Vladimir Putin: ‘The Old World is Over’

The following extract from the latest speech by the Russian leader is widely banned on all social media platforms, but is crucial to understanding the context in which current affairs – economic, technological, military and scientific – are headed.

New centers of power have emerged, the unipolar world order isn’t coming back, and the “colonial” way of thinking has failed, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday, in what the Kremlin described as an “extremely important” speech.

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Comments (54)

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    Simply glad this extract is recorded here …


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    T. C. Clark


    Dictators….dictate….that’s what dictators do….and Czar Ras-Putin I has friends…dictators like the Cuban…Venezuelan…Iranian…..Chinese….N.Korean…..and he has Polonium poison for those who disagree…Putey Putin is a real sweetheart of a dictator……if Ruzzians want to die for him….that’s their rights…..and Ruzzia needs more living space….too crowded.


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      Also sprach cZar-at-usa (or bbc?) — you show you’re well-mass-formed…
      I hope it’s not contagious through reading your comments!


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      Ebrahim Wahab


      I just LOVE the list you provided of all the dictators. Name per name, it was from the NPR (National Propaganda radio).


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      Great dyke


      Just like all dictators of the west countries. They pump out sunctions to us for nothing. Now the big snake has bite itself. Gas and food are not for western countries. Life in Africa is hard because of western dictators.

      Press on president Putin fight for Africa.


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      Fundile Ganelo


      Rather be ruled by dictators than criminals and gangsters (NATO), who loot natural resources from other nations in disguise of investment.


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    “The West spent years turning Ukraine into an “anti-Russia” state and pumping it with weapons and military advisers, Putin said, pointing out they “did not give a damn” about Ukraine’s economy or the lives of its people, but “spared no expense to create a NATO foothold in the east, directed against Russia, to cultivate aggression, hatred and Russophobia.””
    “Did not give a damn”. Don’t we know it allready.


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    Herb Rose


    The west does not need to turn the people of Eastern Europe against the Russians, the Russians did that when they controlled those countries. The Russians still follow their viking heritage of pillage and loot whatever they control. Why do you think the Ukrainians are resisting so fiercely? Is it because they still remember life under Stalin’s rule or because there are still people who remember what life was like as a member of the Warsaw Pact? You notice that it is the NATO members who were once under Russian control that are most opposed to Russia. They know what it was like to be controlled by Russia (Hungary and Chezcoslavakij invasions). Ask a Romanian or a Pole what life was like under a Russian puppet. They are not joining NATO to attack Russia, since they will bear the brunt of the fighting, but to avoid going under their control. Why does much of Finland, ceded after WWII, still remain underRussian control? Not by choice.
    You paint the west as imposing their will on these countries but after living through the deprivation of Russian control they are not willing to give up their prosperity and return to those conditions, even if it means sacrificing their lives.
    The contention that because there are Russians living in Ukraine they have a right to be part of Russia is the same stupidity that allowed Hitler to take over Chezcoslavakij and Austria. It didn’t result in peace then and it won’t now.


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      ” The Russians still follow their viking heritage of pillage and loot whatever they control.”
      Seems the West learnt well Herb, and then took it much further.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Howdy,
        Are you talking about Germany or Japan after WWII? When Russia conquered a country in WWII they put every factory or anything value on trains and transported it to Russia while the Allies rebuilt those countries they conquered.


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          No Herb, current conditions.


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            Herb Rose


            Hi Howdy,
            Western control does not mean taking everything (pictures of Russian armored vehicles with “liberated’ toilets strapped on them to be sent back to Russia) and leaving the population destitute. It involves getting them use to a more prosperous lifestyle and using their desire for better to keep them buying and indebted.

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            “Western control does not mean taking everything and leaving the population destitute.”
            I think we might be at crossed purposes Herb. I’m on about the world at large. We are in a world war and Putin is the obstacle. I don’t mean to us everyday folk, but to mr potato head and co at the wef.

            All the shortages and nonsense are by design. It’s a pity Brexit ended or that could be blamed instead.

            I don’t do the msm propaganda, so I’ve not watched any lies apart from what I’ve seen in passing, and it will be done when it’s done.

