Water Is Not Becoming A Gas When Evaporating

The dictionary (Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary) defines evaporation as #1 “to pass off in vapor or in invisible minute particles”

Water evaporating from the surface of the Earth is not becoming a gas but minute particles.

A water phase chart, where the state (solid, liquid, gas) of water at different temperatures and pressures are represented, shows that the gas phase of water does not occur below its boiling point at sea level.

As pressure decreases, with increasing altitude, the boiling point decreases but nowhere on Earth or in the troposphere does the boiling point fall within the temperature range experienced at these altitudes.

It does not become a gas. A tea kettle demonstrates that it does not happen.

When heating water, the water in the air first appears as water droplets. In order to convert the liquid into an invisible gas you must raise the temperature to 100 C then add another 540 calories/gram.

The water emerges from the tea kettle as an invisible gas producing a whistle that indicates it is boiling. If you remove it from the heat the boiling and whistle stop. The invisible gas quickly becomes visible water droplets on escaping the tea kettle and cooling.

The droplets continue to cool but then again disappear. They are not becoming a gas. It cannot be that you must add energy to the water in the tea kettle to form a gas and when the water cools it is again becoming a gas.

That would mean the water has two boiling points and the water somehow exceeds the lower boiling point reaching the higher boiling point to become a gas.

Sublimation is where matter converts from a solid state to a gas state without first converting to a liquid. Mothballs are an example of this happening but it also happens with water where ice and snow disappear without ever converting to a liquid.

Energy from the sun is being added to the ice crystals but the added energy does not produce heat adding the 80 calories/gram needed to convert ice into liquid water. The energy added is altering the crystal structure of the ice and this new form is removing the energy causing it to become airborne.

A water molecule is composed of a oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Because of the greater size of the oxygen atom, the electrons of the hydrogen atoms are shifted towards the oxygen atom giving the molecule a negative charge on the oxygen atom and a positive charge on the hydrogen atoms.

As a single molecule gas the electric forces will make the molecule linear where the hydrogen atoms are on the opposite sides of the oxygen atom.

When the molecules are close together, in a liquid or solid state, the attraction between the negative charged oxygen atom of one molecule will attract the hydrogen atoms of a neighboring molecule causing it to assume an arc shape.

In a liquid this will cause the water molecules to join together forming a chain where, like the links of a chain, the molecules are perpendicular. With the addition of more molecules the negative charge at the end of the chain will increase (like the voltage of batteries increasing as they form a line) while the positive charge will be on the outer shell of the hydrogen atoms forming the chain.

When the chain gets long enough the negative charge at the end is able to pull a hydrogen ion from a water molecule, splitting the water molecule. The pH of water is due to this splitting of water into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions.

The strong positive charge of the hydrogen ion will attract the negative charge of oxygen atoms of water molecules. This will produce a new structure in the water of 2H-O-+-O-H2 with a ninety degree twist between the water molecules, just like in the chain of water molecules.

This structure will create a larger positively charged ion around the proton.

The OH- hydroxyl ion will also combine with the positive hydrogen atoms of water molecules forming a chain of O\H/O\H/O\H/O\H …- that will create a shell around the 2H-O-+-O=H2+ ions. This creates a crystal with a positive charge liquid center surrounded by a negatively charged shell.

It is this negatively charged shell that causes this crystal to separate from the liquid water or ice crystals.

As the new crystals absorbs more IR energy its negative outer charge increases causing

the crystal to rise in the atmosphere, being repelled by the negative charge on the Earth’s surface. It is the electrical repelling force that overcomes the force of gravity keeping the heavier crystal in the atmosphere.

If you look at clouds in the sky they seem to have a flat bottom. There are dimples on the bottom surface that remain the same as the cloud moves in the atmosphere. These characteristics would not happen if it was a wind or updraft keeping the water droplets aloft.

If it were an updraft keeping the clouds aloft when the sky became overcast and the air under it cooled, why wouldn’t the clouds descend in the atmosphere?

The reason the charge on the Earth changes from negative to positive under thunder clouds is because the negative charge of the water crystals repels electrons on the surface. Positive charges are contained in the nucleus of atoms and do not move.

When the liquid water crystals approach the top of the troposphere they reach their second melt point. The crystal’s shell begins to melt freeing electrons. These free electrons remain on the crystal due to the positive charge of the liquid center.

When the shell is finally breached the electrons combine with the interior protons converting the crystal back into liquid water and releasing the absorbed energy back into space as heat. When neutralization occurs the negative charge keeping the electrons on the Earth’s surface from under the cloud disappears causing them to surge back under the cloud.

This creates lightning, as they travel to the clouds, which now have a more positive charge than the surface.

The free electrons from the surface (N2, O2, Argon, CO2, and H2O do not release free electrons.) will then arc to other clouds and to the surface.

Water in the atmosphere never becomes a single molecule gas with a molecular weight of 18.

If it did, instead of it being confined to the troposphere, it would escape into the higher atmosphere just as neon (mw 20) does.

