Video: Crothers, S.J., Black Hole Geometry Analyzed Thank you for viewing this video on Sky Scholar! This channel is dedicated to new ideas about the nature of the sun, the stars, thermodynamics, and the microwave background.

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Sky Scholar will be releasing at least one video per week to make sure you don’t run out of content! Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D., is a professor of radiology at The Ohio State University. He also holds an appointment in the Chemical Physics Program.

In 1998, Robitaille led the design and assembly of the world’s first Ultra High Field MRI System. This brought on the need to question fundamental aspects of thermal physics, including ideas related to Kirchhoff’s Law of thermal emission, and more.

These presentations are not endorsed by The Ohio State University. Figures not to scale and used for visualization purposes only.

This channel is educational in nature.

Astronomy links of interest:

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Daniel K. Inoue Solar Telescope:

National Solar Observatory GONG:

1 meter Swedish Solar Telescope:

All observational images and videos are credited to NASA unless otherwise specified. Images obtained by the SDO satellite are a courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams. Images obtained by the SOHO satellite are courtesy of SOHO (ESA & NASA).

Link to Professor Robitaille’s papers on Vixra:…

Comments (12)

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    Ken Hughes


    I take it he means that black hole central singularities do not exist? (In which case I agree with him that the laws of nature prohibit this). The singularity at the event horizon however, does exist. This is the region where time stops and so we now have a choice – Do we choose to believe that the process of time is inexhaustible and events carry on regardless, or do we choose to believe that time is a finite, energetic process which, when it runs out, it does so in real terms and all events must cease? This is a simple matter of opinion and is open to debate. The mainstream chooses the former whereas I choose the latter. So, when time runs out at the event horizon, all events cease, not just relatively to the outside world, but also in real terms. This means that there can never be any further collapse of the massive body to produce the central singularity. The ceasing of time has frozen everything from the moment the event horizon is formed. Geometry? well that’s simply not applicable beyond the EH.

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      This is the region where time stops

      Which is why I have always wondered how a “black hole” can be “black”.

      The closer you approach the event horizon, to an observer, the slower you become. If you were to fall into a black hole, I would never be able to see it. You would appear to stick to the outside of it forever. The very same thing happens with light. So, if there really were such a thing as an event horizon then it would be extremely bright, not black. The light was seem to stick to the outside of the black hole forever.

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    Joseph A Olson


    “Mysterious Dr X says, Universe is NOT Expanding” at CanadaFreePress, May 2010
    Father of big bang admits it’s a hoax, Time magazine Dec 1936

    “Federally Funded Frankenscience” at CFP, May 2010
    Two Princeton scientists announce Rotational Universe in 1949, silenced by CIA

    THIS IS AN OVERDUE DEBATE ON FIRST PRINCIPAL SCIENCE, without black holes, dark energy, dark matter, 13 dimensions or big bangs.

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    Robert Beatty


    I am having difficulty understanding why a comparison between euclidian and none euclidian geometry should result in the conclusion that black holes cannot exist. This is similar to saying flat earther’s are wrong so the earth cannot exist?
    Science will only develop if new ideas can climb off the shoulders of older ideas.
    IMO the relevant maths to model a black hole is hyperbolic geometry. It is just a case of horses for courses. In a similar vein using the solar system value for G in the swartzchild radius formula is not appropriate, when the gravitational value at a black hole is observationally so much higher.

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      jerry krause


      Hi Bob,

      My attention was directed to and what I read started me pondering about plate tectonics and the ring of fire whose volcano I considered were the result of plates being ‘forced’ against each other.

      The obvious question from the beginning of the idea of continental drift was: What is the cause that can move continents?

      Is the question: What is the cause of a volcanic eruption?, being asked and answered? If so, what is the answer?

      I ask you because I know your knowledge of these things is so much greater than that of most people’s. And I trust your knowledge.