            Instead of population, it’s populations. Everything of value is in the pipeline, with cash first on the agenda. Everything else will go in due course. That is what I call leaving people destitute.

            Putin has scum on his doorstep, and that scum is Western interference, so can’t blame him taking a scrubbing brush to it. He said Ukraine was loaded with Nazis. He wasn’t wrong.

            Spoils of war and collateral damage. See the Western leaders about that one. They are lower than animals. Even a dog will take in an ‘enemy’ cat and help it.
            No war is without it’s losses and I hope Putin rubs their noses in it, which he’s not doing too badly allready.

            Things will unfold as they must.

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        Kevin Doyle


        You really are full retard.


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          As if your ridiculous comment means anything of value. Grow up.


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            Kevin Doyle


            I see. Up is down, black is white, and gender is optional.
            There is evil in this world. Putin is evil.
            Please, remove your head from your ass.

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            OK, last comment to a lost cause.

            Empty vessels make most noise. I’m sure you’ve been advised of that more than once Kevin. Now go back and play with the children, you silly boy.

            Goodbye, and continue to make a laughing stock of yourself if you wish. I couldn’t care less.

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Howdy,
            People can vote with their feet. How many people are waiting at the Russian border trying to get in and how many are trying to get out? These people are voting from experience not theory.

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            “People can vote with their feet. How many people are waiting at the Russian border trying to get in and how many are trying to get out?”
            What does that have to do with me, or the subject at hand.

            Who is working from theory Herb? Informed choice. it is called.

            I do live in the west and know It’s frequented by murdering scum.

            Because I’m not there do I not have a right to my own mind on the subject? Better delete the article then since it appears I’m not the only one who has no right to speak.

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Howdy,
            I am not disputing your experience or right to an opinion. What I am trying to point out is that people who have different experiences can have different beliefs based on what they have learned.
            The communist theory sounds good: From those according to their ability to those according to their need but the practically is that it is run by people and everyone has a different idea of “fair”.
            The early Christians tried communism but it brought so much discord about how it was implemented that it was abandoned.
            In the early 20th century communism in Russia was idealized by the intellectuals but the reality of what Lenin and Stalin were doing to the people of Russia was anything but ideal.
            I have friends who lived in Romania during communist rule, I knew people at school who had fled Hungary after the Russian had come in to restore order.
            My barber comes from the Ukraine. At first their was complete denial that there would be an invasions because the Ukrainians and Russians were brothers. Now she gets reports from relatives in Odessa about what is happening. It is clear the Russians do not consider the Ukrainians as brothers.
            All of them have a different opinion than you about Russia resulting from their experiences.
            You can talk about the Ukrainians being Nazis (Though I doubt any of them consider the Germans to be the master race>) but the problem started when the Russians in the Ukraine considered themselves to be Russian instead of Ukrainian.
            It reminds me of Yugoslavia where for 40 years Tito maintained a diverse country made up of historical enemies. When he died they became Serbians, Croatians, and other ethnic identities and the old hostilities came out because they had never disappeared.
            So while you may consider the Russians as the good guys I do not. The difference between a freedom fighter, terrorist, rebel, or patriot is a matter of perspective, not action.

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            “You can talk about the Ukrainians being Nazis”
            Not the Ukrainians Herb, the western hives of no good intention that exist there. They are the Nazis.

            “Now she gets reports from relatives in Odessa about what is happening. It is clear the Russians do not consider the Ukrainians as brothers.”
            Do the relatives have the true story?
            When the Ukrainian forces were activated, it’s not as if Putin could say ” I’m not after you” is it? The Ukrainians will fight back regardless, and so one has to be ready for that

            Are the Ukrainian authorities as pristine as you think? They did allow this subterfuge to take place. The biological facilities do exist, so why weren’t they disbanded and dismantled. Why even allow them in the first place? How trustworthy can the Ukraine authorities be?
            In such case, aren’t the Ukrainians ‘friends from the West’, and their protectors, AKA the Ukrainian Govt etc, fair targets? They are part of the problem.

            “So while you may consider the Russians as the good guys I do not.”
            I have not said the Russians are the good guys. War is never good, but in some instances, one has no choice. That is what I say.

