We Need to Talk About Pluto and Its Moon, Charon! Something Is Not Right!

Back in 2006 everyone’s favourite icy world, Pluto, was demoted from major planet to dwarf planet. But is this classification correct? Or should it be something else?

After all its so-called large moon Charon, is more like a dwarf planet than a moon!

So if it’s not a planet and possibly not a dwarf planet either, then what is Pluto?

Source: YouTube

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    “what is Pluto?”
    Pluto, AKA Hades, the cap of invisibility, the darkness, and things that go bump in the night, sex, transformation.
    Charon, ferryman of Hades in Greek mythology…

    Something isn’t right because some see only a ball in space that by pretence, is ‘known’.


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