We’re All Going To Drown–Part 98
I am not sure why they are worried about sea level rise in Wiltshire!
It is the usual fraud from Climate Change Central, who regularly send this nonsense around the media.
The locations mentioned in Somerset, such as Bridgewater and Burnham, are about 6 to 8 meters above sea level. Gloucester Cathedral is 22m above.
The idea that sea levels will rise this much in less than 30 years is preposterous, even under the most extreme projections.
From The Wiltshire Times:
Global warming could lead to many areas in the South West of England being consumed by the sea before 2050, according to a climate change study.
Climate Change Central is an independent organisation of scientists and journalists who have researched the change in our climate and the drastic impact it could have.
The organisation has developed an interactive map using current projections to show which areas could be lost to rising sea levels by 2050.
It should be noted the data is only a projection and the consequences of rising sea levels will be less severe if global temperatures are kept below one degree Celsius, claims the group.
The map shows that places such as Weston-Super Mere, Bridgewater and Burnham-on-Sea would be underwater if current trends persist.
Moreover, parts of Bristol including the Temple Meads area of the city would be consumed by rising sea levels.
Moving slightly north, Gloucester would be another city that would be affected.
The cathedral that attracts hundreds of tourists would be lost.
In the South West, seas have been steadily rising at 1.84mm a year since 1915, with no sign of acceleration – about 7 inches a century:
According to NOAA, the most extreme projection is for about one foot of sea level rise by mid century. Climate Change Central claim their projections are based on “moderate” emission cuts, which would equate to about 3 feet of rise by the end of the century.
But, of course, neither of these projections bears any resemblance to what sea levels are actually doing.
The whole thing is simply an attempt to scare the public into accepting wholesale changes to their lifestyles, as Climate Change Central admit:
See more here: notalotofpeopleknowthat
Bold emphasis added
Header image: Financial Times
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The biggest spring high tide at Raglan, New Zealand, last year was 3.7 meters. The biggest spring high tide this year is 3.5 meters.
It could be argued that this is a 200 millimeter (eight inches approx.) sea level fall in this particular locale.
The moon’s swings and roundabouts (oscillations) of perigee/apogee, full and new/moon and then first or last quarter, Northern or Southern extremes in moons orbit, create a continuous variation to sea level distribution.
Plus the sun’s gravity varies, one example being Earth is almost six million kilometers closer to the Sun on the 3rd of January than it is on the 3rd July.
And then to keep it a little less simple there is the 18.6 year lunar standstill cycle affecting oceanic mass distribution.
These are just one factor in assessing sea level. Have you ever heard the term ‘non linear chaotic system’?
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Just nitpicking a bit…
Have you heard the argument that “chaos” is fallacious? It’s just an inability to account. You know…considering you’re a miniscuale fractional aspect, using miniscule, entropic, fractional, basically always flawed observational methods, brainfarts, etc.
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Hi Alcheminister.
I agree with you. I believe there is no such thing as a complex problem, but merely simple problems, layer upon layer, to create the allusion of complexity. A little like the game, ‘pick up sticks’. Take the first stick (problem) off the top of the pile and analytically work your way down to unravel the layers.
I would never have had the patience to do the Milankovitch Cycle calculations, or the handsome charm to employ twenty beautiful women to do the calculations for me.
Frank, if you were nitpicking I would not still be scratching my head. (satire)
Regards Matt
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The word CHAOS actually exists.
a state of utter confusion
a state of things in which chance is supreme
the inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a complex natural system
Mark Tapley
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Hello MattH:
Chaos is the state you will be in when the tranny looking Zionist whore, Jacinda Ardern carts you off to your urban high rise s**t hole in Agenda 2030-21. First chaos, followed by anger, denial, deluded bargaining and finally acceptance. There you will be a good goyim eating your soy diet and tracking your allotted carbon credits.
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I do not need to be reminded of the filth and ineptitude of the current New Zealand government.
But as you are a serial abuser reminding is path for the course.
