Volcanic Eruptions & ‘Extreme Weather’

This is a presentation by Emeritus Prof. Wyss Yim who taught civil engineering, geosciences & environmental management at Hong Kong University and helped found the University’s Department of Earth Sciences

At a global level, Wyss Yim was:

Leader of the International Geological Correlation Programme Project No. 396 Continental Shelves in the Quaternary 1996-2000,

Chairman of the Continental Shelf Working Group of the International Union for Quaternary Research 1999-2003 and

Deputy Chairman of the Climate Change Science Implementation Team of UNESCO’s International Year of Planet Earth 2007- 2009.

Celebrate CO2!  There should be more of it.

Wyss Yim’s Powerpoint slides can be downloaded here: https://bit.ly/3YiDmaK

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Comments (6)

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    Corona Hotspot


    What happens, when due to the sun it is getting colder globally and the surface shrinks just a little bit? Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The host stuff has to go somewhere. The weather just reacts to all the new particles in the air: rain, rain, rain.


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    James Edward Kamis


    Dr Wyss stole all of my hypothesis’s in his posted video. I presented these ideas on Principia Scientic in October 17, 2014. I have made numerous public presentations, presented it at the January 13, 2016 American Meteorological Conference (refer to Paul Kamis), published two books (search “Geological Impacts on Climate), have a website plateclimatolgy.com, and presented my Plate Climatology Theory at three well respected geological societies. You can all of articles by searching the internet at James Edward Kamis Plate Climatology Theory. Dr Wyss’s is in my opinion plagiarism and of low integrity. I wouldn’t say this if hadn’t repeated my hypothesis verbatim.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi James,

    “Leader of the International Geological Correlation Programme Project No. 396 Continental Shelves in the Quaternary 1996-2000,

    Chairman of the Continental Shelf Working Group of the International Union for Quaternary Research 1999-2003 and

    Deputy Chairman of the Climate Change Science Implementation Team of UNESCO’s International Year of Planet Earth 2007- 2009.”

    Look at the dates. Who is plagiarizing whom?

    Have a good day,


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    James Edward Kamis


    I know of the foundations he has headed. Granted are a very impressive list. However, I reviewed all of his actual articles of which there are many and I couldn’t find one that talked about El Nino’s from geological forces / volcanism or about how geological forces / volcanism or heat flow from the Mid-Arctic Rift and Alluetion Islands subduction fault melted the East and west side of the Arctic Sea Ice. If you locate these types articles I will certainly apologize


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      Matt Holl


      Hi James Edward Kamis.

      I had considered emailing you to discuss the warm water upwellings occurring off the North East coast of Honshu, Japan, leading to the North Pacific Blob.
      This NOAA animation identifies the phenomenon.


      It should be noted that this area is where four tectonic plates meet, something I have not spotted elsewhere on Earth.

      The concept that the Warm Water Blob over the Northern Pacific creates a long term high pressure system above it is a new concept to me.

      I was watching this NOAA animation daily as the recent La Nina developed from warm water upwellings off the coast of Piura, Northern Peru. I am aware of the thermal vents around the Galapagos Islands but have not found the likely source of the Peruvian Coast upwellings. Some of the present cold water upwellings off Peru are in the exact same spot.

      What I found interesting was we had a three year La Nina, with the warm water pool around Northern Australia when the El Nino formed, giving us an El Nino and La Nina contemporaneously, resulting in global temperatures possibly unmatched since the 1930s.

      I found Professor Yim’s presentation comprehensive and if Professor Yim had built from your work that could be called standing on the shoulder of giants. If there are any interpretations Prof. Yim makes that have clarified your thinking, acknowledgement of such amplifies the integrity of a giant.

      Thank you for all you have taught us.



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        Matt Holl


        Correction. ” I was watching this NOAA animation daily as the recent La Nina” should read El Nino.
        I have gone and blown up another laboratory by mislabeling.


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