Video: How Occam’s Razor Disposes of the Greenhouse Gas Theory
A video that demonstrates that atmospheric temperatures on a planetary body such as earth can simply be explained by adiabatic pressure and the Ideal Gas laws. This is a well-made video, the explanations are clear (and include both visual and verbal components), the science is sound, and there are references.
As such, scientists should apply the principle of Occam’s Razor such that there is no need to factor in a notional and needless ‘greenhouse gas effect’ from carbon dioxide to explain our climate when other science explains it well already. As fictional detective Sherlock Holmes said, “It’s elementary. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one!”
The video creator is ‘1000Frolly’ who writes:
“Science and reason has been abandoned. We now have a situation in science that is a sad one for all those who love science and reason as I do. Many forces are aligning themselves to claim as settled ‘science’, the anthropogenic CO2 catastrophic climate change hypothesis (CAGW). There are even those who know the scientific method, yet are convinced that the ‘danger’ to us of a CO2 climate catastrophe is so great that not only is it reasonable to dispense with the scientific method itself; but with reason and decency as well.I believe that the opposite is true; that if the potential danger is so great then the scientific method must be adhered to even more rigorously, in order to find out the truth about the true impact our CO2 emissions; only then will we be able to follow the correct course of action, because it will be from a solid base of scientific knowledge. We need an immediate return to the scientific method and to reason in the field of climate science.”
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Eddy Michiels (@emichiel1)
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Gas density is function of temperature,. In this video density is an input ! But a lot of people make such errors,. Worse and unforgivable is speaking about adiabatic compression heat.
jerry krause
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HI ???,
Another problem is that the critical pressure of carbon dioxide is 73atm and its critical temperature 31C so below the altitude at which the Venus atmosphere becomes greater than 73atm it no longer can be a gas because its temperature at this altitude is certainly greater than 31C. So below it becomes a supercritical fluid. The ideal gas law assumes the gas particles have no volume but all atoms and molecules have a volume.
Have a good day, Jerry
James McGinn
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Occam’s razor is almost always misapplied by amateurs. Most models are dumbed down to appeal to a wider audience. This is especially true in the geographic sciences, like meteorology and climatology. People believe simple notions that dovetail with their every-day experiences and base sensations. People are dumb. For example, you about have to be mentally retarded to believe that H2O magically turns to steam in the atmosphere and that storms are caused by “convective uplift.” Yet most everybody believes this.
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These videos need to be expanded to include more calculations of different senarios and to answer more questions.
For example at what atmospheric pressure of the 6 planets and 1 moon is the blackbody temperature found? Is there a large discrepancy between the lowest and highest pressure where this temperature is found?
Calculate the temperature of all planets at the surface pressure of Venus. Calculate the temperature of Venus with the surface pressure of Earth. The more examples that can be provided the better. Most people can follow what you do, but can’t research or do these things themselves.
It should also be noted for people like “atmospheric researcher” above that gravity keeps pressure fairly constant as temperatures change with differing solar insolation. Gravity is the cause and does the required Work. In that regard higher pressure doesn’t cause higher temperatures per say. Rather Gravity causes both higher pressures and higher temperatures to manifest.