WEF Hires Unvaccinated Pilots To Fly Them Into Davos

Klaus Schwab has banned vaccinated pilots from transporting World Economic Forum members in and out of Davos due to the safety risk they pose

According to reports, WEF members are being transport solely by unvaccinated pilots to the 2023 conference in Switzerland.

According to pilot Alan Dana, Davos elites have expressed interest in hiring unvaccinated pilots to fly their business trips.

“He’s getting calls now from wealthy businessmen and companies to fly their executives around on business jets with unvaccinated crew,” Dana said on “Maria Zeee Uncensored” this week.

Infowars.com reports: “They get the luxury of being able to choose, because there are still a large amount of crew available in the United States who are not vaccinated because the companies they work for didn’t mandate it.”

“These wealthy businessmen are requiring unvaccinated crew on their business trips,” Dana added. “Passengers on an airline who bought a ticket don’t have that luxury.”

Two years later, emerging data and increase documented incidents of individuals who “died suddenly” after receiving the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine appear to be making the elite second-guess who flies them around the world.

See more here newspunch.com

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Comments (7)

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    From which we can conclude the elites attending Davos have not been vaccinated.


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      You can conclude they know the danger of the not-vaccines.


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    Does Mr asteroid head own davos?


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    The whole WEF show is designed to help awaken the sleepers.


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    Ivan the Horrible


    The time is nigh that unvaccinated pilots refuse to fly any politician or global elite to any destination.
    Let them discover the errors of their ways by canceling the unvaxxed.


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    Citizen Quasar


    WEF = World Economic Fuckery.


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