      Have a good day, Jerr

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    Robert Beatty


    Jerry, I suspect the sugar coating is designed to get me into a scrap with a cavalcade of geologists. However, on with the challenge.
    IMO. The ring of fire is the remnant of a void left behind when the land masses of the world were on the far side. They came together and moved apart several times in the more recent geological past, but originally consisted of a single high longitudinal continent.
    This goes back to just after a time when the whole surface was molten, following the Moon launch. Heat from the core is powered today by nuclear decay as it was in the protoplanet stage of development. A volcanic eye spot remained where the Moon launched from, and is the current site of the Hawaiian islands. Magma from the eye circumvented the globe and came together under the developing protocontinent which was formed in an elutriation process (a metallurgical term which means lighter material forms on the surface as the heavier material separates out below).
    Over time, the high continent eroded down (witness Witwatersrand conglomerates) and the giant cloud cover, condensed to fill high level lakes and gradually progressed down slope to form a sea level surface. This process eventually inundated the eye vent.
    The ring of fire is the current stage of battle between the eye forces (outward moving plates) and the inundating surrounding land masses – which are following the path the sea originally followed. The continents are moving on a bed of circulating magma.
    The circulation used to be very pronounced from the eye to the protocontinent base. It progressively became more dispersed and randomised which pushed the floating continents in several direction, but generally heading back towards the eye.
    Volcanoes represent regions where magma blooms penetrate the surface, but particularly strong where the Pacific basin resists the incoming land masses.
    I was very interested in (not sure if PSI has run this article) which confirms that the ring of fire plays an important part in major weather variations. Thanks for your interest.

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      jerry krause


      Hi Robert,

      No sugar coating. I only recognize that you have pondered with intellectual reasoning things I have never considered. I never expected (imagined) what you just wrote. But I can say I do not have a high option of the recent historical geological community. Because they in the case of continental drift clearly choose to ignore unquestionable physical evidence that the Americas had separated from Europe and Africa. And before that they had missed the physical evidence that Louis Agassiz saw .
      Your pondering reminded that I had read about Jupiter’s ‘red spot’. Because some times I do not trust my memory I googled ‘Jupiter’s spot’ and found I hadn’t imagined what I read. But now I discovered it seems that it mystery has moved on to its color. “Jupiter’s Great Red Spot: A Swirling Mystery – NASA”

      “but originally consisted of a single high longitudinal continent.” First by ‘high’ I assume you imagine the land mass (a solid) to be floating on a liquid was greatly (significantly) elevated above the sea surfaces, whose bottoms were also a solid crust. And I thought I remembered about reading an analysis that mountains of unlimited heights could not be supported by the earth’s ‘solid’ crust which must be actually plastic because I believe I have read that.Newton calculated the shape of the spinning (rotating) earth with good accuracy when we became able to actually observe that the earth was not a perfect sphere.

      I know the Mount Everest is only a little pimple on the earth’s surface when one considers the radius of its approximate sphere but distance from its center to a point on the equator is several times the elevation of Everest relative to the distance of a pole from the earth’s center.

      Hence, when I wrote you I was pondering the possibility that mountains were creating a localized pressure upon the molten core which could sometimes be forcing the molten lava toward the surface at the bottom of the seas. And as this molten lava reached the surface at the bottom of an ocean it was cooled and solidified by the water so that a new bottom was being created which was continually shoving the continents apart.

      As I pondered this my problem was the question: How did the mountains get there in the first place?

      It seems to me that your proposed mechanism, which I did not anticipate, ignores gravity which I consider the conventional explanation of continental drift does also. But I have learned that what I commonly read is not what some actual scholars are considering because I know I do read the many articles published in scientific journals. And it is all too clear that your considerations would not be accepted for publication in many scientific journals because your idea seems so far from the accepted wisdom of this time. Nothing is new no matter how obvious the wrong ideas have been wrong once it became established on the basis of actual physical evidence that they were wrong.

      Have a good day, Jerry

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    Susan Wester


    I’m asking this because I don’t know for sure ,, but What about the Sun and the interaction between Earth and Sun and magnetic fields? Electromagnetism? I’m asking because I don’t know , but I think there is a connection. It seems logical that there would be a connection . Thank you , Sincerely , Curious .

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      Robert Beatty


      There does not seem to be a definitive science one can point to in answering your question. You not knowing puts you into a very large group. I do not have a personal opinion, but it does seem strange that the Sun’s magnetic field can flip routinely about every eleven years. On Earth our flip seems to be about 450,000 years, but varies wildly. Interesting links on the topic at:
      The discussion talks of effects and consequencies.

      “And it is all too clear that your considerations would not be accepted for publication in many scientific journals.” There is certainly reticence to accept for publication, and we can ask why. It seems to me if you start by accepting that Theia played a role in launching the Moon, you have dug yourself a hole which can only get deeper. Way too many papers already published, theses written, and degrees awarded to come back any time soon. Only the likes of PSI will cover the alternatives. Global warming is another topical example.

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    Kenneth Hughes


    Hey guys, you’re way off topic and the issue is getting seriously confused. The topic is on Black holes in case you hadn’t noticed..

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      Thanks Kenneth! … It needed to be said !! .. IMHO …

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        Robert Beatty


        We were just tooling around while Stephen Crothers comes up with new numbers for Black Holes and the swartzchild radius.

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