Wealthy US Liberals Move Ahead With Plans To Block The Sun

Billionaire-backed non-governmental organizations behind a bungled experiment to block the sun using aerosols in California have vowed to continue their efforts, Politico reported on Wednesday

The initiative, which aims to lower global temperatures by making clouds brighter and thus better able to reflect sun rays, has faced hurdles as local officials in California are hesitant to allow scientists to spray aerosols such as liquefied salt into the atmosphere.

Nonetheless many of the program’s financial backers, including Hyatt Hotel heiress Rachel Pritzker, remain undeterred, according to Politico.

“The Pritzker Innovation Fund believes in the importance of research that helps improve climate models and enables policymakers and the public to better understand whether climate interventions like marine cloud brightening are feasible and advisable,” Rachel Pritzker said in a statement to Politico responding to the public backlash against the Alameda experiment.

“We will only get answers to these questions through open research that can inform science-based, democratic decision-making.”

“We remain firmly committed to advancing transparent, equitable, and science-based approaches to understand and potentially mitigate climate risks,” Greg De Temmerman, chief science and programs officer of The Quadrature Climate Foundation – an NGO tied to UK-based hedge fund Quadrature Capital, told Politico.

The Alameda experiment operated for a total of 20 minutes despite being slated to last for months, in part because researchers chose to announce the project in The New York Times before notifying the city, according to Politico.

The project is the second billionaire-backed stratospheric aerosol injection project to fall apart in recent months.

In March, a similar Harvard-led project in northern Sweden ended after facing pushback from environmentalists and Indigenous communities who were concerned about the study’s effect on weather patterns, Politico reported.

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Comments (5)

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    Blocking the sun or leveraging electro-statics?


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    There is no proof that being rich equates to having a surplus of working brain cells.


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    Solar Smurph


    Bungling Bureaucrats, Brain-dead billionaires
    We have a distinct shortage of Unemployed Politicians…


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    First, if CO2 emissions are heating the atmosphere, what good will it do to block the sun?
    Second, and most importantly, these are the same people who recently tried to murder all of us with toxic fake vaccines, and are still trying to send us back to the stone age by making energy unaffordable to “save the climate.” They tried to force farmers out of business directly, but have another plan to starve millions by removing vital carbon from the air. Blocking the sun, if that’s not just a cover story for something even worse, will be the end of agriculture.
    Funny how the supposed “green agenda” involves the removal everything green plants require.
    Daily reminder: Bill Gates visited Epstein Island thirty-seven times. What do you think he found so attractive about an island dedicated to raping children?


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    Being a ‘Heavy’ elemen/gas, if Carbon dioxide is so bad, then wouldn’t everyone be suffocating and why would a ‘Heavy’ element allegedly be so high in the atmosphere anyway.
    I guess co2’s heating effect is the reason it is so good at extinguishing fires?
    They change the narrative at every turn, but these points aside, let’s not forget, that “We” are the carbon they want to remove.
    We need More carbon dioxide, NOT less.
    No plants, no oxygen and no life.


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