Watch Livestream: ‘PLANDEMIC – INDOCTORNATION’ 18th August
On August 18 2020 at 5pm UK time/12 noon EST, the Digital Freedom Platform by London Real is proud to be exclusively livestreaming what might be the most important documentary you will ever see: PLANDEMIC – INDOCTORNATION.
Created by the team behind the game-changing Plandemic video segment from Mikki Willis featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits that went viral and was banned on every major social media platform for exposing the truth about Covid-19, this new FEATURE LENGTH PIECE promises to be the most revelatory film on what is driving the vaccine agenda, the various roles of the WHO, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, Anthony Fauci and more.
Going deep into what is really happening with mainstream media, Silicon Valley tech giants, big pharma and our health protection agencies, Mikki’s new film finally connects the dots…
… And we are excited to be able to share this with you…
We believe that this film will fundamentally shift the discourse around Coronavirus, the lockdown and the vested interests involved; register now for updates and to watch the movie on Tuesday.
Sign up/visit the link to the broadcast site at
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Joseph Olson
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I was given an advanced copy of “Plague of Corruption” by Dr Judy Mikovits, which is EXCELLENT. Buy direct from publisher at > PlagueTheBook(.)com > boycott the Amazon monopolist.
PlandemicMovie(.)com > a 25 minute video introduction to Virology and voodoo vaccination.
Doug Harrison
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Unfortunately, Joseph none of the other bookstores sell to us New Zealanders so I had to go to the Amazon monopolist.
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PLEASE do your research into Judy Mikovits! I have done over 200 hours of research into her, downloaded almost every documentary proof, and I can definitively say that she is either mentally ill or a bald-faced liar. I don’t know which.
Start here… This is published by the same “gold-standard” magazine at which she published her 2009 XMRV study, which was later retracted by the mag because none of the labs that tried to replicate her results could do so.
She also claims that she never had her day in court, when in fact, she sued 15 defendants in court, had two court dates, because she failed to serve the defendants with papers. The suit was eventually removed by the judge because she had not met the basic requirements of a plaintiff… Serving the defendants.
Her assistant at the WPI lab testified in an affidavit that she had asked him to illegally remove/steal the research notebooks, flash drives, etc from the lab, after being fired. He stored them in his mother’s garage. Those notebooks are the property of the lab, not the researcher.
It goes on and on. I am NO FAN of Fauci, but to accuse him of killing millions is just slander. Dr. Ruschetti’s HIV research was not even under consideration for the Nobel, and the reality is that Gallo was able to show sustained infection in the cells in his research, but Ruschetti’s could not. That’s why his research was deemed less valuable than Gallo’s, and Gallos went on to be considered for a Nobel. By all accounts, Gallo was a real horse’s ass, obnoxious, ambitious, etc, but there’s no PROOF that Fauci stole Ruschetti’s research.
There WAS a warrant for her arrest (there is a copy in the court records) , she was NOT jailed without cause, and SHE HERSELF was the one that ruined her career. I even have the FB testimony of someone who worked with her at WPI as a doctoral candidate under Mikovits, and left the project because of what she witnessed… Sloppy procedure, Mikiovits’ inability to accept correction, and her continual argumentativeness.
Theres SO MUCH MORE… Please just read the research at the link, and go from there. And don’t believe a liar or mentally ill person. For your own good.
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I believe ALL the sources you must have used to research Dr. Mikovits were the same globalists sources with the same lies. You watch the which is here20 min or so testimony. If she is so demented as you suggest, then why are all her interviews and all references to her book and movie being deleted as fast as we could post them? Just like the American Frontline Doctors who said the same thing about hydroxychloroquine poltical agenda. Bet you also believe the lies about that. I hope YOU will buy her book or ask your library to get it and read it. It is heavily footnoted to back up everything she says. There are also manny doctors who quote her and give her good references. On youtube her lawyer was on an interview precisely saying that she was never arrested. She was held illegally and made to take an agreement to be quiet or they would take her license. You are complete proof to me that the Media Mob is so powerful. Google is part of that and they repeat the same lies to yoiu for 20 pages of sources but they are ALL one article repeated over and over by many globalists sources. These sources are all owned by globalists progressives seeking to push America to socialism/Communism/One World Order.
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Yes! Lindon you are correct.
Mikovits lost me during the first
Plademic movie?when she claimed she cured ebola or something in the 90s, even though it was actualy found by someone in the 70s.l..
Research people!!
Who’s the sheep now???