Visualization of the Gödel universe
The standard model of modern cosmology, which is based on the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric, allows the definition of an absolute time. However, there exist (cosmological) models consistent with the theory of general relativity for which such a definition cannot be given since they offer the possibility for time travel.
The simplest of these models is the cosmological solution discovered by Kurt Gödel, which describes a homogeneous, rotating universe.
Disregarding the paradoxes that come along with the abolishment of causality in such space–times, we are interested in the purely academic question of how an observer would visually perceive the time travel of an object in Gödel’s universe.
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For this purpose, we employ the technique of ray tracing, a standard tool in computer graphics, and visualize various scenarios to bring out the optical effects experienced by an observer located in this universe. In this way, we provide a new perspective on the space–time structure of Gödel’s model.
Joseph Olson
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Kurt Video was a Mathematics professor at Princeton, and colleague of Einstein, who in 1949 provided exact solutions to the relativity field equations by eliminating the absurd ‘big bang’s hypothesis and replacing with a rotational Universe model. I wrote a series of articles on this hypothesis, see Cosmology at FauxScienceSlayer. Recently Dr Pierre Robitaille, of Ohio State did a video further discrediting big bang, but first what the father of this hoax had to say in 1936.
“Mysterious Dr X says, Universe is NOT Expanding” > FauxScienceSlayer
“Herouni Antenna, Death of the Big Bang” > SkyScholar
Joseph Olson
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KURT GODEL was Princeton professor, ‘smart phone’ spell check is ignorant.
Koen Robersscheuten
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The problem is that most scientists assume that time is a dimension, mostly out of mathematical lazyness, as it makes things easier to calculate and visualize.
Take foer instance the relativistic twins : what if the travelling twin is not in the past, but merely has her motion restrained more like a steak in a fridge ? Atoms/molecules that move slower results in slower metabolism. No time travel here. The twins remain in the same present, just all motion in the travelling twin is impeded, resulting in her aging less.
The godelian wannabe time traveller will be very disappointed when he finds out he did not move into the past, but in a motion restraining field, the partner of gravitation, that will be fully explained in my coming book.