Webcast: Absorption Spectra Not Radiative Greenhouse Effects
Climate scientists claim that the terrestrial absorption spectra ‘proves’ a radiative greenhouse effect. But it doesn’t. Astrophysicist, Joseph E Postma demonstrates in his latest webcast that government climate researchers have mistakenly based their science on non-existent concepts in thermodynamics.
The radiative greenhouse effect is shown to be based on ‘flat earth’ physics, violates the laws of thermodynamics and relies on a misunderstanding about the absorption spectrum.
Postma, a Canadian space scientist and climate researcher, rips apart the cornerstone of man-made global warming alarmism: “In this presentation I debunk another sophistical pseudoscientific claim that supposedly “proves” that the radiative greenhouse effect is real, and that climate alarm is true.’
Climate scientists, untrained in this field have not grasped the significance of what they have been seeing.
An absorption spectrum is created when a continuous light passes through a frequency-selective absorptive gas. This is an area of science very well understood in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Postma explains:
“Ninety-five percent of what we space scientists do is connected to the study of absorption spectra in some form or another. We have never, ever called them a greenhouse effect. Climate researchers have gotten this issue completely wrong.”
Postma adds that in an absorption spectrum when a cool gas is being warmed by a high-temperature light source is not proof of back radiation heating the flame.
In fact, we know that the gas being warmed by the flame does not heat the flame – if it did it would violate the laws of thermodynamics.
View the webcast here.
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