            What would you do in such a case, even in your own front yard, ignore it?

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            Zoe Phin


            “the problem started when the Russians in the Ukraine considered themselves to be Russian instead of Ukrainian.”

            Eewww. Barf!

            Why should Russians consider themselves Ukranian?

            Who founded and financed the major industrial cities? Who allowed Ukranians to settle in them? And now it belongs to them? Get real.

            Ukranian homeland is west, central, and partially northern Ukraine. Nothing else is theirs. They just parasitically acquired territory via stupid decisions of self-loathing anti-Russian COMMUNISTS. They got lucky, and it could’ve been theirs if they exerted a light touch. But they had to boast about it and mistreat the minority majority regions. They blew it.

            This whole “Russia was communist and therefore bad” trope is getting stale. They were communist, and now they are not. The West is heading into communism. Intelligent adults need foresight not hindsight! One shouldn’t condone past communist stupidity (Russia) while at the same time ally with future communist stupidity (The West).

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      Zoe Phin


      You forget that the main oppression in these countries came from THEIR OWN communists. Russia was often asked by these local tyrants to help. But it wasn’t that significant. Yeah these countries’ politicians hate Russia because it’s a great way to blame shift their own local culpability, and you’re playing into that.

      Remember, the only reason Russia was there was because of Germany. Did you forget?

      Well now they’re buddy buddy with their old enemy Germany. Let’s see how long that lasts!


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Zoe,
        Russia drove tanks into Hungary when they rose up and into Chezcoslavakij when they chose a leader that they didn’t like. The only European communist leader they did not control was Tito in Yugoslavia.
        Ceausescu in Romania took all the income and sent it to Russia as debt payment, except the money he kept to build lavish palaces for himself. The people stood in line for hours to buy what little food there was and if anyone complained the omnipresent secret police took care of them. It was a country ruled by fear.
        People did not want to live in these poverty stricken countries with no hope or futures. The Berlin wall was built to keep the East Germans from fleeing, not to protect them from invasion. How many of their own citizens did they shoot to stop them from escaping?
        Germany and Russia were buddy buddy before the second world war when Hitler and Stalin divided Poland in a secret pact before the war began. When the Germans entered Ukraine they were greeted as liberators, until they did the Nazi thing and the Ukrainians learned they were just as bad as Stalin.
        It will be interesting to see what happens between Russia and China. They have fought a war over Manchuria, which China believes was part of Chine (the Manchurian dynasty). I’m wondering if by seeing the Russian performance n Ukraine, if they adopt the Russian concept that since most of the residents of Outer Manchuria are Hun Chinese both Outer and Inner Manchuria should both be part of China.


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          Zoe Phin



          “On 22 June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa. Hungary joined the German effort and declared war on the Soviet Union on 26 June, and entered World War II on the side of the Axis.”

          So what do you expect? You attack first, you get punished. That’s how it works.

          “On 23 October 1956, the Secretary of the Hungarian Working People’s Party, Ernő Gerő, asked for the USSR’s military intervention in order “to suppress a demonstration that was reaching an ever-greater and unprecedented scale”, which threatens the national security of the People’s Republic of Hungary.”

          Oh, the local communists asked for the foreign communists to come in … exactly as I said.


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    Climate Heretic


    Putin is only after one thing and that is the gas reserves of the Ukraine. So the war is over money, power and leverage over the western alliances.

    Climate Heretic


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    Climate Heretic


    T. C. Clark said and I quote “and Ruzzia needs more living space….too crowded.”

    Russia is 97th out of the top 100 most populous countries in the world. So Russia does not need or want more space. [1]

    Climate Heretic


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      T. C. Clark


      You obviously have no sense of humor or satire….KGB Putey needs to join his pals…Stain…Lenin…Mao…a little piece of lead in his head would solve Putey’s problem. All the Putey fans here need to move to Ruzzia…to be near KGB Putey.


