Welcome to Third Millennium Star Trek Medicine

Science is so far ahead of what we can even imagine it can do for us, it is simply unthinkable today that we would look no further than traditional medicine to heal everything that afflicts our body and troubles our mind, when we have all the information we need at our fingertips to make educated decisions on our wellbeing and the quality of our life.

Why do so many of us still trust other persons of authority (MDs, experts, specialists …), who have never walked a mile in our shoes, to tell us what they think is wrong with us and how they think they can fix us, usually with a potent cocktail mix of drugs and their multitude of known side effects that could kill us just as soon as heal us?

In several episodes of Star Trek in the 1960’s, handheld laser devices were used routinely to heal wounds and tissues with beams of light.  Science Fiction?  Once upon a time, 60 years ago, we imagined we could use a laser beam to repair damaged cells and tissues.  Today we have ready access to an abundance of first class, clinically tested, inexpensive technologies that do exactly that and are designed to use and practice and experiment with in the comfort and privacy of our home, to suit our very own individual needs.

Welcome to Third Millennium Star Trek Medicine!

Sadly, this knowledge remains the domain of a minuscule number of dedicated practitioners in the field who do the amazing work of researching and developing increasingly better and more affordable solutions, and those of us who are doing our darndest to spread the word far and wide out of our passion for seeing the world thrive rather than just survive.

Being a Behavioural Psychologist and Cybernetician for 40 years and counting will tend to do this to you.  You get to the point where you’ve seen it all and what you really want to do with the rest of your life is to pass as much of what you know on to as many people as possible so they don’t have to go through the same process of trial and error that has gotten you through those 40 years.

So I’m here to tell you, if you care to listen, that there is a veritable cornucopia of user friendly, inexpensive, safe, highly effective tools and technologies to help you rapidly improve the way you feel and the quality of your life.

These “Third Millennium Star Trek Medicine” non-invasive tools and technologies are cleverly engineered to suit the specific needs of the user in their own home.  Some of these tools utilize various types of stimulation to produce their effects while others employ bio or neuro feedback to work their magic.

Their fields of application are wide and growing wider by the day.  They are highly prized for their ability to reduce pain, improve sleep, perk up our moods, promote healing, boost our energy, accelerate learning, help us de-stress, relax, chill and dial up whatever state of mind we want.  You can think of it as giving yourself a ‘treat’ whenever you feel the need or the inclination.

“But are these tools Scientific and Evidence Based?”

They are.  Tens of thousands of clinical and peer reviewed studies have been published to support their safety and effectiveness.  I have listed just a few at the bottom of this article, and I would be happy to point you in the right direction if you are curious as to the possibilities.

“Do they work?”

Yes again.  From what I have observed, learned and experienced personally, heard from my clients and discussed with my colleagues, and from my extensive research into the field, the results have shown consistent, significant and rapid improvements, some quite remarkable, in the physical and mental wellbeing of the users, without any of the side effects associated with traditional medicine.

In less than ten years, the Cranial Electro Stimulation market alone, with all of its many confusing acronyms ~ CES, tDCS, tACS, tPCS ~ has grown a hundredfold.  I have written extensively about the practical and beneficial use of Cranial Electro Stimulation ~ the use of weak electric fields and currents to improve mood and enjoyment of life.

In this article I want to focus your attention on a sister technology to Electricity, that of Light.  Specifically, the use of engineered light to speed healing and regenerate tissue.  This field is called Photo Bio Modulation (PBM).

Case in Point

DD is a 73 year old woman who asked me to help her minimize the debilitating symptoms from Parkinson’s disease and improve her quality of life.  Over the past year her short memory was starting to decline rapidly and she was having great difficulty keeping track of what she was thinking or talking about or going to do.  For an intelligent, accomplished, gregarious woman, this was more than a little distressing.

She had been using Cranial Electro Stimulation (CES) to successfully remediate her tendency to fall asleep in the middle of an activity at all hours of the day (which caused her to lose her driving licence), and her recurring bouts of anxiety and depression.  But CES was not addressing her basic memory issue.  I needed a way to strengthen the very fabric of her brain, the meat of her brain, as it were, was how I thought about it.

For a number of months I had been following the story of the red light helmets that people with Parkinson’s were using with impressive results in Australia.  Tasmanians with Parkinson’s had discovered that they could alleviate a number of their symptoms, such as reducing the intensity of their tremor, by wearing home made red light helmets.  As you can see in the picture, they look like red lamp shades!  This was early days and it has now spawned a number of clinical trials in Australia and elsewhere around the world, and has led to the development of very effective and easy to use ‘in home’ light units.

