We ALL Exhale CO2 at 40,000 parts per million!

I looked it up – I was curious. How many times does a normal healthy human being breathe in and breathe out in just one minute? Well, Google tells me that we exhale (that means breathe out for the scientifically illiterate friends of mine on Facebook) some fifteen to twenty times in one minute.

Let us take the lower number. What is 15 x 60? It equals 900 exhalations in every hour! Let us now multiply 900 by 24 to get the number of breaths in 24 hours. That comes to 21,600 exhalations of Carbon Dioxide at 40,000 parts per million in one single day by one average person.

The total world population is presently reckoned to be 7.4 billion. And rising! You do the maths for that!

Now, all the animal kingdom and all the bacteria also inhale Oxygen and exhale Carbon Dioxide. And all the green plants and plankton just love this Carbon Dioxide and provide Oxygen for us humans to breathe.

The question is ‘Am I a Climate Scientist?’ Answer: No, I am not. Question: Is Al Gore a Climate Scientist? Answer: No, he is a politician. Question: Can he tell his arse from his elbow? Answer: I am not too sure.

The Global Warmers, or I should say the man-made Global Warmers, froth and foam about Carbon Dioxide. If any dare suggest that what they say about ‘climate sensitivity’ is just unadulterated tosh, they get called a ‘denier’. I tell you what – count me in! I deny absolutely that Carbon Dioxide has any warming properties whatsoever. It cannot generate heat and it cannot capture heat.

There is only one entity that can warm the Globe with its radiation and that is the Sun. So who are the real deniers? Who are the deceivers? Who are the tricksters and mountebanks who deny the absolute supremacy of the Sun? None other than the Warmists, the Anthropogenic Global Warmers, who imagine that they can control the already fraudulent global temperature. How long have we had to put up with their self-centred drivel? Not any more – their day of reckoning has come.

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Comments (4)

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    jerry krause


    Hi Anthony,

    Since you are doing so much elementary math, you might explain the origin of 40,000 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the exhaled breath. A little literature search discloses you are correct but in the interest of good science you might give a reference to the source of this number just as you give a reference to our average number of breathes per minute so a reader would know you haven’t pulled this number out of a magical hat.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    The Rick


    Just imagine what the concentration of this ‘climate killing’ gas is in our Spin room.
    30 people on spin bikes
    room 100ft x 75ft x 12ft
    respiration rate 40-50x per minute
    spin class duration ~45mins
    One toxic room – BUT I LOVE IT!



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      Indeed ‘The Rick’.
      William Happer in one of his videoed lectures has a CO2 measuring detector in the room as he gives his talk, and if I recall correctly, he points out that with a full lecture hall the CO2 level rises rapidly to over 1000ppm. He also remarks that it is not unusual when doing this at other locations around the country, he has had some very, very high readings. He observes that even with very high reading the room does not get unduly hot, and no one has complained of being uncomfortable or ill in any way with these high CO2 levels.

      The magic gas fails to perform for him.


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        Al Gore or Bill Nye would give the lecture in a Yuma, Arizona greenhouse in July at noon and report different temperature results. And all of the sweat would result in a rise in the Arizona coastline and the population of Yuma would become climate refugees.
        and if not obvious – /s


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