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    he said it well, West is done and you have to be blind not to see it.
    not a big Putin supporter, but he have some points.
    but don’t forget, he has a degree of WEF “young global leaders” school. very likely he’s just doing his part in big game that will brought us “happiness while owning nothing”


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      Great dyke


      What is the purpose of NATO if that is not dictatorship. Their dreams was to rule over the world. But Putin’s hand is not going to happen. He is not going to be defeated until he save the purpose to take out the from the hands of America and Britain.


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    Great dyke


    What is the purpose of NATO if that is not dictatorship. Their dreams was to rule over the world. But by Putin’s hand is not going to happen. He is not going to be defeated until he save the purpose to take out the from the hands of America and Britain.


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    Benson Kanampiu


    Putin’s presidency has hurt Russia, Ukraine and the world at large. The reason why Putin invaded Ukraine is known only to himself. As a human being Putin must suffer the psychological consequences of killing thousands of Ukrainians deliberately. This act has no precedence. Putin must not blame anyone internationally for this killing of innocent people. The blame ends at his door steps.


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      what Putin is fighting for is baseless and he has face the consequences of his action on Ukrainian ,the time of communist is getting fading off soon you will see in China also it will happen ,Putin has made a greater mistake killing inoscent citizen of ukrainian destroy there homes but forget that a day will come Ukrainian will still revenge back at that time they will great in military and building weapons , Russian all in Europe now are in shame ,there natural gas now will be limit to buy around Europe now God has blessed isreal to take next opportunity to supply all Europe ,this is a great shame to Russia in future


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      Zoe Phin


      Translation: poop on the Russians in Donbass. They are not people, and so Ukranians can kill their culture and kill them too.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Zoe,
        Do you mean the Ukrainians should do to the Russians what the ‘Russians did to the Tartars when Ivan the Terrible conquered the area?
        People have a right to live in the political and economic system they want but not to impose their preferences on the country they chose. It was the Russians who decided that Crimea and the Donbass areas would be part of Ukraine even though the population was predominately Russian. Those Russians had an option to move into Russia and remain Russian or become Ukrainian. Everybody wants to have their cake and eat it but that is not an option.


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          Zoe Phin


          And the Tartars took it from somebody else.

          This establishes the right of conquest.

          Did Ukranians fight to get that land? No? Then why do they deserve it?

          Oh because Lenin and Brezhnev decided?

          That’s your philosophy? Communist borders are sacred?

          Ukrainians had a long time opporunity to take that land from the Tartars. They tried and failed. They couldn’t even secede from Poland/Lithuania without Russian help.

          The Soviet Union for all its faults did something never seen before … had a vote to allow smaller regions to leave. Russia has several autonomous zones. But Ukranians wouldn’t even allow one. These two things clearly demonstrate the LOWER moral character of Ukrainians. They are only out for themselves.

          My mother left Ukraine in 1982, because she figured out Ukranians were mostly crap. She even stopped speaking the language.

          When the war is over, the remaining parts will just be a western puppet state. A place for westerns to snatch young kids and prostitutes.

          They will quickly realize that of all the puppet status they had in history (Khazar, Mongolian, Polish, Lithuanian, Austria/Germany, Russian), they were actually treated best by the Russians. And the worst fate of all is to be a puppet of a DISTANT foreign regime that doesn’t give a damn about them and just wants to use them as a stick against a bigger power.

          Not unlike how Iraq was used against Iran.

          “Those Russians had an option to move into Russia and remain Russian or become Ukrainian.”

          Disgusting. Here’s a clue: the moment Canada removes Quebec’s autonomy is moment France will send in troops.

          If you think the Quebecois need to move to France because of a political decision … you are … well let’s just say … wrong!


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    Jacque Millard


    Since the U.S.has been using Ukraine as as testing ground for biological “studies” and encouraged the takeover of the country by neo Nazis since Obama’s reign I can see Putin’s point. They don’t need their borders surrounded by the radical agenda of the westerners


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    T. C. Clark


    KGB Putey is an idiot….there may be 50,000 dead Ruzzians now…neo-nazis…biological….blah blah…the world will be a better place w/o Putey…may he be gone…soon. Will his supporters here even attend his funeral?


