What Happened About the Zika Disease?

Zika Virus: What Happened When | WJCT NEWS

Don’t you find it interesting that Zika has virtually disappeared from the spotlight?  This is no coincidence.  Just as we no longer hear about all the “mass shootings,” Zika has disappeared from the radar.  I do believe both to be agendas set in motion.

The Zika issue is frightening on numerous levels – but an even more insidious element is how they blamed it for causing microcephaly:https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2016/12/21/how-zika-got-the-blame/

They plopped it into a formula created by a pediatrician in 1994, and even at that, it only met 3 out of 7 criteria.  

Another great example of how numbers alone can never explain something in total.

A connection with mosquitoes (and now other bugs and mice) is highly relevant as well.  Since this time, mosquito research (GMO, CRISPR editing) is being rammed down our throats.  Bizarrely enough I picked up on the potential disaster through a fictional book by Elsner Fulsang.

It got me going down frightening rabbit holes of potential human disease scares:  https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2017/07/10/wolbachia-the-next-frankenstein/



Here’s the really frightening issue:  https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2018/10/23/scientists-warn-gm-insects-could-easily-be-weaponized/

This is not far-fetched.  They’ve been tweaking ticks in labs for decades and then dropping them from air-planes.  In PJ Langhoff’s book, “God Science:  The Secret World of Rampant Genetics, Hidden Illness, and Biotech Profiteering,” she tells how she became infected this very way.  I explain it in this link: https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2018/12/19/its-1984/

Another debacle related to Lyme/MSIDS and tweaking of things in the lab:

https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2015/08/12/connecting-dots-mycoplasma/  (In this link Dr. Nicolson discovered an entire Texas prison came down with bizarre neurodegenerative conditions which eventually made it out into an entire city.  Against state law autopsies on these prisoners were performed at a US army base and then sent to a private crematory at a secret location.

Dr. Nicholson writes about Mycoplasma in “Project Daylily.”  His daughter came back from the Gulf War incredibly sick and then gave it to Nicolson and his wife.  He’s a PhD in Biochemistry.  (Never infect a biochemist!)  Through his study he found they were infected with a bioweaponized mycoplasma fermentans.  



He is also engaged in research on the role of chronic infections in a variety of chronic illnesses, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gulf War Illness and various autoimmune diseases.  Dr. Nicolson was also a Nobel Prize Nominee.

Nicolson’s “Written Testimony” to the US Senate in 1998 states that:

“We consider it quite likely that many of the Desert Storm veterans suffering from the GWI signs and symptoms may have been exposed to chemical/biological toxins (exogenous or endogenous sources of these agents) containing slowly proliferating microorganisms (MycoplasmaBrucellaCoxiella, etc.), and such infections, although not usually fatal, can produce various chronic signs and symptoms long after exposure.”[29]

While other researchers found negative results for Mycoplasmainfection,[30][31] Nicolson’s team found definite high prevalence of Mycoplasma infections.[32]

All I can say is these matters appear  connected and doing great damage to human health.  I believe this is the reason we are not making progress with these illnesses – including Lyme/MSIDS.

Read more at madisonarealymesupportgroup.com

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