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Comments (9)

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    Herb Rose


    After writing this I found another anomaly that needs to be explained.
    When water condenses producing fog, the level CO2 in the atmosphere significantly increases.
    The fog is a result of falling temperatures reaching the dew point. One would expect that cool water appearing in the atmosphere the level CO2 would decline as the CO2 in the air was absorbed by the water according to Henry’s Law so the increase is perplexing. Where is the increased amount of CO2 coming from? It seems obvious that it is coming from the water in the atmosphere condensing but why hasn’t the CO2 level in the water equalized with the CO2 level while it is was not visible?
    If evaporated water has the ability to store water it is definitely not a gas. If it was micro liquid droplets, again, the level should have continuously equalized with level of CO2 in the air as temperature and pressure changed according to Henry’s law but for some reason it did not.
    When Dr Pollack first did hie experiments with water he identified the liquid crystal as an E-Z Zone that formed on certain surfaces. In this zone impurities, including salt ions, were excluded and concentrated within the interior area of the water. If water is becoming a liquid crystal when it evaporates this outer shell would prevent any CO2 trapped within when it formed from escaping during changes in temperature and pressure. When the water cooled and the energy stored as an electric potential would be radiated as heat causing the crystal shell to break and allowing the CO2 within to escape into the atmosphere.
    If anyone can provide another reason for the increase in CO2 level as atmosphere water becomes fog I would like to hear it. I don’t know if this increase occurs as boiled water condenses into droplets but I would expect that the gases in the water have all been expelled, which is why to produce clear ice cubes they first boil the water.


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      Herb. Have you a reference for the CO2 increase when water vapour condenses hypothesis?
      I will attempt not to swear at you for another seven years.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Matt,
        I just asked google what happens to the CO2 level in a fog and got the answer that the CO2 level significantly increases. This was not what I expected and started me thinking on how this could happen so I never continued the search to find references to the actual measurement. I expect they are there, if you are able to plow thrugh the diversions on GHGT.


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    J Cuttance


    That’s quite good Herb. I’ve seem comments to the effect that water rises because it’s a lighter molecule than N2 or O2, but it always hangs out with other H2O molecules. There’ll be an average of how many other H2O molecules for each pressure, temperature and, I suppose, daylight intensity, and maybe other conditions. Do you have that data?


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      Her Rose


      Hi J.,
      I don’t have any data. I would expect that the concentration of water in the atmosphere is highest at the top of the troposphere where clouds form. It is like air in a room where the temperature is controlled by the thermometer but below that level the air is cooler while warmer at the ceiling. The water at the top must wait to lose energy before it can fall back to the surface.


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    James Bernard McGinn


    A water molecule is composed of a oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Because of the greater size of the oxygen atom, the electrons of the hydrogen atoms are shifted towards the oxygen atom giving the molecule a negative charge on the oxygen atom and a positive charge on the hydrogen atoms.

    This is kinda true, but not really. It isn’t perfectly accurate. And there is a really, really, really good reason to be perfectly accurate. And this reason is that you don’t make the same blunder that Linus Pauling made that has resulted in the widespread but erroneous belief that the polarity of the H2O molecule is static when in actuality it is highly variable. Pauling’s blunder has resulted in the unnecessary designation of over 70 “anomalies” of H2O and overwhelming confusion in academia, which underlies their snotty attitude when they are confronted with the fact that they don’t really understand what they are pretending to understand.

    There really are no anomalies in nature. There’s just the fact that humans are bad a theory. Consequently observations are made that are inconsistent with deeply believed but erroneous theory.

    The first step is to stop believing nonsense. Just because a guy who won the Nobel prize said something is true this doesn’t mean it is actually true. The concept of electronegativity does not actually exist. Electronegativity is just an arbitrary designation that Pauling imagined into existence. Since electronegativity does not actually exist, it is inaccurate and misleading to say that the polarity of the H2O molecule is the result of the electronegativity differences between its H2O oxygen atom and its hydrogen atoms.

    This leaves us with two questions. If it is true, as I say, that the polarity of H2O molecules is variable and not static what is the mechanism of this variability? And why is this mechanism not apparent to us?

    I know the answer to both of these questions. But I will give you a chance to answer them.
    What is your opinion, Herb? Take a shot at it.

    James McGinn / Genius


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      Herb Rose


      Hi James,
      Do you believe that carbonic acid exists? This is a molecule with double covalent bonds that is able to separate a hydrogen ion from a water molecule even though the covalent bonds are never broken. How about nitric acid? These molecules contain no hydrogen but because of their oxygen content they are able to make water into an acid. Yet you maintain that the oxygen in a water molecule could never create a hydrogen ion. Just because molecules have the same number of protons and electrons, doesn’t mean they have a uniform electric charge.


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    The properties of H2O have intrigued me since early childhood. I used to watch my dad’s stovetop percolator with fascination. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was watching a device use all states of water as a means to an end – a pot of coffee. I was in awe how a glass of ice would get wet on the outside in a matter of minutes. I thought my mom was crazy the first time I saw her hang clothes on the line to dry. In my mind, drying clothes was something that surely required a high tech solution, i.e. her electric dryer. Afterall, nothing just disappears, does it? But, like puddles after a rain, the clothes on the line dried. Hmmm.
    No matter how much scientific knowledge I may gain, I will jealously hold on to my childhood belief that water is the most amazing, magical substance known to man.
    BTW, Herb, I think you’re on to something. Good paper!


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    Water molecules are basically party animals. You get a perfectly clear sky, except, over there, yonder, is one solitary cloud.
    Them water molecules are all drinking and socializing and attracted to each other, getting intoxicated and sometimes boisterous on each others’ company.
    But they ain’t drinking no alcohol. No way siree. They all be getting shickered on drinking water.
    Them bastards are all cannibals and lovin’ it.


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