Video: The Truth About Vaccines

Our governments continue to suppress any and all information that proves many vaccines are ineffective and potentially harmful.

Watch this video containing actual mainstream media reports with admissions that vaccines that cause cancers, adverse reactions and are more harmful than the diseases they supposedly suppress.

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    OH MY GAWD! I was born in 1961 , did I have that polio vaccine.


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    Mark Tapley


    Vaccines have never worked. Read the real history of vaccination in Suzanne Humphries MD book “Dissolving Illusions.” This is another Zionist scam to promote the con man Pasteur’s “germ theory” and the Rockefeller funded CDC , big Pharma and the allopathic medical racket while conditioning the livestock with the fear campaign of non existent viruses.

    The CDC- WHO medical criminals can’t even come up with a sample of the covid virus just like they could not with Swine flu or AIDS because they do not exist. During the hyped up 1918 “pandemic”. that was caused by the Rockefeller vaccine garbage made from hog and chicken substrate, countries that refused the vaccine had no problem. Polio is a man made symptom as Forrest Maready explains in his book “The Moth and the Iron Lung” and the epidemic of autism is the result of the neurological-toxic adjuvant aluminum in vaccines that penetrates the blood brain barrier, also covered by Maready in “The autism Vaccine.”

    A society of free individuals going about their own business doesn’t do anything for the Zionist syndicate. There must always be some type of manufactured crisis so that the cattle will be induced to forfeit their natural rights over to the gov. (elite) in the perception of gaining temporary security. War has always been the most favored option in which to accomplish this objective. It is now clear however that all they have to do is tell the cucked idiots that there is a new virus, provide a fake test and churn out fake numbers while having the Jew MSM hype the fear propaganda 24\7.


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    Doug Harrison


    When I was a horticulturist growing ornamental plants and bulbs I had a problem with aphids transferring viruses from unhealthy to healthy plants. Can Mark Tapley show me that what created the leaf mosaic effect and loss of vigour in my plants was caused by some other organism and if so what?


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      Mark Tapley


      Viruses are just a theoretical terminology. They have never been proven to exist. I have never messed with ornamentals but I suspect what you have is probably a fungus infection that is affecting the leaves that may be transmitted by the aphids. Aphids are usually a sign of too much nitrogen. In my part of the country, fruit trees are very susceptible to brown rot (fungus) and you have to spray often and early to keep it under control.


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