Video: 5,700 COVID Cases Show Blood Poisoning, No Virus

More evidence emerging that the COVID-19 pandemic may be down to a blood vessel disease rather than a contagious virus.

In a new video interview Dr Zach Bush MD gives his expert analysis. Dr Bush has become a national voice in America speaking out against the misinformation and fear porn thrown at us during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr Bush reveals toWellness Force that the physiology he has been sharing with colleagues over the last couple of weeks shows that patients are not dying of a respiratory virus. Referencing a study published from New York City in which over 5,700 COVID patients were extensively detailed and all vital signs, lab work, etc. included, Bush explains:

“These COVID patients don’t have a fever, their white blood cells are totally normal and their average temperatures were normal. No sign of a viral infection, no change in respiratory rate. So, there is nothing in there that shows this is an infected group. Instead, what it shows us is a toxin, a poisoning of the red blood cells. We are seeing red blood cell poisoning of a small percentage of people around the world.”

The geographical pockets of higher infected areas coincide with places known to be the most heavily polluted areas in the world. The most toxic air being in Wuhan Province, China, where the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Wuhan has a 2.5 micron level of air pollution. An increment of 2.5 microns is an international standard of air pollution. At every level rise of 2.5 microns governments will typically find a 20-fold increase in deaths.

But a 20-fold increase in death is more than any virus observed in recorded history.

“So, if we treat that wrong, as a respiratory failure, like a pneumonia rather than a poisoning of the red blood cells, then we increase that mortality again. I believe, according to JAMA or New England Journal of Medicine, there has been an 88 percent death toll from this syndrome. Eighty-eight percent is higher than Ebola or any other virus in history.

“On those cruise ships infected with COVID-19, they had absolutely no medical care and all elderly people of an average age of over 70 we saw a 0.1 percent death rate. So, we are doing a better job sequestering elderly people with co-morbidities on cruise ships with no proper medical facilities than we are putting them in ICU’s in NY.”

Watch the video and follow Wellness Force on

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Comments (22)

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    “These COVID patients don’t have a fever, their white blood cells are totally normal and their average temperatures were normal. No sign of a viral infection, no change in respiratory rate. So, there is nothing in there that shows this is an infected group.
    So, how do we know they’re infected?

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    “On those cruise ships infected with COVID-19, they had absolutely no medical care and all elderly people of an average age of over 70 we saw a 0.1 percent death rate. So, we are doing a better job sequestering elderly people with co-morbidities on cruise ships with no proper medical facilities than we are putting them in ICU’s in NY.”

    Not sure where this comes from. The Diamond Princess had 13 deaths of 712 people.

    (13/712)*100 = 1.82% that is about 18 times higher than what the quote is stating.

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      MS Zaandam perhaps?

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        I don’t think so. That one had 9 cases and 2 of those died.

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      Charles Higley


      If you take into consideration the average age of the ship’s passengers, the virus was quite weak compared to influenza.

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      Finn McCool


      Just a quick check with wikipedia.
      3,711 people were on the ship. 14 died. 0.38% total fatalities.
      700 people became infected. 18.9%. Although how they decided in February that they had been infected is a mystery. But given the numbers without question, your case fatality rate is right.
      All but one was over 70.
      It follows the general pattern of elderly individuals with comorbidities are the ones who sadly die.
      It could also be said that this was an exercise in how not to treat an infectious disease in a vulnerable group. A lesson which should have been learned before economies and lives were destroyed by “lockdown”.

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    Herb Rose


    Neither pollution or poisoning are contagious, which this condition is. A better theory is that the virus (no fever) interfere with the iron in the blood.

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      Scouse Billy


      Herb, could you point out your evidence of “contagion”?

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        Herb Rose


        Hi Scouse,
        If someone has a condition and that problem transfers another person who has contact with that person the condition is contagious like measles. If a person has a condition that does not transfer to others it is not contagious. Do you have a different definition of contagious? A contagion is the means that transfers the condition.
        RNA is a weak acid and when a weak acid combines with a polyvalent metal (zinc, iron) it can form insoluble salts. If I were looking for a RNA virus and could not find it I would check red blood cells and hemoglobin to see if they have tied up the virus,

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          Scouse Billy


          Yes, Herb, I understand the definition of contagion.
          I asked for evidence of, said, contagion.
          Where is it?

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Scouse,
            What do you accept as evidence? When a healthy doctor treats a patients then developed identical systems and dies doesn’t that count as evidence? Are you looking for an object that will absolutely produce symptoms in every person it is given too? Because people have different immune systems that proof doesn’t exist for any disease.

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            Scouse Billy


            For a virus we might start with Koch’s postulates.

            Not sure I understand your logic – I think you are saying that if some (but not all people) simultaneously or in short order display similar symptoms (maybe lethal, maybe not) that this is evidence of contagion.

            Is that so?

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Scouse,
            Isn’t that how all these things begin? If you socialize with a group of people and shortly afterwards several of them get sick isn’t the prudent thing to do is prepare in case you get sick or do you wait for proof? It could be food poisoning or the Black Plague but it certainly is evidence that something has gone wrong.

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            Scouse Billy


            Well, of course, something’s gone wrong but is it contagion?

            Food poisoning is not contagion – merely, a shared exposure to a toxin/pathogen.

