What Happened To The Predicted Summer Of Hell?

In March this year, the German website Climate News carried a piece by former criminal biologist and politician Marc Benecke (and now apparently also a climate expert), who declared to all and sundry this year would see a ‘summer of hell with almost complete certainty’ because of ‘climate change’

We all know what happened next in Britain. April was so cold most people had their heating on for much of the month.

This must have been another case of mass delusion though, because the Met Office confidently stated in June we had only imagined the cold, and April was indeed warmer than usual.

May turned out to be about average in terms of temperature, and the first 18 days of June were up to five degrees cooler than usual (and only half the temperature we saw in the two-week heatwave last June) before we had five days of hot temperatures.

That qualified as a heatwave because about ten years ago the Met Office reduced the number of days from seven consecutive above the average temperature for the time of year, to just three, thus allowing them to claim heatwaves are becoming more common.

After the hot week, temperatures dropped again at the end of June and into July which, along with August, are traditionally the hottest months in the UK.

The Telegraph reported June saw more sunshine than usual, but acknowledged cold air from the Arctic made it significantly cooler than usual.

The Telegraph article said 30.3C was recorded at Heathrow Airport on June 26th which, as everyone should know by now, usually gives the highest readings, not least because of the urban heat island effect, and the fact that the Heathrow weather station is right in the middle of acres of highly reflective tarmac and concrete, and probably has aircraft exhaust washing over it.

The Met Office and the mainstream media declined to mention this inconvenient fact.

Today the temperature is predicted to reach just 16C, and the forecast for the next seven days is temps in the high teens, where the average July temperature for the UK is around 22C.

So much for the summer of hell then.

Those who remember the summer of 1976 with its eight-week heatwave will probably recall it was described by many as a glorious summer, and it was.

If that happened now you would undoubtedly hear shrill cries from the gullible and the indoctrinated that ‘the end is nigh’.

We shall see what temperatures the rest of summer brings, but whatever happens, you can guarantee with almost complete certainty to paraphrase Marc Benecke, that the BBC and the Met Office will confidently state this year was ‘the hottest on record’.

This continues to ignore the fact that the 1930s was the hottest decade, a fact climate alarmists fervently wish didn’t exist.

The Central England Temperature Record shows the UK warmed approximately 0.2C between 1659 and 1990, and if we are to believe the data since 1990 (and yes I said if, as the CETR is managed by the Met Office) has warmed a further 1.5C, an unnoticeable amount.

Does the shape of that graph remind you of anything? Do the words ‘hockey stick’ come to mind?

Header image: EC English

About the author: Andy Rowlands is a university graduate in space science and British Principia Scientific International researcher, writer, and editor who co-edited the new climate science book, ‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap

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Comments (6)

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    Coming up to 5pm 6th July 2024.
    The sun has just decided to come out today in the renowned ‘sunny’ South East of Ireland and the temperature has climbed up to a whopping 15°C.
    Yes I remember that Summer of 1976…..delightful!


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    Jim Dale, a senior meteorologist at British weather services, says there could be a hot time waiting around the latter part of June, while it is also snowing in Scotland.
    September is also considered part of summer because of the last decade. No certainty whatsoever.

    The lucky dip known as weather forecasting.


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    75 degrees here late afternoon and cloudy. About 7-8 degrees below normal. So much for a heat wave that can’t even get to normal temps for more than a handful of days at a time.


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    Carbon Bigfoot


    Here in the US we are watching Wimbledon weather and rain-outs. People are wearing jackets. The French Open was the same thing. The BMW Open same shit.


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    Ian Hughes


    Airline pilots need to know the air temperature on the runway, as the warmer air is, the lower its density, which lowers the power output of the engines, and lowers the lift from the wings, both of which lower the aircraft payload and increase the takeoff speed and runway length used. These runway temperatures should NOT be included in general temperature measurements.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Ian,

      “These runway temperatures should NOT be included in general temperature measurements.” I strongly disagree. The earth surfaces are emitting INFRARED RADIATION (IR) upward toward space according to the 4th power of the surface’s Kevin (absolute) temperature.

      Have a good day


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