Some people claim to be Christians because the Lord is the only one who would forgive them.
Mark Tapley
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Hello MattH:
I would not want to be derelict as to warning other PSI readers of what is coming so they don’t make the same mistake as Solzenhetsin warned about in the Eastern Kingdom:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, [pitchforks] or whatever else was at hand? . . . The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If . . . if . . . We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation . . . We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
Mark Tapley
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We have been on our last decade to catastrophe from global warming and rising sea levels ever since the Zionist Club of Rome had their Jew MSM and court scientists push this fake narrative in 1969. They have been recording sea levels in Stockholm now for over 500 years with almost no change. There are limestone islands in the Pacific in which the gradual erosion by the waves is visible and evident over hundreds of years. If the sea level were rising these markers would have been covered long ago rather than still exposed. We also know that it was warmer in the medieval warming which was a big benefit for crop production and overall quality of life.
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Would you just stop it with the Zionist/Jew stupid stuff. There are bad Jews, there are good Jews just like everyone else. So you even know what Zionism means?
Heretic Jones
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Zionism, the creed of the Jesuit Order (aka The Society of Jesus), overshadows all events and occurrences in the world today. If anything, this creed of liars, thieves and ritual murderers should be exposed more often, not less.
Do yourself a simple favor. Pay attention to numbers. The jesuits communicate and mock the goyim through their gematria. For example, everyday you’ll see msm headlines in which the number 33 is used. The past two years have been a massive 56 ritual. You can find an example here:
Another example of mockery – in 2001, flight 77 purportedly hit the 77 foot tall pentagon, located on the 77th meridian, after being in flight for….you guessed it, 77 minutes.
And one more, in 2006 Kobe Bryant, in his 666th game which was played on January 22 (1/22, or 122), scored a career high of 81 points. His team finished with 122 points, his 81 being 66% of that total.
Open your eyes. Look into the Talmud. Expose the subhuman, lying, murderous jew.
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Btw, the more important number is 47.
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For instance, it’s April 28 today, 4*7. 28, 2022, 2:46 is when I posted that. 2+8+2+0+2+2+2+4+6 (246 or 46&2 are apparently my “personality” numbers btw) = 28.
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Here’s a little “joke” about that…
There’s quite a bit more I could say about that.
Hello jones
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Hello Jones:
Gematriae numbering as you note, is always used in the production of Zionist psy. ops. that are constantly being run on the masses. And they always tell us what they are going to do way ahead of time, such as with 911, and the fake virus. Here is a typical psy op. run during the Boston Marathon:
Mark Tapley
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Hello Bmatkin:
I have often stated on PSI that the great majority of Jews are not involved in the global Zionist conspiracy. The ordinary Jews in fact they have often been used by the Zionist leaders such as Chaim Weismann, Herzl, Rabbi Wise, Jacob Schiff, the Rothschilds, Bloomberg, Pritzkers, Kochs along with their Gentile allies as cannon fodder for the Zionist agenda. Many Jews are in fact vehemently opposed to the “Reform Judaism” philosophy first propounded by Rabbi Moses Hess, and used by his disciple Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) but they do not get any publicity in the Zionist Jew controlled media.
Zionism was originally officially presented in 1897 by Rothschild front man Herzl as the goal of establishing a national border (homeland) in the territory of Palestine. This “return” of the Jews was merely a cover for the invasion, occupation and murder of the real land owners (Palestinians) by the Khazars (who have no genetic connection to the scion Abraham) in order to establish a bridgehead in the most geographically Important area in the world.
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You would think that people would get tired of all these scares that never materialize into much of anything. But no…how soon people forget the dire predictions from months and years ago and every new prediction seems like it’s a first. People just like to live in fear as it gives them all kinds of excuses to act crazy and without responsibility.
Kevin Doyle
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NOAA has tide, ocean level, and weather monitoring stations all over the globe.