            Could CV19 with it’s ill defined symptomology, unisolated viral precursor and misattribution as a cause of death merely be the “patsy” for the real cause(s) of this frankly benign “plague”.

            Pasteur by his own admission fooled the scientific and medical establishments along with the rest of us by covertly administering arsenic to subjects he claimed as victims of viral contagion.

            Proof of contagion is key, imo, Herb because the, lock downs, mask wearing and vaccination mandates are predicated on it.

            The germ theory of disease is officially just a theory, yet to be proven.

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Scouse,
            The trouble is we only know when it’s too late. Who knows when or if we will know the cause of the current disease, especially with the propensity of viruses mutating. They are still debating the cause of the “Spanish Flu”.
            There is no question that in the current situation they have done everything to make it worse by focusing action oh healthy people rather than the ill. But in my opinion there was clear evidence of a contagion and actions needed to be taken, just not totally stupid and counter productive actions.

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            Scouse Billy


            And you are entitled to express that opinion, as I am mine.
            We owe John O’Sullivan a debt of gratitude for PSI.

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    Ive always suspected this deployed pathogen is chemical rather than biological. I have no evidence to back this suspicion up other than my nose when Im out alone in the open countryside, seeing odd chemtrails and feeling like shite by the time I get home. Mind you Ive yet to see any evidence, apart from repetitive propaganda, of ‘the virus’ being biological.

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      Scouse Billy


      The possibility of transcontinental aerosol delivery to create the illusion of contagion had occurred to me too.
      No proof, as you say, but it cannot be eliminated either.

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    This report is surely utter nonsense and the organisation promoting looks more like religious extremism. I could not watch more than a few minutes of the rubbish being promoted in this video.

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    Thanks John – the video (only half way through!) presents an accurate and interesting take on the chemical assault the globalsits have inflicted on the planet and the distortions that have guided the course of human ecology.
    I favour the rigour of balance and equilibrium. Equating civilsation to cancer is a shortsighted gaia monotheistic mind virus but there are valid points.
    Tilling the earth was the tradition before the industrial revolution but I dont beleive the plough was the seat of civilisation.
    Trade – the exchange of ideas (for mutual benefit) takes the throne, along with specialisation, the division of labour preceeded this.
    Aside from the socially engineered construct of society into controllable cults, the ongoing impact on trade is the nexus event. Trade has been tightly regulated throughout with no concern addressing the enormous fulcrum of power that private central banking presents. If so the Macmillan report would have instigated disruption to the monetary system and presented equitable alternatives such as the greenback or the bradbury £.
    Biomic exchange is a valid hypthesis – Cowan, kaufman, Lanka, Klingardt, Hamer and others ascribe to this and since the indent of politicised germ theory it appears that some medico-practition is regaining orientation.
    Charles Walters of Acres USA has pragmatically written widely of this relationship of health with the soil and earth and was widely acknowledged before globalist derailment.

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    J Duane Robinson, LMPS, EMT Instructor


    The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to a military base in Fort Riley, Kansas.

    From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.

    During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers – often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions – were sent to Europe to fight, they spread bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the frontline trenches in France.

    One study describes soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” (1)

    The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old and immunocompromised.

    When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.

    During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the antimeningococcic serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.

    According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the 1918-19 autopsies reviewed. It is likely higher than 92.7%.

    The researchers looked at more than 9000 autopsies, and “there were no negative (bacterial) lung culture results.”

    “… In the 68 higher-quality autopsy series, in which the possibility of unreported negative cultures could be excluded, 92.7% of autopsy lung cultures were positive for ≥1 bacterium. … in one study of approximately 9000 subjects who were followed from clinical presentation with influenza to resolution or autopsy, researchers obtained, with sterile technique, cultures of either pneumococci or streptococci from 164 of 167 lung tissue samples.

    There were 89 pure cultures of pneumococci; 19 cultures from which only streptococci were recovered; 34 that yielded mixtures of pneumococci and/or streptococci; 22 that yielded a mixture of pneumococci, streptococci, and other organisms (prominently pneumococci and nonhemolytic streptococci); and 3 that yielded nonhemolytic streptococci alone. There were no negative lung culture results.” (3)

    Pneumococci or streptococci were found in “164 of (the) 167 lung tissue samples” autopsied. That is 98.2%. Bacteria was the killer.

    US Mortality Rates data from the turn of the 20th century to 1965 clearly indicates that clean water, flushing toilets, effective sewer systems and refrigerated foods all combined to effectively reduce mortality from infectious diseases BEFORE vaccines for those diseases became available.
    \Have doctors and the pharmaceutical manufacturers taken credit for reducing mortality from infectious disease which rightfully belongs to sandhogs, plumbers, electricians and engineers?

    During the war years 1918-19, the US Army ballooned to 6,000,000 men, with 2,000,000 men being sent overseas. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research took advantage of this new pool of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments.

    by Frederick L. Gates
    From the Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas, and The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York.
    Received 1918 Jul 20
    Full pdf of this report:

    There is an element of a perfect storm in how the Gates bacteria spread. WWI ended only 10 months after the first injections. Unfortunately for the 50-100 million who died, those soldiers injected with horse-infused bacteria moved quickly during those 10 months.

    An article from 2008 on the CDC’s website describes how sick WWI soldiers could pass along the bacteria to others by becoming “cloud adults.”

    Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”?
    by Kevin Barry, President
    First Freedoms, Inc.

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