Treating the brain with transcranial Photo Bio Modulation (tPBM)

After much research and discussion, DD bought her own light helmet unit.  Once a day for 20 minutes she wears her light helmet while she writes letters in longhand to her friends, which is helping her overcome her micrographia, a common complaint amongst those with Parkinson’s.

103 days later, she is almost back to normal.  She holds normal conversations with her friends, she has much better word recall, her moods are stable, her handwriting is very nearly normal, her sense of humour has returned and she is bursting with energy.  How cool is that!?

We are now using Photo Bio Modulation to restore her executive functions.  Stay tuned.

How can near infrared and infrared light do this?

This is a very complex research topic.  There are a number of known ‘Mechanisms of Action’.  The most well studied and better understood Mechanism of Action of Photo Bio Modulation centres around cytochrome c oxidase or CCO.  CCO is unit four of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.  This respiratory chain is responsible for the final reduction of oxygen to water using the electrons generated from glucose metabolism.  In other words, the light charges up the little ‘9 Volt batteries’ inside each of our cells.  These cellular 9 Volt batteries are called mitochondria.

In addition, the water in our bodies is an important chromophore.  Water’s surface tension is reduced with the absorption of red light.  This reduction in water surface tension reduces cellular friction, which improves cell function.

Now, at the other end of the spectrum, there are other more speculative and tantalizing mechanisms at work.  Mechanisms like photo bio multiplication, where photons within the brain are amplified and communicated system wide.

Treating the body with Photo Bio Modulation (PBM)

DD’s success with tPBM encouraged us to add PBM, Photo Bio Modulation, where we use different wavelengths and modulation patterns specifically designed for her body rather than just her brain.

DD suffers from a number of aches and pains.  Her shoulders, neck and knees bother her (also symptoms of Parkinson’s).  Now she uses a PBM light panel for a few minutes each day to quickly get rid of her pain and discomfort.  “I like the feeling of doing it a lot.” she says.

So What?

My hope for this short article is that it has piqued your curiosity and opened your mind to the wonders and possibilities of today’s Third Millennium Star Trek Home Based field of medicine.

If you are interested in knowing more, drop me a line and I will be happy to point you in the right direction.

Read more at www.thebrainreprogrammingdoctor.com

Relevant Literature:

Hamblin, M.R., et al., Shining Light on the Head: Photobiomodulation for Brain Disorders  BBA Clin 6, 113-124. 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5066074/

“Photobiomics”: Can Light, Including Photobiomodulation, Alter the Microbiome?  Ann Liebert, Brian Bicknell, Daniel M. Johnstone, Luke C. Gordon, Hosen Kiat, and Michael R. Hamblin https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/photob.2019.4628

“Tasmanian red light helmet treatment for Parkinson’s disease symptoms prompts clinical trial”  https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-24/clinical-trials-for-wearing-led-helmets-treatment-parkinsons/10836906?pfmredir=sm

“Possible existence of optical communication channels in the brain”  Sourabh Kumar, Kristine Boone, Jack Tuszyński, Paul Barclay & Christoph Simon https://www.nature.com/articles/srep36508

“Cranio-Electro Stimulation: Two Earclips, Wires, a Little Box and Presto- the Wonderful World of Cranio-electro Stimulation” by Dave Siever https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0014/4349/6023/files/CES_Article_-_Jan_26-2015.pdf?14874224366634816077

“Superboost your Brain Instantly” https://www.thebrainreprogrammingdoctor.com/superboost-brain-instantly/

“There isn’t only one way”: Using CES and other practices to massively improve mental health and function  https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cliffsaunders_brainreprogramming-anxiety-neuroplasticity-activity-6631660555289583616-fdau

About the Author: Dr. Clifford Saunders is a 40-year veteran of Cybernetics, Applied  Psychology and Electrical Engineering with later focus on Behavioural Psychology in Cybernetics. He has helped individuals and corporate clients reprogram their brains to improve the way they think, act and feel. Dr. Saunders assists clients to evaluate the best possible technologies for their own particular physical and mental needs, and he guides them in their use and applications outside of traditional medical practices that can save enormous amounts of time, money and suffering.

Dr. Saunders can be reached by email at [email protected] or by telephone at +1 651-447-6447.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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