Website Issues Now Resolved
Apologies for the enforced downtime on the website ladies and gents, and we thank you for your patience The issue was a technical problem that manifested itself with our hosting company. It appears normal service has been resumed as soon as possible, but please let us know if anything is still amiss.
Your PSI editors:
John O’Sullivan
Andy Rowlands
Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Defend The Scientific Method
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.Â
Trackback from your site.
Gordon Prescott
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Thankyou. I was worried I would never see you again. Welcome back.
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Thanks Gordon 🙂
Zoe Phin
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Leave a comment section is still buggy. “Unauthorized variable …”. Pain in the neck to use on a smartphone.
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Cheers! and far snappier than it previously was!
While I’m here, can I report an obvious earn money spam comment at:
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Your sit now appears OK EXCEPT for three lines of ‘code'(?) where ‘Name’ ‘Email’ and website should be i.e. immediately before the comment box.
[ looks something like —
<br /><b>Noticet>/b&g;: Undefined variable: comment_author in <b>/home4/princji0/public_html/wp-content/themes/yoo_eat_wp/warp/systems/wordpress/layouts/comments.php >/b&g; on line <b>110>/b&g;<br /> ]
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Try again —
<br /><b>Noticet>/b>: Undefined variable: comment_author in <b>/home4/princji0/public_html/wp-content/themes/yoo_eat_wp/warp/systems/wordpress/layouts/comments.php /b> on line <b>110>/b&g;<br />
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OK, last try —
<br /></b>Noticet</b>: Undefined variable: comment_author in <b>/home4/princji0/public_html/wp-content/themes/yoo_eat_wp/warp/systems/wordpress/layouts/comments.php </b> on line <b>110</b><br />
John O'Sullivan
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Tom, yes, our apologies for that as there are still a few glitches needed to be fixed and our hosting company assures us it will be done asap.
Jerry Krause
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Hi TomO and PSI Editors,
For what its worth: I do not know the terminology but I get rid of that you (TomO) reported by highlighting, left to right, and deleting to get to Name and Email.
Have a good day, Jerry
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Jerry Krause, my point is three-fold
1. This code should not be here!
2. On non-keyboard devices it is very much more difficult to remove this code.
3. The code itself may be pointing to some broken rogue code (hacker’s code?).
You Jerry Krause, may find this simple to get around but others have more difficulty avoiding it as they run on different devices from you.
Herb Rose
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Hi Jerry,
Since the article on electromagnetism has disappeared I am addressing your comment here, even though it is off topic.
Your inability tithing makes your observations useless and your “laws” invalid. If you were to observe the object radiating IR at night and cooling for a longer time you would have seen that during the day it was radiating more IR and heating up.
In the troposphere the transfer of energy is through collisions, not radiation. It is the nano droplets of water that are absorbing energy and transporting it up in the atmosphere and releasing it to be radiated into space.It is the equalization of energy in the troposphere that causes things to cool and heat up and it is gaining and losing energy from the molecules higher in the atmosphere that are gaining radiated energy from the sun and losing that energy at night.
All observations are extremely limited by our perspective and ability to perceive.It is a giant leap of faith that our limited observations are universally true. It could very well be that both energy and matter are created and destroyed somewhere we cannot perceive, but these assumptions are the foundation of physics.
Your belief that the historical record provide “facts” is completely unjustified. The vast majority of historical “facts” have been shown to be wrong as our ability to see and expansion of our perspective has increased. The “facts” you so adamantly believe in are just waiting their turn to be falsified. Your hero Einstein will have all his theories discarded when it is shown that there is no particle of light and there is no constant or maximum speed of light (especially in space where the electric and magnetic fields are weakest).Light is a function of energy and energy constantly changes, so how can the speedboat light ever be constant?
You continue to make up “laws” based on very limited observations, or even worse on “never having been observed”. Your belief that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west is a result of your perspective on a rotating Earth. It has been established (by Copernicus and Galileo) that the sun is stationary from the perspective of the solar system. If the earth were to flip and Antarctica was at the North Pole you would see the sun rise in the west and set in the east.
Greg Spinolae
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Great to see you back! Worried you were hacked.
One issue needs resolving…
Leave Comment text fields (name, email, website) have default HTLM CODE showing instead of field prompts.
