Virus Mania: A Stark Warning from a Top Pioneer in Virus Research
Before his death in 2019 esteemed pathologist, Etienne de Harven (above) a celebrated pioneer in virus research, gave a warning that Big Pharma was going to dupe us with an “epidemic of fear” from an overblown virus – all to boost profits.
“We are not witnessing viral epidemics; we are witnessing epidemics of fear. And both the media and the pharmaceutical industry carry most of the responsibility for amplifying fears, fears that happen, incidentally, to always ignite fantastically profitable business.
Research hypotheses covering these areas of virus research are practically never scientifically verified with appropriate controls. Instead, they are established by “consensus.” This is then rapidly reshaped into a dogma, efficiently perpetuated in a quasi-religious manner by the media, including ensuring that research funding is restricted to projects supporting the dogma, excluding research into alternative hypotheses.
An important tool to keep dissenting voices out of the debate is censorship at various
levels ranging from the popular media to scientific publications.”
Excerpt from foreword to Virus Mania, Etienne de Harven MD Professor Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Toronto and Member of the Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York (1956 – 1981) – see below:
“The central aim of this book is to steer the discussion back to a real scientific debate and put medicine back on the path of an impartial analysis of the facts. It will put medical experiments, clinical trials, statistics and government policies under the microscope, revealing that the people charged with protecting our health and safety have deviated from this path. To substantiate these statements, the authors cite dozens of highly renowned scientists and present approximately 1,100 pertinent scientific references.
The topic of this book is of pivotal significance. The pharmaceutical companies and top scientists rake in enormous sums of money by attacking germs and the media boosts its audience ratings and circulations with sensationalized reporting (the coverage of the New York Times and Der Spiegel are specifically analyzed). “The primary purpose of commercially-funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health,” says John Abramson of Harvard Medical School. Virus Mania will inform you on how such an environment took root-and how to empower yourself for a healthy life.”
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T. C. Clark
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Several big co.s are racing to develop a vaccine against the Wuhan CCP Xi virus…but the vaccine would be sold at cost – no profit.
Steve Parker
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Interesting that Hydroxychloroquine is off patent and therefore anybody can make it. I am sure big pharma are not happy with Trump for promoting that treatment. Nevertheless a vaccine would be a good thing to have.
A Thorpe
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I have often thought that profit is driving most health care, even in the NHS which like to claim it is not influenced by profit and greed. The NHS celebrates extending lifetime but I can see no point in a longer life with serious illness resulting in an intolerable end of life in a care home. This is only achieved by a cocktail of pills at huge cost to us and guaranteed profit for big pharma.
My maternal grandparents both died at 78, not a bad age, around 1958. They very rarely saw a doctor and both suddenly became ill, they died at home cared for by their family. There was no postmortem and the coffin was brought to the house and they were laid out by their family. This is a dignified death, not the drawn out miserable death being imposed on us by the NHS. I will never celebrate the NHS.
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Interesting book and makes sense of the fraud that has subsumed the medical profession for the past 150+ years and dispels all confidence that any authoritarian figure is deserving of such.
Strictly indirect identification/isolation methodology does not constitute proof of existence of the pathogenic viral particle and is as flawed as germ theory.
As Antoine Béchamp stated – “the terrain is everything”
Profitability does not have to be the objective.
The astonishing methodological medico-sociopolitical parallels with CAGW warmists vs luke warmists vs greenhouse gas non-theory is, just as embodied in the problem, reaction, solution paradigm. This can be extended to the political and economic crisis that repeatedly unfold year on year.