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      Denis domba


      TS Clark,people like you with absence of basic knowledge makes this world bad place to live ,so much hate based on your lack of information and stupidity of an uninformed and Brain washed westerner is applying.Reading your posts makes me believe that you are ,either Brain dead or retarded.


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        T. C. Clark


        Wow!….and your name is….Dumba?…Domba? I know history…and people like this pile of dog poop – Putey – needs to be with Hitler…Stalin…Mao…all of his ilk. The only good commie is a dead commie. Putey should be out front leading his great Czarist Army…is he kind of a coward?


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          Denis dombas


          Do you even know basics about your own country ?250 years in wars out of 275 years existence,millions killed around world for no reason,so instead talking about about Russia,look for the reason of this war?46 bio labs in Ukraine run by Pentagon,on Russian door steps.What happened in 1962 about Soviet missiles in Cuba,know the history something or just talking nonsense? IS is and was nothing but an evil empire in entire history.


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            Denis dombas


            US is and always was an evil empire same as UK,together murdered more than 200 million people and lost every war it started.

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            T. C. Clark


            Denis…Dennis?…I am Darth Vader of the Evil Empire – not your father…stop your babbling…you are embarrassing yourself. Move to Ruzzia to prove your love of Putey…..Putey will pay you up o $85/hr to post crap on the interweb.

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    Denis dombas


    Anybody that is bubbling is you,get your facts together.Start from beginning,genocide on native people in US,Canada,Australia,NZ.Slavery,waging wars,all over the world,killing millions and milions of innocent people from Vietnam,to Afghanistan,Iraq,Laos,Cambodia,Lybia,Syria,and many others,starting “plandemicks”,bio labs,evil after evil.Therfore learn basic facts instead wasting life being stupid and ignorant.Shame on you,waste of life.


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      T. C. Clark


      Dumbas, you are a very confused individual…..Putey Putin is another Stalin…Hitler….Lenin. Yee shall judge him by his friends…Kimmy Jong…Xi Jinping….Syria…Iran….Cuba ….Venezuela. Poor Ukraine has been a victim of its location…the Mongol Horde came from the east…the Czar from the north…Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians…and next came Hitler…now this Putin Fool.


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        T. C. Clark


        The perfect example of dictator versus free enterprise democracy with rule of law is North and South Korea. Putey was becoming jealous that Ukraine might become a South Korea to his North Korea. Too bad for Ruzzia that they have a criminal dictator…Ruzzia could become a South Korea with the tight leader.


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      ‘,genocide on native people in ,NZ.Slavery,’
      Europeans never had slaves in NZ.
      The Natives in New Zealand kept slaves who were food on the hoof. . In a constant state of treachery and war. Conquer or be eaten.
      When there are no mammals for food, protein, life is difficult. Eat or be eaten. The same in the pacific Islands. Fiji was known as the Cannibal Islands.
      Read James Cook’s journals or James Cowan.
      Certainly avarice for land by colonists was rampant. True of all peoples. The natives conquered and ate their numerous enemies for survival.
      The Natives in NZ controlled family size by pressing the thumb into the top of the skull of the newborn. The environment could only sustain a couple of children.

      Speak of something you are not ignorant about Denis.


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    Andy (aka. "Roo63)


    Must admit, I like Putin. He’s far more decency than the Nazi-loving Psychopaths we have, running our Entire Existence into the ground over here.
    But 2 points in particular, bother me deeply:

    1) Mr Putin’s direct links to the World Economic Forum, in particular the Young World Leaders group of which Klaus Schwab is so proud, especially with regard to Mr Putin.

    2) If Mr Putin was truly sincere, he would openly expose SARS CoV-2 / Covid-19 and Climate Change for the Frauds that they are, as opposed to allowing “Covid” restrictions and deadly injections to continue. Until such time, Mr Putin must be considered as just another Actor in this Great Reset Agenda 2030 charade.

    Can anyone comprehend the impact of a Public declaration, nullifying the Globalist’s twisted Agendas like that?
    The World would be his Oyster, so to speak.
    Until such time, NATO and the Western political parasites are virtually unstoppable.

    Eitherway, I hope he is true to his word, for the sake of the Russian people, at least?

    Thanks RT.


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