Video: The Crisis of Science

In recent years, the public has gradually discovered that there is a crisis in science. But what is the problem? And how bad is it, really?

New Corbett Report video shines a spotlight on the series of interrelated crises that are exposing the way institutional science is practiced today, and what it means for an increasingly science-dependent society.

Haven’t you wondered why, despite over 60 years of “Cancer Research,”  science has not produced anything near a cure, but ALWAYS produces new and expensive cancer treatments that require patients to fund long term medical intervention?

An ever-increasing number of ‘scientists’ no longer use the scientific method.

This decline in reliance on the scientific method, as extolled so well by Karl Popper, may be attributed to the fact most science relies on funding from corporations and governments who dictate what may or may not be studied.

The problem is examined in detail in this 30-minute video:

Almost all professional scientists, including the ones in universities around the world thereby have their results swayed by those who are paying the bills. As the old saying goes: “Follow the money!”

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027. 

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    Joseph Olson


    In 1982, Aussie researchers Dr Robin Warren and Dr Barry Marshall discovered a cure for the most common human infection, the Peptic Ulcer, caused by bacteria H PYLORI. Unable to get permission for human studies, the brave Dr Marshall infected, then cured himself. It took a decade for Sissies approval, fifteen years for US approval, and finally in 2005 these doctors were awarded the “Nobel” Prize in Medicine, only because they did not die waiting. Monopoly magic medicine men have NO interest in a cure, if they can offer a lifetime palliative.

    All of science is corrupt at this time, my research covers global warming, sustainable energy, peak oil, big bang and more. Additional details on the Aussie pioneers see

    “Cure for Cosmology’s Peptic Ulcer” at CanadaFreePress and FauxScienceSlayer. Check CorbettReport regularly as an excellent Truth source.

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    jerry krause


    Hi John,

    From the beginning of our association I have been telling you the problem is not governments or big corporations or universities; the problem must be placed upon the shoulders of the scientists who voluntarily have not practiced good science.

    For example: the greenhouse effect. Horace de Saussure with his experimental hot box got the ball rolling. He was an excellent scientist because he saw something and devised an experiment to test his idea. However, he, without realizing it, had tunnel vision. The sole objective of his experiment was to see how ‘hot’ the interior of his hot box would become because of the glass sheets he placed on the top of the box to allow the sunshine in. Which glass sheets he had hypothesized, before he even constructed his device, would ‘trap’ the energy of the absorbed solar radiation inside the box. So when he observed that the experiment ‘confirmed’ his expectation, it seemed he stopped observing the interior temperature of the box once this greatest temperature began decreasing.

    He might have done this because he knew about the diurnal air temperature oscillation was due to the changing position of the sun during the daytime. So, even if he had watched the interior temperature of his box decrease until sunset, he could have explained this decrease, if he forgot the glass sheets were to trap the absorbed energy of the sunlight and therefore prevent the interior from cooling from its highest temperature (once about 230oF). But I know, if he had let his hot box set out under a cloudless nighttime he could have seen, given enough twilight to ‘read’ his thermometer, how far the temperature of his hot box had cooled from 230oF, I know this because because I have constructed a hot box according his design and observed a maximum temperature near 230oF, or even above, and observed a much, much, lower temperature before sunrise the next morning.

    Horace was human and I am human and I frequently forget and make mistakes. But hopefully someone will come along and correct my mistakes.

    A friend, Robert Beatty, recently asked me: “how does this data [USCRN data] relate to the HADcrut4 data over recent times?” And I had to admit that I had ignored his question. For I had no idea what the HADcrut4 data was and was not at that time motivated to make the little effort required to check out was this data was. But I finally recognized my mistake and found: “HadCRUT4z is a combination of the global land surface temperature data set” (

    Which was interesting because I knew of no land surface temperature data set (wh except for the USCRN project data set, which project was begun less that 25 years ago, to which my friend asked me to compare with the HADcrut4 data.

    I have, in my essays, referred to the fact that Svante Arrhenius had substituted air temperature data for the effective radiative surface temperature which he had calculated in his radiation balance calculation which he reviewed in his 1896 essay. Clearly, it was, and is, a mistake that it seems no one, but me, acknowledges as if it doesn’t make a difference. Have the governments and the big corporations bought off you and everyone else too?

    Have a good day, Jerry

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