Greg Spinolae
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Comments only seem to work if the commenter first deletes the rogue code displayed in the text fields. This is difficult on surface-type devices.
Allan Shelton
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The section under the heading in black does hot show “HOME” etc. [or too faint].
Also, there should be darker print, as it is too light. Needs more contrast.
As mentioned above, clean up the comments boxes.
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The header photo of this article is a good one of Andy Rowlands but what happened to his torso and limbs?
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Haha good one 🙂
Herb Rose
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I would like to see the list of comments returns (and expand), the home button return, along with the multiple article display format. They all make navigating the site easier.
I noticed that whenI went I went from page 1 to page 2 some articles had been lost.
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Hi dear editors and Herb, oops and readers.
For the list of comments section to function to it’s potential the Dear Editors could consider a standardized letter/ comment/reply for those who abuse the privilege.
I.E. No more than three comments on the comments list at any one time under normal circumstances.
Challenge the idea not the person. Avoid personal abuse, racial abuse.
Avoid usage of the F… word and C… word and possibly the S…word which is off putting to many readers. Develop the commenters English range by striving for appropriate adjectives.
A standardized reply form would not inhibit free speech to encourage a standard of discussion acceptable to most site travelers and the editors. An old saying is “start as you mean to continue”. A new commenter who may appear to have obsessive or psychological issues or just chasing cars like a mad dog may practice self discipline and standards as a result of an Editors note rather than being blocked from commenting or many users wishing that commenter was blocked or curtailed.
Free speech? A person who may have up to 10 of the 12 comments on the comments list at any one time is practicing a form of tyranny.
Even some of my comments such as Moffin’s above intended for light chuckle could be oxygen thieving.
At times there is little critical debate on articles among a variety of qualified readers and it is possible that by raising the lowest common denominator may raise the scientific intellectual standards.
Thank you heaps and may the force be with you. What force? That is a question for science.
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“Develop the commenters English range by striving for appropriate adjectives.
obsessive or psychological issues or just chasing cars like a mad dog
Even some of my comments such as Moffin’s above intended for light chuckle could be oxygen thieving.”
Wow Matt, and you think other people need putting to rights? It’s a comment section, not a courtroom. Realize that commenters come from all walks of life and forms of expression, and nobody is perfect.
Yes, there is unacceptable behavior, but I’ve seen nothing bad enough to warrant any kind of punishment system being employed for those not up to some sort of intellectual “high wire” that must be reached, or grasp of the English language.
To be honest, your own comments above seriously breach your own accusations of other commenters standards. I’m disgusted with your words.
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Hi Howdy, taking a rough concept and fine tuning and evolving that concept is a part of progression. With todays political social engineering some progression rather than regression would be commendable rather than merely society repeating the fall of the Roman Empire.
A little guidance from the editors at appropriate times is, I would suggest, better than somebody being totally blocked, deplatformed, without warning as currently happens now, very occasionally.
An editors reply to a comment that is marginal for being blocked could read something like; Please consider other users of this site and avoid obscenities, and ad hominems. Generally having no more than three comments at a time on the comments list provides equity to other users. Thank you for your support. Editor.
And Howdy, the premise of PrincipiaScientific is Peer Review by Open Media.
I have many years ago won a national award for Best Community Consultation which does not make me right but does make my opinion on achieving positive outcomes worth consideration. I will not hold my breath on this issue and respect the editor’s’ adherence to free speech.
Do not be disgusted by respectful sincerity but consider those who manipulate and lie to conform to the political narrative.
Best wishes. Matt
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Oh and Howdy.
You use the word “punishment” when I use the word edit.
You use the word accusations when i would use the word observation.
I have recently noticed comments from one editor and other commenters who displayed discomfort at the timbre of other comments.
I recently came across the F… word and the c… word and many of us know that some woman would avoid a site that publishes the c word. Balance is a fine thing.
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Well, since we both said our piece, let the reader make up their own mind.
Over and out.
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And I suggest the Editors set their objectives and analyze how best to realize those objectives. Matt. Out.
John O'Sullivan
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Herb, yes, agreed, we want that resolved asap as we value the additional features.
John Alexander
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Thanks John O and team’
Glad your’e back
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The site is seriously slowing down, like It did before It went off. Unless It’s high server load.