Video Lecture On The Fundamentals Of Electromagnetic Radiation And Lighting

A new lecture by Dr. M. Nisa Khan entitled the Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Radiation and Lighting is now available.

The lecture will teach: 1) Why is calculus/analytic geometry needed for quantifying light? 2) How valid calculus can be used to calculate light radiation in 3D living space? and 3) Why LED headlights produce blinding glare & how to accurately measure it?

This video is particularly useful for college professors and students to get the right understanding of what calculus really is and how it needs to be used to do all physics problems.


If this were done right, much of the confusion in quantum mechanics and astrophysics would not exist. This has turned out to be a very costly and sad situation.

We encourage university professors, college professors, vocational schools, and even high school administrators to use the link below. There’s no group size limit, either. Please visit Dr. Khan’s Calculus & Physics Courses.

This video lecture will bring much-needed sanity to the confused fields of science and mathematics.


For those who think the full course is out of your price range, you can pool people and share the cost; you can get one login and use that for all of your group to watch. This group can contact Dr. Khan directly and she will answer 10 questions for the group in a video meeting.

For a free preview of the first lecture, Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Radiation and Lighting, please go here and sign up for a free preview.

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    HID headlights are responsible for the annoying glare people complain about. The US had not regulated them as well as the Europeans. LED headlamps have better beam control in their designs and generally do not exhibit the annoying glare.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Editor,

    Does Dr. Khan’s Calculus & Physics Courses.teach what I can read in Richard Feynman’s The Feynman Lectures On Physics Vol I, II, and III???

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      M. Nisa Khan


      Hello Mr. Krause,
      My physics and calculus courses teach more than what Dr. Feynman provided in his lectures on Physics Vol I, II, and III. In fact if you purchase and watch my first course and ask me any questions from either my lecture or anything that you didn’t understand from Feynman’s Lectures, I’ll answer them in a video call. The questions will have to be limited to 10 questions. This call will be taped for either you or me to use either privately or publicly in the future for further learning, if you so wish.


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