vaccinated.
    The study asserts that vaccine mandates might be “ethically appropriate” if “clear articulation about the consequences of not complying with the policy.”
    “In that circumstance, employees have a choice between getting vaccinated or accepting the consequences of a choice to remain unvaccinated,” it explains.
    Other strategies listed by Grady for increasing COVID-19 vaccination rates within a company include providing “targeted statistics (such as 75% of the company or unit have been vaccinated) to spur competition or even implicitly embarrass vaccine resistors.”
    “There can be social consequences associated with peer communication about vaccination, such as stigma and ostracization of those not vaccinated,” the paper asserts.
    “Individuals who choose to make the workplace less safe for others through their vaccine refusal should be able to foresee the possibility of this kind of social consequence,” it goes on to say, seemingly endorsing the aforementioned “stigma and ostracization” of COVID-19-unvaccinated individuals.
    “When a policy is tied to group vaccination metrics, unvaccinated employees may feel implicit (or explicit) pressure from peers or supervisors to help the group meet its return-to-work goals,” Grady and her co-authors said before calling the technique “ethically appropriate”:
    “Despite worries about a perception of unfairness, we argue that the selective easing of public health restrictions is ethically appropriate when done transparently and tied to objective public health guidance.”
    The newly discovered document comes amid debate over Fauci’s choice to support research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology on “killer” bat coronaviruses. Furthermore, given her husband’s role in establishing America’s COVID-19 reaction and vaccination protocols, Grady’s important role in regulating the morality of NIH research and policy appears to constitute a conflict of interest.

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    Richard Noakes


    JAB ‘EM YOUNG: FDA approves Pfizer’s booster vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 without consulting vaccine advisory panel

    05/18/2022 / By Arsenio Toledo

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just authorized booster doses of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine to be administered to children between the ages of five and 11 without convening its vaccine advisory panel.
    The FDA made the announcement on Tuesday, May 17. Children in this age group can avail of a booster dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at least five months after the two-dose primary series.
    Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said data shows that the so-called protection provided by two doses of Pfizer’s vaccine wanes over time. The solution, according to the FDA, is a booster dose that can supposedly offer more protection to children in this age group. (Related: Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine had a shocking DEATH rate of 3.7% during early trial – but the FDA approved it anyway.)
    Marks added that the benefits of giving children aged five to 11 another dose of the experimental and deadly vaccine outweigh the risks.
    The data the FDA is using is from an ongoing Pfizer trial in which a subset of 67 children aged five to 11 purportedly had higher antibody levels one month after receiving a booster Pfizer vaccine. The agency claims it did not notice any new safety concerns, but admitted that the children experienced similar side effects that other people feel after receiving a booster dose.
    These side effects were noted as only being mild and they include swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, chills and fever.
    According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 28 percent of American children aged five to 11 have received the primary series of two COVID-19 vaccine doses as of April. Both the FDA and the CDC are continuing to encourage parents to get their children vaccinated supposedly to protect them against the coronavirus.
    FDA approved booster without consulting experts
    The FDA made this announcement several days before it convened its vaccine advisory panel, composed of independent experts, to discuss Pfizer’s vaccine data on the age group.
    Some members of this committee have informed CNBC that they have grown increasingly frustrated that the FDA has repeatedly moved ahead with its decisions regarding COVID-19 vaccines and boosters without consulting the advisory panel or holding open public discussions.
    For its part, the CDC is set to convene its own committee of independent vaccine experts to discuss Pfizer vaccine boosters for children aged five to 11. These so-called vaccine experts are expected to issue a recommendation for or against the boosters.
    But CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky inevitably has the final say on whether healthcare providers can start administering the booster vaccines to the age group. Her decision usually supports the recommendations of the committee.
    Once children aged five to 11 are given the final approval to receive booster vaccines, almost every age group in the U.S. will be eligible to receive three doses of the experimental and deadly vaccines with the exception of children under age five. Children in this age group are still not eligible for a primary vaccination series.
    The FDA’s advisory committee is scheduled to meet next month to review Pfizer’s and Moderna’s requests to authorize their COVID-19 vaccines for children under the age of five.
    Learn more about Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at Vaccines.news.
    Watch this episode of “The Highwire” as host Del Bigtree and co-host Jefferey Jaxen talk about how the FDA is still pushing the ineffective vaccines on children.
    This video is from the High Hopes channel on Brighteon.com.
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    Pfizer recorded so many adverse events that it had to hire 2,400 more employees to handle paperwork and data processing. Me: = 3,000 altogether and that only for Pfizer – what about the other vaccine makers deaths and injuries, I wonder?
    Pfizer, FDA have known for decades that antibody-dependent enhancement occurs in the vaccinated; tried to cover it up.
    Former BlackRock advisor says Pfizer colluded with FDA to hide data that shows COVID “vaccine” clinical trials FAILED.
    Leaked top-secret Pfizer document shows COVID-19 vaccine is FAR MORE DANGEROUS than the world knows.
    Sources include:


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