According to their published data, some places are rising and some are falling. Alaska is experiencing a lower sea level (land is rising), and the Chesapeake Bay is experiencing a rising sea level (sand and mud sinking into the ocean).
Ocean levels have been rising slowly since the last Ice Age, 18,000 years ago. The current worldwide average is 10cm or 4″ every century. During the last Ice Age, the English channel was a small river 400 ft below the current elevation.
The average sea rise in my area, Newport, Rhode Island, USA is about 7″ per century. This has been very consistent since records have been kept.
Another way to view this: The oceans have an average depth of 15,000 feet. If the body expands by 4″ over a hundred years, then that equates to a stability of 99.99965%. A steel I-beam will expand more with a 1 degree temperature change.
As a humorous sidebar, the continents are drifting from each other at a rate of 100″ per century. Has anyone figured out a way to blame fossil fuels for that?
Mark Tapley
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Hello Kevin:
How is it that sea level (except for tide fluctuation, winds etc.) would be different in one place than any other? It is all sea level. Was the same benchmark (piling, bulkhead, pier) used since 1640? At 7 inches per century that would be an increase of close to 28 inches today and many east coast shore lines would be under water.
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You didn’t read MattH’s posting did you?
Herb Rose
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Hi Mark,
Because the Earth is spinning “sea level” varies with both longitude and latitude.
Water has inertia so as the Earth rotates east it causes water to pile up on the west coast of an ocean making sea level higher than on the east coast of the ocean.
The rotational speed changes with latitude, going from about 1000 mph at the equator to almost zero at the poles. This causes a different amount of inertia of the water changing sea level with longitude.
The Earth is not a perfect sphere sphere but has a radius 22km greater at the equator than at the poles, so sea level at the equator has an elevation (as measured from the center of the Earth) greater than the altitude of Mt. Everest.
Sea level is a variable that is established as a constant.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Herb:
Thanks for the explanation. I had not thought of the (should have been obvious) centrifugal force . Rhode Island has not gone farther south over the centuries however, nor have I read of any reports of the sea creeping up on the shore line. It seems to me that just like in Stockholm, the sea level would be close to original measurements.
thanks, Mark
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comparisons of satellite data over the last 30 years illustrates that 75% of beaches are either stable or accreting. Beach mining for sand is devastating leading to large scale erosion probably explaining why the other 25% is not.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Richard:
We know that the ocean is not rising, but I thought they often were hauling sand in (not digging it out) so as to create new beach areas for the goyim to go bake their asses in the hot sand next to the smell of rotting fish. That is to say, when the beach is not closed due to the fake virus.
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Science fiction is usually entertaining these buffoons are not entertaining, they are just liars.
Jerry Krause
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Hi MattH,
Mark has told you about this small group of Christians which have nothing to do with the those Christians who also believe they are Christians. There have been 23 comments here, the majority of which seem to being made by this small group of unique Christians believers while at another article (https://principia-scientific.com/food-processing-plant-industrial-accidents-raise-suspicions/) you will find a group of Conservative Christians who are discussing “actual current events” and their article has only generated 1 comment. I suggest you take a look at this group whose issue is conservative versus liberal philosophies.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
You need to get your facts straight. I have not discussed Christian groups at all on PSI other than to quote scriptures as to a specific topic., which you have done also many times. I have only referred to the Catholics and to the first century Church in response to others comments. It appears Jerry that you have some kind of fixation as to my religion. I guess thats what happens when you cannot refute any of my statements but have to resort to digging around for anything possible. I notice that you Jerry, are the only one on PSI that seems to have a fetish about Christian groups. For someone who is always going on about the critical need to obtain observations, I find it pathetic (and amusing) that you have been duped for 80 years now by the transparently ridiculous left- right political paradigm and still cannot see the forest for the trees. Thats what happens when you live in your own puffed up academic fantasy land.
Perhaps you should just put on your MAGA hat and go to one of those puppet actor Republicuck conventions since you are so enthused about voting for the fake right.